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Yber attempts commentary - Yber - 02-01-2016

I don't know if this goes here or in General discussion. Whatever.

The recent pvp tournement made me think about the posibility of having casters on it, recording the games from an outside point of view. Due to this I've decided to test myself if commentary is even possible in a game like Freelancer. And so here it is, the first ever casted 1v1 in the history of this game.

This has been the first try, pretty much bugtesting and seeing how it'd work out. I believe that if done correctly, it'd be a good way to promote the game regarding people who have never played Freelancer before (fresh newbie blues).

Please take your time to give feedback about the video. I myself have realized the following:

- Intense gameplay requires intense commentary. My english is broken enough already, talking faster will need some work.
- More focus to things that are inmediatly impactful to the fight, such as mines or razors, rather than posturing and positioning.
- Proper player and loadout introduction, as well as a couple of minutes of breaking down the match regarding player style and what will probably be seen.
- Move the cursor to the edge of the screen.

Other than that I have to work around the fact that it's hard to get an ideal distance that allows the caster to have both players in the field of view but doesn't mess up with the mine patterns and can actually keep the camera centered in the fight, cutting the movement short and as static as humanly doable (fights in Freelancer naturaly move from a place to another). I think the sweetspot is at around 600m from both players, then catching up to them when necessary.

For the making of this I pumped the details to max (no mods), used a Camera Ship, toggled the HUD in the options menu and used the retarget hotkey instead of the mouse to alternatively check HP.

I think this can work with some more time invested into it.

Specially, thanks to @Durandal and @Mephistoles for helping me out, giving a proper match to cast and happily lending me their time to make this.

If you'd like to cast yourself but don't know what you're looking at when seeing a duel, feel free to contact me.

RE: Yber attempts commentary - Parvizal - 02-01-2016

That moment when a Developer is garbage at the game they Develop.

In all seriousness, excellent job there. I'm sure this would be a wonderful way to not only promote Discovery, but to also share with everyone events in game that we normally only know about via the Kudos Thread.

Keep on trucking!

RE: Yber attempts commentary - Garrett Jax - 02-01-2016

Nice attempt at promoting interest in Freelancer, Yber. I like how you explained the tactics and the reasons behind them for each ship. English wasn't too much of a problem for me. Maybe switch back and forth between ships slightly more, in order to see what damage has been inflicted after each pass, but other then that, a big thumbs up.

RE: Yber attempts commentary - Durandal - 02-01-2016

(02-01-2016, 03:12 AM)Garrett Jax Wrote: Nice attempt at promoting interest in Freelancer, Yber. I like how you explained the tactics and the reasons behind them for each ship. English wasn't too much of a problem for me. Maybe switch back and forth between ships slightly more, in order to see what damage has been inflicted after each pass, but other then that, a big thumbs up.

He was having issue with the retarget hotkey. FL apparently bugs with it after a person dies and respawns.

Anyway, was great for a first time and I hope we can refine this more in the future, would love to participate in more of these.

RE: Yber attempts commentary - Wesker - 02-01-2016

Nice vid, the descriptions help a lot.

RE: Yber attempts commentary - luka.ace - 02-01-2016

I did shoutcasting before. It's hard work.
You did okay, but you need at least 2 casters, for the cast to work. I did it alone a couple of times and I had 2 bottles of water next to my pc to survive the throat and vocal cords exhaustion.
for 10 minutes, 1 is okay, if it takes longer, it's too much of a strain, especially if you're trying to make the cast interesting.

RE: Yber attempts commentary - SeaFalcon - 02-01-2016

Should we make a guide for people to know how to properly engage bombers?

No one seems to remember these days D:

RE: Yber attempts commentary - Findarato Veneanar - 02-01-2016

Will you be doing capship commentaries as well?

RE: Yber attempts commentary - Yber - 02-01-2016

Possibly, if there's something worth casting.

RE: Yber attempts commentary - Shiki - 02-01-2016

That's a nice idea, I will wait for more.