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How to Junk in 4.88? - Printable Version

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How to Junk in 4.88? - EmotionEngine - 01-25-2016

Player returning from 4.86 , Lost 20+ characters and billions of credits to the roll-back hence I took my leave, now I'm having a sticky-beak
I am lucky enough to have my Junker Salvager and some pocket change recovered

Question: How does one get back into the disco as a Junker

Scrap metal mining was ridiculously lucrative in 4.86 thus it was my sole income source, but Scrap is no longer mine-able
The Texas C3 Premium Scrap 'mine' is impossible to exploit by one's self
Bastille in more entertaining than trading

RE: How to Junk in 4.88? - Skorak - 01-25-2016

(01-25-2016, 04:15 PM)EmotionEngine Wrote: Lost 20+ characters and billions of credits to the roll-back hence I took my leave
Quick question, slightly off topic. How did you lose chars and/or money during the rollback?

RE: How to Junk in 4.88? - Corile - 01-25-2016

(01-25-2016, 04:15 PM)EmotionEngine Wrote: Question: How does one get back into the disco as a Junker

RE: How to Junk in 4.88? - Mephistoles - 01-25-2016

Premium scrap is easy enough to mine, but it's not a particularly powerful ore any more.

See here:

RE: How to Junk in 4.88? - Bruce Samson - 01-25-2016

You can make about 18k per sec selling mined pscrap to Beaumont Spire. When the Spire stops buying you can sell to Buffalo in NY and make 16,384 per second. Now how do I arrive at that figure? Well if your mining lasers are mounted on the symmetrical mounts you score multiple hits per ore and on average garner 15 or 16 ore per hit. It takes 217 ores to fill my Sally in about 3 min 40 sec. The rest is transport to the Spire or buffalo and back to the ore field which takes 7.5 minutes. So a little over 11 minutes is 670 seconds divided into sell price yields about 16,384 to 18k per second. The only thing more lucrative I know of is buying and selling Nomad remains. (Note to admins\devs please, please do not nerf this again, please)

RE: How to Junk in 4.88? - EmotionEngine - 01-26-2016

(01-25-2016, 06:57 PM)Bruce Samson Wrote: You can make about 18k per sec selling mined pscrap to Beaumont Spire. When the Spire stops buying you can sell to Buffalo in NY and make 16,384 per second
Seems solid and more profitable than any Salvager trade route
I'll give it a go

(01-25-2016, 04:32 PM)Skorak Wrote: Quick question, slightly off topic. How did you lose chars and/or money during the rollback?

The rollback specifies a period to 'delete' by start-date and end-date
I had started playing Disco past that start-date thus when the rollback occurred all my characters/assets were made non-existent
Nothing was present when I tried to relog or load character files