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Users warned: Chuba & Toris - Printable Version

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Users warned: Chuba & Toris - Skorak - 02-15-2016

Account names: Chuba & Toris

You two have been fighting each other for too long, with insults flying both ways, sometimes openly, sometimes via PMs. We tried to tell you to stop the nice way but you didn't want to listen. So consider yourself officially warned. From now on we won't allow this behaviour to continue any further without you facing the consequences.
It should be obvious but apparently it isn't; this includes Flood.

Special note to Toris: You seem to be unable to properly use the way to contact the moderators. If you don't stop wasting our time with senseless, undescriptive reports, you will not be allowed to use that way of communication any longer.

Moderator Link

RE: Users warned: Chuba & Toris - The Savage - 02-15-2016

(02-15-2016, 05:25 PM)Skorak Wrote: Special note to Toris: You seem to be unable to properly use the way to contact the moderators. If you don't stop wasting our time with senseless, undescriptive reports, you will not be allowed to use that way of communication any longer.

Warning noted, but as I pointed in-game, type of report should have optional box. My mistake, nonetheless.

RE: Users warned: Chuba & Toris - Jansen - 02-15-2016

This option has been there before, you just didnt use it. Dont worry though, its now mandatory.

RE: Users warned: Chuba & Toris - The Savage - 02-15-2016

I just want to say that thing was appearing only when you choose "Other" from the list - not when you had any other class. Well, it got sorted out nonetheless.