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To: Orbital Spa and Cruise - Printable Version

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To: Orbital Spa and Cruise - The Blood Dragons - 02-10-2016

Post Nuked

RE: To: OSC | From: The Blood Dragons - Croft - 02-10-2016

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* ID: Chairman Henry Pines
* Location: Planet Curacao, Cortez
* Subject: Re - Timed Escape

Signal coding complete
Message Beginning:

Esteemed Warriors of the Shogun,

The rumblings in Nagano have not escaped our notice, thousands of refugees flooding into what was once a leisure liner is not something easily overlooked. As I'm certain you are aware the increased strain upon the Mackinac's systems from handling such an influx has required constant resupply and repair simply to remain functioning.

However you are correct, we have allowed a number of Samura employees aboard the Mackinac, along with members of several other Kusari companies to receive medical attention or await transport away from the conflict. We offer these services as part of our Humanatarian Aid mission in which we provide care and safe harbour for any civilians or soldiers during times of war or suffering regardless of affiliation, which may surprise you to learn also extends to your own people. Granted anyone who accepts our aid is also subject to the laws of the land where the aid was received and as such would be arrested upon completion of treatment.

This will not last indefinitely as preperations are being made for the Mackinac's departure from Nagano should the conflict escalate.

I hope this information will allow us to reach an understanding that will benefit all concerned parties, should you wish to discuss the situation further do not hesitate to contact me directly.

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