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To: All Blood Dragons and Golden Chrysanthemum - Printable Version

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To: All Blood Dragons and Golden Chrysanthemum - Jazzi - 02-01-2016

[Image: m6vWag3.gif]

...Kusari... what happened to you?

...We were once a united people. Independent. Dignified. Strong in the face of those who would make themselves our enemies and honourable in our dealings with those who we called allies...

...Was only a bow of the knee needed to subdue the spirit within you? The ancestry of generations swept aside by a gun to the head? I am ashamed to think that, perhaps, under all the bravado... all the talk of Bushido and kinship... blood ties, brotherhoods, sisterhoods, dragons, ...honour... that we were cattle all along. Who will you graze for next? The Gallic tyrant, King Charles? How about the would-be tyrant Nara Tetsuya-"sama"? If you wish to disregard your heritage and leave behind the ideals centuries of Kusarians worked for... by all means. Bow that knee and graze on the dirt... can act. Reclaim your honour. Reclaim that which has been ripped from your families. Reclaim your place among the heroes of your ancestry and cast off your chains. Now is the perfect time to strike and reclaim the dignity that this nation was once built on. Dragons... where are your mighty armadas when the most opportune moment in the centuries of your struggle is upon us? Your stirring speeches, your bold assaults against hopeless odds and the countless sacrifices that won each inch of your existence. Sisters... you disappoint me. Where are the daggers under cloaks... the propaganda to win the hearts of your kin... the attacks against those who deny the will of the Empress? Your movements reactive... your scheming short term... you play second fiddle to the demands of your allies when it is the Empress who should stand alone to guide us. Has she grown soft in her guidance or have we grown soft in our duties?

Despots, exploiters, pretenders... they all used to feel awe at the strength and unity of our people - those who would not cower and grovel at the boots of conquerors...and we should not disappoint them. What have you to say?

RE: To: All Blood Dragons and Golden Chrysanthemum - Omi - 02-01-2016

Cali Base, Tau-23 System
01. Feb 823

[Image: lmNwzsl.png]

Sender: Komachi Kurosawa
Recipient(s): Hana Ken
Priority: LAME
Subject: Talk Talk Talk

Wow, that's a loooot of talking.

I dunno who you are, exactly, but you're pretty rude. You strike me as the talking type, actually, which is kinda funny. Funny because I meet a lot of talky-talky types when I go out being all doey-doey. After all, some of us are too busy screaming through Tomioka's stratosphere to shoot down Chimmys on a rampage to go on long-winded, wordy rants across the neural net.

Half the Sisterhood is already busy 'spreading awareness' by buzzing around all over Sirius, flying around Liberty and the Omicrons looking for people to sleep with. Seems kinda counterproductive to the whole cause if you ask me, to be honest, but hey - I try not to judge. I'm sure every Sister I see outside Kusari is on a vital mission of great import - right? Right. Geez, I don't even pretend to still be wholly affiliated with Ainu and company, and I still get more done than these jokers. You know what Kusari doesn't need? More talkers and wanderers like that bunch. Get out there and do something, signorita. Blow a Lynx or a Chimmy to pieces for the cause.

Or, at the very least, just don't fill up my inbox with more propaganda crap. I already handed out enough leaflets to last me a lifetime - I don't need more material to pore over and print out. All I need is, like, to ever see another Sister in space ever who wasn't very busy not doing anything to help me. Geez.

Seriously. Just go blow a few holes in something. It's hella cathartic too, believe me..


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RE: To: All Blood Dragons and Golden Chrysanthemum - Neonzumi - 02-01-2016

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[Image: RnMkRPH.png]

ID: Shana Nesho'en
Location: Tau-37, Freeport 10
Encryption: Why?
Subject: ZZZ

You know the the one above me has a point. Everyone just lost their ways. The Chrysanthemum, even thought I'm not most fond of people addicted to the so called "Orange Dream", I respected them for the fighters they were. I supported their cause, and they did everything in their power to fight for their ideals. Now as said, they venture to places on "important business" for their own pleasure and benefit. Handing out pamflets is a nice cover up thought I will give them that. I remember the dragons as being honorable warriors, fighting to the end no matter the cost. They were ferocious, cutting all their foes and those that stand in their path of reclaiming the true throne. I mean, the last shogun I could respect was Kohaku-san, but after he disappeared, sort of speaking everything went down hill. From being able to shut a whole system down with a blockade, the dragons have fallen to become mere flies, not capable of posing a bare threat to the Navals. They cant even maintain their warships anymore! Without heavy support of their allies during the Tomoika battle, Chugoku would have been long gone and Kyoto would have been in flames.

