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To: Gallic Kingdom - Printable Version

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To: Gallic Kingdom - The Savage - 01-17-2016

[[[Connection Established]]]
[[[ID: Constantinople]]]
[[[To: Gallic Kingdom; Crown Foreign Office]]]

[Image: 1411712864447.jpg]

Tidings, Gallic Kingdom representatives.

I am Hiro Nakamura, captain and owner of the Orbital Spa and Cruise "Serenity"-class vessel, remade into freight and leisure vessel. Contrary to the popular belief, OSC is not a Libertonian company, but an intersirian business interested into shipping goods and vacationers. I am not aware what were official statements between Gallia and OSC, but I do believe - as completely independent entity - that OSC and Gallia would benefit from expansion of tourism into Gallic Borderworlds and my lawyers pointed out that Rishiri System is connected to the Gallic Territory. As Kusarian, I am also aware of the Tau Decree.

To cut it short, my vessel, Constantinople flying OSC colours - which is an independant non-house entity - would began tourism and commercial operations within Lyonnais and Lorraine through Rishiri. Provided note would be accepted, the further safety and passage instructions would be welcomed - as toursists are also interested into sight-seeing Gallic stellar bodies.

Hiro Nakamura

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