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Major Changes in the Story Line for 4.88? - Printable Version

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Major Changes in the Story Line for 4.88? - Connor - 01-14-2016

Hi guys.

So, just a simple question. What would you guys say that are the major changes moving from 4.87 to 4.88? Story line wise, that is. Major as in, 4.85 (Or when ever it was) Gallia was discovered. That was a massive story line change. What would you say is the most equivalent to such a major change for 4.88? What is the biggest story development for 4.88?

RE: Major Changes in the Story Line for 4.88? - Mr.Badger - 01-14-2016

Ceasefire between Liberty and Rheinland

RE: Major Changes in the Story Line for 4.88? - Thunderer - 01-14-2016

The Gallic push.
The Kusari Civil War.
The end of the Liberty-Rheinland war, of which there is somehow no mention in the Official CNS Broadcasts.

RE: Major Changes in the Story Line for 4.88? - Laura C. - 01-14-2016

(01-14-2016, 12:23 PM)Thunderer Wrote: The end of the Liberty-Rheinland war, of which there is somehow no mention in the Official CNS Broadcasts.
Technically it still didnĀ“t end since peace agreement was not signed so far. We still have just ceasefire at the moment.

RE: Major Changes in the Story Line for 4.88? - Connor - 01-14-2016

(01-14-2016, 12:23 PM)Thunderer Wrote: The Gallic push.
The Kusari Civil War.
The end of the Liberty-Rheinland war, of which there is somehow no mention in the Official CNS Broadcasts.

What would you say is the biggest out of them all though?

RE: Major Changes in the Story Line for 4.88? - Thyrzul - 01-14-2016

The Gallic peni push.

RE: Major Changes in the Story Line for 4.88? - The Savage - 01-14-2016

I'd say Kusari Civil War and Gallic Push are tied. However, while Gallic Push is logical event after Gallic Invasion, KCW is quite new feature with three or even four sides seeking advantages in that conflict.

RE: Major Changes in the Story Line for 4.88? - Thunderer - 01-14-2016

I think that the mod spins around the Gallic invasion, and while the Kusari Civil War is a new and important addition, it is only one of its consequences and not as important (yet?).

RE: Major Changes in the Story Line for 4.88? - WesternPeregrine - 01-14-2016

I think the evolving Kusari Civil war is a pretty minor event compared to the ongoing Gallic conflict, which keeps building its longstanding impact that keeps affecting an ever so growing number of factions and entities.

RE: Major Changes in the Story Line for 4.88? - Wesker - 01-14-2016

Ignore I misread the post lol