Get. Off. Your. Behinds. I got nothing else to say.. god bless Sake!

Transmission Cut, long live the Nesho'en!

RE: To: All Blood Dragons and Golden Chrysanthemum - Shizune - 02-02-2016

Comm's ID: Yuki "Hokama" Hideyoshi
Location: Unknown
Encrypt: Max
Subject: A rise?

"To have heard Kusari fall yet so low...I guess I'm not surprised, however you can indeed I'm amused that two...things responded first, the first being a...what I believe is a school girl in her room...well, as long as the sister's are fine with it, and the other being the...traitor Shana it seems, oh what little things are 'buzzed' in this call, I agree this was quite amusing said, I'll personally patch you through to my 'brother' currently on the Shogun's throne...lets see...ah, here it is..."

::: REBOOTSING TRANSMISSION TO: Yoshitsune Hideyoshi - STAND BY :::

RE: To: All Blood Dragons and Golden Chrysanthemum - Sabru - 02-02-2016

Niwa Clan
[Image: eCMqhTx.png]

Originator: The Niwa Twin Dragons.
Speaking on behalf of the Niwa Blood Dragon Clan
Encrypted - For Hana Ken's Eyes Only

Konnichiwa Hana, long time no see. Pity it had to be in this situation. Your words ring true and with a weight that falls on all of us. We too despair at the state of Kusari and of the righteous movements we both once belonged to. Unfortunately, the Shogunate became rotten from the inside.

Power hungry mongrels, skulking in the shadows like cowards, bought and used "influence" to engineer the departure of many loyal warriors to the cause, ourselves included. Many clans have reportedly left the shogunate in disgust. It reportedly has become a cult of personality, where all worship the shogun as something it should not be. Reports from friends inside the shogunate say that the entire fleet has been under 'repair' for extremely long periods. Everybody moves only to serve the whims and desires of the Shogun and his puppet masters.

We despair that even Yuki has been enthralled by this plague upon the dragons. Kohaku would probably despair greatly at how things have turned out.

RE: To: All Blood Dragons and Golden Chrysanthemum - Shiki - 02-02-2016


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Konbanwa, Hana-san.

I found your concern and even wrath rather justified, yes they are the problems within the movements, yes we probably need more act more zealously. I'm wondering what you are leading to? There is a lot of anger in your words and I will be honest I don't really like it. Yes we probably need to increase the number and improve the quality of operations. But you see personally I do believe that such a big deeds are supposed to be made with the cold head. But then again, I clearly can't see where you are leading to... basically I don't know what do you want from personally me. I'm pretty far from that ammount of probably justified anger that you have, but the problems are still there. So, honey, if you have something specific ideas or concepts to propose please go ahead, I will listen. I am not afraid of anything, but I don't like irresponsibility, I hope there is no need to explain why?

~ Kira Ohara


RE: To: All Blood Dragons and Golden Chrysanthemum - Zephyranthes - 02-02-2016

[Image: c4f7a55282.png]

Nō aru taka wa tsume wo kakusu, Chrysanthemum. Your lack of faith in the ability of the Shogunate is disturbing. We remain the glorious warriors you once knew and fought alongside. Do you not know that our soldiers still fight on Planet Tomioka, waging a bloody war with the Samura tengu that have been our sworn enemy for centuries? Still we continue to combat the puppet government of this so-called Republic and their treacherous Naval Forces. And we have never faltered in our defense against the barbarian foreigners so aptly termed as the Gauls. But because we do not charge blindly against the enemy, we are cowards? Perhaps your ideals of what Dragons are supposed to be include lunacy and a depraved need to sacrifice oneself for any excuse, even if does not aid the situation.

