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To: BPA| , BAF| (Forwarded Bretonia Police Authority) - Printable Version

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To: BPA| , BAF| (Forwarded Bretonia Police Authority) - Malmsteen - 02-05-2016

[Image: Malmsteen_TB1.png]
> Receiver = Bretonia Armed Forces
> Identification = Captain Steve Malmsteen (BMF Corporate attorney)
> Subject = Threats & Violations
> Encryption = High Encryption
> Signal = Active

Good day,
First of all, i would like to thank the Bretonia Armed Forces for it's continous efforts spent to establish a pleasant & peaceful atmosphere for the entire bretonian citizens. I would like to present myself to you friends, This is Sir Steve Malmsteen, The Bretonia Mining and Fabrication Corporate attorney. I serve under the command of Lord MacRae and Lord Zak Conner. I came to you in these dark times on our corporation asking for your assistance and help. We have been receiving heavy attacks against our miners, transporters and manufacturers specially by the areas of the Omegas systems. We have experienced a spy joining our ranks, delivering information about our operations and routes to some criminal organizations. We tried to connect the dots and decided to deliver the entire issue to your capable hands. So Here are some attachments for you to observe sirs.

High Value Evidence of Threats
Connecting the dots (Sirius Radio News)
Contacting the host of the Sirius Radio News suspicious organization
Connecting the dots (Red Hessian Unknown Pilot threat)

We believe in your wise and capable decisions, and we would like to request that this false organization claiming to be a News reporting be banished forth from the kingdom of bretonia. This unproven information being broadcasted to the public via the media is not a freedom of speech. I believe that freedom ends when steps on someone's else freedom. Thank you for your time and we depend on you and the rest of the government to save us from this threats & keep those who spread false information away from our society before they succeed in what they aiming to do and cause some kind of unrest or civil violence.

BMF Corporate Attorney
Sir Steve Malmsteen

[Image: Malmsteen_TB2.png]

RE: To: BAF| & HMS- (Bretonia Armed Forces) - Thunderer - 02-05-2016

The case has been classed as "several possible law violations of minor threat to public security". The Bretonia Armed Forces defend the Kingdom of Bretonia from its enemies, but issues like this one are covered by the Bretonia Police Authority.
This message and channel frequency have been forwarded to the BPA by the Battleship Norfolk Communications Office.

RE: To: BPA| , BAF| (Forwarded Bretonia Police Authority) - Malmsteen - 02-05-2016

>>> Boosting Signal To Bretonia Police Authority <<<

RE: To: BPA| , BAF| (Forwarded Bretonia Police Authority) - Malmsteen - 02-06-2016

>>> Boosting Signal To Bretonia Police Authority <<<

RE: To: BPA| , BAF| (Forwarded Bretonia Police Authority) - Bretonia Police Authority - 02-06-2016

Sir Steve Malmsteen,

We have reviewed the Evidence you have submitted.

Our initial Investigations, using the information you have provided, has thrown up the following items:

1) In the High Value Evidence of Threats one William Deckard, who freely admits he was the former Captain of the Normandy (we assume one of Bretonian Mining and Fabrication's (BMF) Transport Ships), appears to be openly threatening your Captain and the BMF Company. It then appears his Ship is subsequently blown up by the BMF Ascendant.

2) In the same incident it would also appear that the Captain of the said, BMF Ascendant, may have been under the influence of Alcohol. We must remind you that Captains flying, whilst intoxicated, will not be tolerated in Bretonia.

3) The Evidence supplied in the Connecting the dots (Sirius Radio News), it appears that Captain William Deckard was killed when his Ship was destroyed. Now if he is indeed dead, there is nothing further for us to Investigate in this matter. If what you are possibly suggesting is that the Operators of the Sirius Radio News fabricate/twist evidence, then Captain Deckard may still be alive and well.

4) In the Information supplied in Contacting the host of the Sirius Radio News suspicious organization they appear to be operating outside of Bretonia's Sovereign Space. If indeed the Sirius Radio News is run from the Border Worlds, there is little we can do about them. If the BPA find that they are Transmitting Malicious Information against Bretonia or any of its Corporations we can and will shut down, any and all, Relay Stations of theirs we find. The likelihood of finding such devices, seeing as Space is a huge area is slim to none.

5) Now with the information supplied in Connecting the dots (Red Hessian Unknown Pilot threat), the mysterious person appears to be operating from Rheinland (seeing he threatens your entry in to Rheinland). We are afraid there is nothing we can do to help you there. We may suggest that you inform the Rheinland Police as this will fall within their jurisdiction.

If you do manage to find anymore information that leads you to believe that Captain William Deckard is in fact still alive, we could then reopen the Case if you require to press Charges of breaches of Bretonian Laws, by him, within the Sovereign Space of Bretonia.

We will await a response from your good self on any other pertinent information.