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Kabukicho Depot - pipboy - 11-03-2008

*Incoming Transmission*
Message To: The Black Dragon Society
Comm ID: Hitomi Ryuu, Kumicho

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome the new and old members of the Society. Much has changed since we last met and we have much to discuss about our strategies and operations in Kusari and abroad. The Junkers have gotten far more dangerous recently with their organization of a Congress, not to mention the constant threat of Bretonia. Closer to home the Golden Chrysanthemums and Blood Dragons have been getting very aggressive. There is much hard work to be done - I don't need to remind anyone what happens when you fail to preform your duty.

The good news is that our closest allies the AFA, the NLH, and the Corsairs are strong. With their support we should easily be able to rebuild our once great Society. I look forward to working with all of you, and I know that you will not disappoint me or your elders.

Hitomi Ryuu, Kumicho
*End Transmission*

Kabukicho Depot - Marburg - 11-03-2008

ID: Damien 'Marburg' McEwan
Location: Islay Base- Edinburgh, Bretonia
To: Hitomi Ryuu, Kumicho & the Black Dragon Society

Pardon the intrusion on your private channel y'all, but lately I've gotten into the habit of monitoring neural net chatter.

As the new leader of the NLH, I'd like to let you lot know that we Gaians offer our full support as you settle back into Kusari comfortably... & whenever safe harbor is needed here behind enemy lines, the Black Dragons will find it here in Edinburgh, Newcastle, & if the Gaian Guard deems to give clearance, Lewis as well.

I, & the rest of the NLH look forward to an ongoing relationship of honor & trust between our two peoples.

Thanks for the ear lendin',


Kabukicho Depot - Grizmar - 11-03-2008

*Incoming Transmission*
Message To: The Black Dragon Society
Comm ID: Ruuku Ochi, Kobun

Duty and honour flow from our actions, my brothers. You and I must not let the filth of disgrace stain the proud land of our fathers any longer. For too long we were in shadows, concealed behind curtains. Now is the time we finally lash out from behind those shrouds, and slit the throats of those who dare spread their filth in our home and all who question the strength of Kusari.

Ruuku Ochi, Kobun
*End Transmission*

Kabukicho Depot - Col_Lodden - 11-04-2008

*Incoming Transmission*
Message To: The Black Dragon Society
Comm ID: [|]Takata_Ran

Hitomi Ryuu, Kumicho,

Kumicho, I am deeply honoured to accept the position of So-Honbucho, Chief of Headquarters of the rejuvinated Black Dragons! I will bow always to the Hogosha Way and look to your leadership as we guide our people to a prosperous future!

Now that we have re-organised and re-structured with the support of the faithful, we can begin to build on the glowing embers of warmth, to burst once more, into glorious flame that is The Black Dragons!

With utmost respect,


Kabukicho Depot - BaconSoda - 11-04-2008

*Incoming Transmission*
Message To: The Black Dragon Society
Comm ID: Sousuke Patro

Konnichiwa, my brothers,

I feel such joy at seeing the Hogosha rise to power once again. The gaijin have become increasingly bold in the past few weeks, especially these Bounty Hunters. Sadly, these fools won't even listen to the KNF anymore. Hopefully with our combined power, both thee BHG and their political and economic supporter will learn their place in Kusari.

At any rate, I would like to personally extend my invitation for you all to stay at Kagoshima. I hope, of course, that Alliance hospitality can match up to Hogosha hospitality, a challenge though that may be.

~Sousuke Patro

*End Transmission*

Kabukicho Depot - pipboy - 11-07-2008

*Incoming Transmission*
Message To: The Black Dragon Society
Comm ID: Hitomi Ryuu

I would like to announce an astounding victory over the BAF today in a combined raid with KNF. The KNF put in a call to Takata Ran and myself that they were raiding Leeds. The two of us headed that way immediately to share in any loot to be had, and of course cripple the Bretonian filth.

I arrived first to Tau 31 and was able to assist the honorable KNF in an attack on the battleship HMS Rodney. We destroyed it without much difficulty. We then made our way into Leeds where Elder Takata met up with us. We spent a long time destroying merchant shipping outside Stokes and Planet Leeds, and the only Bretonians brave enough to stand up to us were their police force ((npc's))- which of course stood no chance whatever against our combined might.

After a long while the BAF finally roused themselves from their lazy naps and entered Leeds to challenge us. The fight was rough, but we came out victorious. Unfortunately my bomber was destroyed when my own torpedo took out both myself and a Bretonian VHF. Takata was there to take in my pod however, and that was our only loss.

On another note.. I would like to announce the promotion of Rukuu Ochi to the position of Wakagashira ((The Kumicho's Captain, has the authority to recruit new members and has diplomatic authority as well. Responsible for the personal security of the Kumicho..)).

