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To: Lauren Jackson | From David Shepard - Printable Version

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To: Lauren Jackson | From David Shepard - Laz - 01-17-2016

Incoming Transmission
:Activate Decryption:
<Decryption Active>
Message Begin:

Hello.... It is my hope you receive this.

After that whole.. Ordeal. I disappeared off the grid for sometime. I would have contacted you... only if i was sure you would understand. I do not know if you are angry, annoyed or even have the desire to speak with me. I stand by what i did and i knew it was necessary.

If you still care, and still believe please... Contact me.

Yours Sincerely
The one who understands.

Message End
:Activate Encryption:
<Encryption Active>

RE: To: Lauren Jackson | From David Shepard - Exploration - 01-17-2016

***Incoming Transmission***
Encryption Level/Type: ***Unknown***
ID: Lauren Jackson/"Warhammer"
Location: ***Unknown***

The screen flashed white briefly before an image of Lauren appeared. Her face was darkened by the shadowy room that stretched out behind her, but she looked genuinely saddened and exhausted regardless of this. A red beacon was flashing behind her, it seemed to resemble a 'red alert' lamp on a ship as one went to battlestations. This in itself begged the question of where she actually was.

"Well. Look who finally decided to crawl out of the darkened crevice of the universe. I.." She pauses, collecting herself briefly "Where do you want me to begin. Oh wait! i know. You abandoned me. It may have slipped your mind but after you disappeared things went so far South i don't even know where i am on a chart anymore. Do you have -Any- idea what you did to me."

Lauren said nothing for several moments, just staring, clearly upset and straining to hold back her emotion

"You're probably looking at this thinking it's just a big sob story. But no. I'm closer to the child of the universe than a straight up fool." Lauren pauses for a moment, seemingly looking at someone behind her and nodding before turning back to the camera "I met someone. She's a friend who saved my life and it's difficult for me to comprehend, but no thanks to you, i am still outside the glamorous box of madness. But only just." Lauren sighs, shaking her head before staring intensively at the camera once again "You hurt me, David. I'm not sure if i could possibly forgive you for that and you betrayed me for what cause. What did you have in mind that was more important? i genuinely don't know. My new friend refuses to tell me in fear of re-opening the wound you created.." She seemed to turn away slightly.

Another feminine figure appears, sitting down next to Lauren. Her darkened hair and outfit seemed to reveal more than anyone sane would desire. There was definitely no simple explanation of whom this figure was.

"Hello David. You won't know me - in fact, few people do. I'd appreciate it if we could keep it that way. For you see there is a reason i am merely a ghost to the average human and to be honest? you don't have the right to know anything beyond the fact you are treading on very thin ice. I'm not sure what possessed you to do what you did but it sickens me. The urge to hunt you down is strong and i struggle every day to not just locate and destroy you. However i promised Lauren i'd refrain from this until you're at least attempted to redeem yourself. Or at least prove you're not a completely traitorous fool. "

The figure paused, now glaring viciously.

"My name is Nixie, short for Phoenix. Don't let the nickname fool you to believing anything other than the absolute seriousness of my voice. Trust me, you don't want me to find you on bad terms. Perhaps you'll see why in due course, perhaps not. Take this introduction as a stern warning, i am watching you, David."

Nixie hadn't so much as blinked saying these stern words, her appearance and tone were two very confusing aspects. However within moments she had left the view of the camera with swiftness and precision in her movements. Lauren grinned as she left in an animalistic manner, the once wild look in her eye David would have seen before had returned.

"I guess if you still have a spine left after her glare has shot straight through you, we'll talk again. Or perhaps not. The ball is in your court, but know one thing David - You have no idea what you left behind. We can perhaps meet up, this is up to you of course including the location of where we meet. Just don't waste the effort if you're simply going to let me down again. Since then i won't be hurt anymore, i'll just erase you from my mind completely as another foolish mistake i made. Please don't let it come to that, David...i do truthfully like you."

Lauren seemed like she was about to continue, however she did not. She simply smiled softly and the transmission ended. A bizarre code appearing at the bottom of the message before it turned to static.

***Transmission End***

RE: To: Lauren Jackson | From David Shepard - Laz - 01-18-2016

Incoming Transmission
:Activate Decryption:
<Decryption Active>
<Loading Video Back up>

*Right from the start of the feed it can be seen that david is holding his forehead covering part of his face*

I.. know how you must feel. I relies how if must have seemed, especially after that.... JOKE done by jack...
*He lowers his hand*
I left. Plain and simple. Yet i was afraid to contact you. You may never understand why i did what i did but it was needed. Yet despite that it made me a wanted man. I didn't want you subject to anything... at all. My act of... terrorism was for the greater good and i stand by that. I just didn't want to hurt you.
*David hits a few buttons when transmission gets a bit of static to boost the signal. As he boosts a faint tear can be seen*
I get that... that i left... know i Never wished any harm upon you. Maybe if i had done things differently we would still be... there....

*The look on his face and the emotion his not even discrete anymore*
I can understand your hesitation and it is my hope that maybe we can have what we.. once had.I am a wanted man in liberty and there is nothing i can change about that. I have been....
*He hastily presses many buttons*
<Boosting Encryption>
:Encryption Booster Active:
:Boost Time Left: 2 Minuets:

...... Hiding out with the Zoners at Bethlehem Station in Pennsylvania... So far i have eluded detection and have remained relatively safe.
*He place is open palm on the table*
I remain here until i manage to slip out when the traffic is low, it often takes me a while to get back in....
If you will see me....
I have a place which is safe.
*He closes his eyes for a few seconds before opening them*
I hope you are safe, i hope i will find you.... And i hope it will be on good terms, ... for me... it always will be.

*He closes his eyes for a few more seconds and the transmission cuts before opens them*

Message End
:Activate Encryption:
<Encryption Active>