Though perhaps we have not been truly active in our campaigns these past few months, and thus, you do have a fair point. We have not been conducting warfare on a massive scale as seen since the invasion of the Nagano system. But you must also remember that our losses were severe, and we have not only been recuperating from those losses, but preparing for an even grander and greater war. I assure you all that we shall not kowtow to the Republic of Kusari or the slaves of Nara Tetsuya. We shall find honor in victory and when the Dragon of the Clan Hideyoshi flies high above the Imperial Palace of New Tokyo, we shall know absolution for the dishonor done to us centuries ago!

I swear to you all that I will not rest quietly in my bed or in my grave so long as the Republic still stands. We shall know our day of glory soon. To those Dragons who claim to know our status as one of decay, then you are truly blind or merely playing at betrayal by accusing us of such dishonor. I may forgive the ignorance of the less enlightened among the Chrysanthemums, but not a single Dragon should assume we are somehow rotten or corrupt. Truly your base and utterly empty voices showcase your vainglorious and selfish motives.

To the followers of Matsuda, I have always considered you to be among our most cherished and celebrated allies. For hundreds of years, we have worked hand in hand for the most important and common goal among our two armies: The destruction of the Republic, formerly Empire, of Kusari. And this should still be our guiding light moving forward into the future. Instead, it appears that the Sisterhood of Dreams has allowed the Maltese to infest and sully the organization and turned its Sisters against their former dedication in the name of Outcast political machinations. This does not mean all Chrysanthemums are suddenly disloyal and unreliable, nor does it mean that any hope of redemption for the Sisterhood of Dreams has been dashed by our army. Instead, it is merely a reminder that we must refocus on the true objectives that drive all true Kusarians to keep fighting.

Blood Dragons! Golden Chrysanthemums! As the bearer of the title passed on for eight hundred years since the founding of our esteemed House, I, Shogun Yoshitsune of the Hideyoshi clan, call upon all capable warriors to sally forth against the Naval Forces and wage a campaign of total war against them! If we put faith in our blades and steel in our minds, then nothing can stop the great tsunami of our might!

I even extend this to those Dragons who have left the watch of our bakufu for some misguided purpose. Those who are away from us are welcome to rejoin so long as they pledge themselves to the true successor of Hideyoshi, and swear vengeance upon the vile foe which caused our exile in the first place. Cast aside the accursed status we have held for so long as ronin, and serve a Hideyoshi as your ancestors did. Regain your honor as samurai!

And to you, Yuki-san, I would welcome you back into our company if you would be willing to serve the Shogunate as a mighty warrior once again. The memory of the Hokama clan is still strong within Kyoto, and it would be fitting for one of its daughters to return to fighting under the banner of the mighty Ketsueki ryū. We would have to discuss much in regards to your past disappearance and history, but perhaps there is still room for you in our forces.

[Image: de60b1d457.jpg]

RE: To: All Blood Dragons and Golden Chrysanthemum - Jazzi - 02-02-2016

[Image: m6vWag3.gif]

Recipient: Yoshitsune Hideyoshi
Encryption: High

Shikashi, taunto wa taka o akiraka ni.

So the Dragons spirit lurks among us after all, and at it's heart... a Hideyoshi. Forgive my hesitance...I've been in and around the shadows of Kyoto for many years. It is about the fifth power struggle within the Dragons that one begins to have to ask questions such as these... are you a true Hideyoshi descendent, Yoshitsune-san, or one who bears the title for legitimacy among your kin? Eitherway... you thus far have displayed the wisdom needed to survive in these troubled times. Perhaps your kin are not lost afterall... we shall meet soon enough I am sure.

May the Stars keep you until then.

Recipients: All
Encyption: None

Hmm... it brings shame to see such division. It seems clear that the methods of the past have proven themselves ineffectual...Ohara-san, Nesho'en, Niwa-sans... we have much to discuss when our paths come to cross...which will not be long I am sure. The scars you bare both intruige and concern me, yet you all hold a Kusarian spirit... I am curious to know what it is you are doing in the name of what you proclaim.

May the Stars keep you until then.