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KNI Watchlist - Redacted.Member1-2 - 02-10-2016

The KNI Watchlist

The Kusari Naval Intelligence Division, with the coordination of the other sections of the KNF, is compiling a list of persons of interest to the Division, in ways that may or may not concern the laws of Kusari or it's national interests.

Some of this entries were retrieved from old Kempeitai archives, and may have been altered and tampered during that period.

Profile Index

Level 1 - Suspicious, Suspects, Unconfirmed and Under Investigation

- "Mendez" - Suspected Infectee
- Battlegroup Auxesia - Paramilitary Organization

- [UC]-Jose.Nivalgo

Level 2 - Known Criminals


Level 3 - Very Dangerous Criminals, Foreign Organization Operatives

- - [SIS] agency
- Rogue LSF Agents

Level 4 - Infectees, Nomad Technology Tinkerers and Owners (To be relayed to the 66th Expeditionary Taskforce)


Level 5 - Special Cases


(last updated: 16-08-824A.S.)

RE: KNI Watchlist - Redacted.Member1-2 - 09-10-2016

Watchlist Entry #number:001
Level 1
Entry Name: Battlegroup Auxesia / Auxesia
Entry filled by: KNI Archives

Brief Information: Suspicious Paramilitary organization. Unknown agenda.

Potential Identifiers: Several Ships identified with the marking A/)- . primary usage of Core and civilian vessels. Apparent Freelancer transponder info.

Detailed Information: Highly mobile operations group, reportedly spotted on some occasions in the Sigmas and Taus. Confirmed operation of at least one civilian carrier, via Republic of Kusari records. Reported possession of one or more warships above destroyer-class.
As far as we know, a splinter organization from Core, which retains a hostile relationship. Unknown if it holds any additional allegiances, or any established relations with other global entities.

Update 1: Identified one Curator Leviathan as a person of importance within this organization. A most likely alias, but should be of use to identify decision patterns of the organization.
Presence in the Omicron region after a noteworthy incident confirmed. Tense relations with Core still remain active. Presence of Liberty Navy derived capital ships under their command.

Auxesia vessels in Omicron Delta
Liberty Dreadnought under Auxesia control
Core design capital ship -> possible operations flagship (?)

Recommended actions if encountered: A state of neutrality has been employed by our agents so far when encountering the elements of this Battlegroup. Agents are ordered to increase efforts in gathering details about goals, composition and areas of operation of this organization. Threat reassessment requires more data.

Level descriptions and colouring (if multiple names, choose the one most suitable):
Level 1 - Suspicious

RE: KNI Watchlist - Redacted.Member1-2 - 01-09-2017

-= Updated information on Entry#001 =-

RE: KNI Watchlist - Redacted.Member1-2 - 08-16-2017

Watchlist Entry #number: 002
Level 3
Entry Name: [SIS]
Entry filled by: KNI Archives

Brief Information: Foreign Spy Agency, evident links to Bretonia and Liberty

Potential Identifiers: Ships marked with the callsign [SIS]. Vessels with Liberty Navy or Bretonian Armed Forces design. Transponders correlated to recorded Bretonian agencies.
Known contacts: [SIS]-Adrienne.Perry , [SIS]-James.Skirka ,

Detailed Information: Agents were found conducting operations within the Tau-29 system. Suspects displayed evasive behavior, intention to deceive KNF officers.
It is unknown if operating solely against Gallia interests, or if there are intentions of action within/against Kusari.
Potential synergy with Kusari and Gallic criminal entities. Requires further investigation.

Primary KNF report 1

Recommended actions if encountered:
- Trace any movements of agents in the Tau cluster and within Kusari.
- Identify any contacts the agents may make in Kusari, including civilian, military, or criminal.
- Access operational capabilities of said agency against Kusari interests and security.

Level descriptions and coloring (if multiple names, choose the one most suitable):
Level 1 - Suspicious

RE: KNI Watchlist - Redacted.Member1-2 - 08-16-2017

Watchlist Entry #number: 003
Appropriate level name and colouring.
Entry Name: [UC]-Jose.Nivalgo
Entry filled by: KNI Archives

Brief Information: Representative of the Gallic Unione Course syndicate(s). Suspected broker with the Blood Dragon movement.

Potential Identifiers: Gallic pilot, presumably flying with the designation [UC], and with unrecorded vessel of gallic origin.

Detailed Information: Unione Corse are known for sporadically showing up in small groups in the Tau cluster, neither near or far from installations or areas controlled by the Gallic Royal forces.
The pilot in question was spotted by KNF patrols attempting to contact operatives of the Blood Dragons for extended communications. Unknown outcome.

Primary KNF report 1

Recommended actions if encountered: UC actions come at a time of too many coincidences. Agents are advised to make contact with UC for beneficial intel gathering deals. Provide assurances to them against Kusari persecution if they cooperate.

Level descriptions and colouring (if multiple names, choose the one most suitable):
Level 1 - Suspicious
Level 2 - Known Criminal