Congratulations on your new well earned position. I am sure you will make us proud. Failure to fulfill your duties with true Hogosha honor will not be tolerated.

Hitomi Ryuu, Kumicho

*End Transmission*

Kabukicho Depot - Col_Lodden - 11-09-2008

*Incoming Transmission*
Message To: The Black Dragon Society
Comm ID: [|]Takata_Ran

Hitomi Ryuu, Kumicho...

That was a fine battle and defeat of the BAF indeed. Hopefully it will be some time before they can recover and we can take full advantage of our position! Your Pod was safely gathered and your ship has been repaired, awaiting your recovery.

The BAF are now almost totally engaged with answering questions from traders who are most concerned about safe passage through Leeds ... excellet news!

On two side notes...

Firstly my hearty congratulations to Rukuu Ochi, your appointment as Wakagashira, Kumicho's Captain is deserved and applauded!

Secondly.. And I hope this meets your approval, Hitomi, I have secured safe conduct of our vessels through Lewis, Home System of the Gaian, Natures Last Hope and also Tau 42, of the Farmers Alliance. Of course this is dependent on a reciporical agreement should we secure our own Home System in the future.

We are growing!

Takata Ran

Kabukicho Depot - Grizmar - 11-09-2008

*Incoming Transmission*
Message To: The Black Dragon Society
Comm ID: Ruuku Ochi

Konnichiwa, brothers. You have honoured me twice today. First with the title of Wakagashira, which I will cherish and respect as I fulfill my duties to our brotherhood. Secondly with the destruction of the BAF forces at Leeds, this attack into the heart of our rivals has crippled the weak Brettonian military and has brought great veneration to not just all Hogosha, but every citizen of Kusari. I prey that my deeds as Wakagashira can bring a fraction of respect your actions here have brought to us all.

Ruuku Ochi
*End Transmission*

Kabukicho Depot - pipboy - 11-11-2008

*Incoming Transmission*
Message To: The Black Dragon Society
Comm ID: Hitomi Ryuu

Before I start I'd like to say that I definitely approve of the negotiations with the groups Nature's Last Hope and Artisans Farmer's Alliance about usage of home systems. I believe it is important to further strengthen the alliance as alone none of us can handle the powerful enemies that are out to destroy us all.


More good news today, I would like to report some astounding news from Sigma 13. While chasing a very disrespectful trader who had no concern for his own well being, rather sad actually.. I came across some of our Corsair friends in Sigma 13, the OPG.

At the time there was a very strong Bounty Hunter presence in the system and I offered to help drive them out. A good friend from the AFA was also keen on pushing the BHG further from Kusari and joined in as well. This put our allied forces at two Corsair Praetorian bombers, and two civilian bombers.

Unfortunately the BHG ships - a battleship, two gunboats, and a destroyer, were not interested in facing us and fled the system. All was not lost however, we had the good fortune of locating and obliterating an Outcast destroyer. It was done with no losses what-so-ever and at the cost of only a few nano bats and a counter measure dropper.

Our forces then split up to scout the system, the Corsairs going one direction and myself and the AFA pilot the other. It was during that time that the AFA and myself encountered a Junker gunboat. It was an incredibly easy fight, both of us taking turns running distraction while the other wore him down.

I believe this should serve to ingrain our names into the minds of the Outcasts and more importantly the Junker Congress. They need to know that we will not tolerate their presence in Kusari and will be taking every possible opportunity to weaken and hopefully drive them out of the neighboring systems.

Hitomi Ryuu, Kumicho

*End Transmission*

Kabukicho Depot - pipboy - 11-12-2008

*Incoming Transmission*
Message To: The Black Dragon Society
Comm ID: Hitomi Ryuu

A gaijin by the name of [WDR]LoneWolf entered New Tokyo asking for the location of the Tottori jump hole. When asked why he said he was a Junker and wished to destroy his enemy. The ignorant fool was quickly informed by several ships in the system that he was asking us - Hogosha - such a foolish question.

Ruuku Ochi was in the system but in a freighter so I went in pursuit. When I caught up with him killing Farmers Alliance ships in Kyushu I immediately engaged. He fought for a grand total of about thirty seconds before fleeing, the whole time bragging about "The Junker who flees today, lives to smuggle another day". Cowards.

After a long chase, his fleeing skills were rather good which I am sure is do to much practice, he made the fatal mistake of entering Tau 42. Our FA Guard allies kept him from entering cruise while I finally put an end to his sad little escapade.

Fortunately I was also able to rescue eight FA pilots from his cargo hold, I can only imagine the fate that awaited them had he escaped.

Hitomi Ryuu, Kumicho

*End Transmission*