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to: all bh around sirius! - Printable Version

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to: all bh around sirius! - NoMe - 01-17-2016

sender..: bombyx
location: tau 23
id/iff......: bhg (indie)
subject..: War

incoming transmission!

today, close to java station, some gallics invaders killed me! We must show them how it work, they think tau23 as their property, they dream!

this com is a call to raid them everywhere!

we must stop their progression, i think, we must stop all their *commerce*. I think, to say more, that their sirians suppliers must be stopped!

those involved, exculed their allied kusari, are rewarded now!

personnally, i put 10 millions on each transport who enter in gallia or come from gallia! (t23 included of course)

i can put on this bounty 150 millions

if you want to upgrade my bounty, you are welcome!

regards bombyx

transmission out!

RE: to: all bh around sirius! - Remnant - 01-18-2016

Please turn your attention to the following Bounty rule.
Quote:6. All blanket bounties must identify a target and set a total amount to be paid out, or a set expiration date. Blanket bounties may only be issued by official factions, or by others so long as it is sponsored by an official faction. Out-of-roleplay sponsorships will not be valid. An official faction can only sponsor one unofficial group blanket bounty at a time.

You are not targeting a single vessel with this bounty, but instead a general criteria for them to meet (In this case, those who trade in and out of gallia) - You are not allowed to do this without sponsorship by an official faction.

This is not to be paid out to anyone, as it's currently not valid. Thread locked.