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Mia's Logs - Printable Version

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Mia's Logs - Widow - 02-08-2016


38 yo male

VS 180/80
O2 94%

Pt. Admitted to Initial Care Unit's ICU. Bilateral SDH's were allowed to liquefy before attempting drainage. Three bore holes drilled, 2 left/1 right. Due to post-operative coagulopathy, pt. was given multiple FFP doses. Pt's coagulopathy recovered and was transferred to Rochester's inpatient unit with notable neurologic deficit.

Pt. is expected to need long term care. Pending referal to more suitable facility once stable enough for transport.


Pt. became febrile 5 days after being transferred to Rochester's inpatient unit.

Pt. also complaining of headache, nausea, vomiting, lethargy

Temperature: 38.7
Pulse: 94/min
blood pressure: 118/72 mmHg.

nil heart murmurs. nil abnormalities to find in the respiratory system. blood sample shows increase in the number of leukocytes in the blood. contrast-enhanced CT scan shows mass > 2 cm in diameter in right lobe

Pt. was given intravenous antibiotics.


Temperature: 36.6
Pulse: 72/min
blood pressure: 125/79

Pt. did not respond to intravenous antibiotics

Request transfer to ICU/surgical to drain mass and further treatment.

Mia sat at the bar in Rochester, looking over paperwork. This man was one of four she was required to transport to another facility. Normally, she would take them without asking questions, provide them the care they needed and be on her way. However this was different. She knew this man, father to two children under 5 years old, married to one of her close friends. She ordered a drink as the patients were still being prepared for transport, being so many of them in this run, she knew she had a good hour - if not two - to prepare. She took a sip of the drink, lost in thought

How is one meant to tell a friend that their husband..... the father to their children..... will never be the same again. To tell them that yes, he will recover to an extent - and then turn around in the very next sentence and tell them that he will need support to complete day to day tasks we take for granted - possibly for the rest of his life - that he will never be able to work another day....

I can't do that to her. To them. I have to make this right.

Jame's still isn't back. He is still in a cell on Adirondack Station. I don't know if I will ever see him again. I can't keep pretending like everything is Ok, especially when the man who is meant to be in charge while James is gone is.... Even I don't know where.

She sighs and shakes her head, looking over the others paperwork. She liked to know what was happening, and at the very least be able to brief her team on what they were dealing with, and what might go wrong. The light at the end of this was knowing that they were in the process of building an updated medical facility on the new station Junker's Town with the means of keeping critically injured within the safety of Puerto Rico.

She pulled out a communications device and began to write out a text-only message requesting help on her arrival. The reply came through almost instantaneously, a team would be there to meet her. They hadn't let her down yet. She downed the remainder of her drink before leaving a generous tip and making her way to prepare her ship for the flight home. Despite her best efforts, keeping the bitter thoughts away was proving to be more difficult than she had anticipated.

He wont be there. The one person I want to see may as well be a ghost to me.

She sighed. As much as she hated the situation - she knew that for the moment, it was necessary.