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To: Freelancers, independent contractors, broke people with ships. - Printable Version

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To: Freelancers, independent contractors, broke people with ships. - CaptainRexPost - 02-20-2016

Encryption Grade: HIGH MegaCorporation/Military
[Image: ALGLogoAb.png]
Known Idenity, Sender: Armsgain, Rex TGXID-25708195

***Audio Playback Initialized***

Howdy sirius, this here is a basic notice for anyone looking to make a little scratch gaurd'n and or scouting for an ore transport.

You scout and or escort for my ship it's very simple, we go from Falster Trade Center in Omega three to Narita Outpost in New Tokie-yo.

It's one way and payment is given when we reach Narita. It's ten mills.


Must be good standing with the peace keep'n forces of the Rheinland, Kursari and Sigma sub-sectors.
Just to be clear we fellow what it says on your rep, not what you think it should say.

No alien techno-babble, I mean it too!

No dissapper'n magic acts.

No god'dab glow'n pink ships.

Non-human sentients are welcome to apply on the grounds that...

Your biological and human biological are at least somewhat the same and able to get along.
So that means no trying to bum chemicals off me cause you can only breathe ammonia or something.

Furry folks; I.Eeee. underage half-cat women, apparent talking animals,


sapient hamsters in possession of naval munitions...

Be sure you've had your shots ladies and gentle-critters. Stars help us all if you trip the bio-containment arrays.

Also... cybermen;

I don't need people thinking my vessel is haunted or cursed cause it's escorts don't return life readings.
Bring your pet cat along for the ride or whatever just make sure the ship can pass off as normal.

Make sure your not hurting anything or anyone while pretending'ta be a human.

Please use human vocal emulation software as well, broadcasting with'a metallic voice of doooom tends to freak fellas out.

Anywho, if your interested drop me line.

RE: To: Freelancers, independent contractors, broke people with ships. - Triple Hazard Pay Inc. - 02-20-2016

Triple Hazard Pay, Inc.
Boosting Signal from Omicron Major...

Wallace Binghamton here.
Apparently the 101st had their little engineering project cancelled, and now I have boys sitting on their behinds because we're somehow simultaneously overstaffed and understaffed. I can have them over when you give the word.
(Shush, you'll give us away)

RE: To: Freelancers, independent contractors, broke people with ships. - CaptainRexPost - 02-20-2016

Response Code: 31

Mr. Binghamton, if you can get those outcasts that far south. That would be something I'd have to see to believe.

RE: To: Freelancers, independent contractors, broke people with ships. - Triple Hazard Pay Inc. - 02-20-2016

Triple Hazard Pay, Inc.
Boosting Signal from Omicron Major...

Binghamton here.

You misunderstand. The project was slated to be in either Omicron Alpha or Omicron-80, but, as stated before, was cancelled. Right now, we've got ships in Major because that's where our latest project is.

RE: To: Freelancers, independent contractors, broke people with ships. - CaptainRexPost - 02-20-2016

Response Code: 31

Woah woah, the less I know about whats going out in dem systems the better.

Alright Mr. Binghamton if you want me to hire on your fellas keep in mind they will have to pass muster with the IMG, Rheinland laws, the GMG, and the Kursari laws.

I'm only willing to pay for two positions, scout and escort and it will be 10 mills er'peice. So don't send me any more than two.

When yer got your people selected go ahead and send their ship identifiers to me via a separate secure line so I can arrange the work order.

RE: To: Freelancers, independent contractors, broke people with ships. - Charles Jinxia - 02-20-2016

Connection established.
Message received.
ID: Charles Jinxia

SMI-Sleek.Wolf here, looks like a job for me and my friend - yet I do suppose sleekness of my Wolf (pun unintended) is better to fit for such a job. Gimme date, hour, waypoints and consider myself hired. Full privacy and secrecy and all these things guaranteed.

Decryption complete.
Connection terminated.

RE: To: Freelancers, independent contractors, broke people with ships. - Larry Macduff - 02-20-2016

[Image: hgdYMk7.png]

Algoma.Equinox captain here. My friend here, SMI-Sleek.Wolf is correct. Send to the both of us via private neural net date, hour and possible waypoints and you'll be considering myself hired too.
As my friend Charles said:

(02-20-2016, 12:05 PM)Charles Jinxia Wrote: Full privacy and secrecy and all these things guaranteed.

Safe flights out there, Mr.Armsgain. Cheers!

[Image: DaPKqJA.png]

RE: To: Freelancers, independent contractors, broke people with ships. - CaptainRexPost - 02-20-2016

Response Code: 31

Alrightie folks thank you all for your kindly transmissions.

Mr. Jinxia and mr. Macduff.

Seeing as yall are Johnny-on-the-spot in terms of identifications, I feel more than inclined to prioritize you and your crews for the work.

Expect requested date, hour, and waypoints to be transmitted to yer PM sub-comminication protocols no later than one cycle.

This concludes this job offer until further notice.

Transmission protocol terminated