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Random idea - RP based Trading commodities - Printable Version

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Random idea - RP based Trading commodities - Oldum - 02-21-2016

Reading @Xoria s thread enlighted me a bit and gave me a few ideas, which could not only make some factions RP more complete, but would give more possibilities to fly around with. They might be good ideas, they might be bad, but imo it couldn't hurt much if you read it. Who knows, they might be good:

- Consumer Waste / Garbage : This could serve as a "spare leg" for ALG mostly, but it would also makes sense ... we have food, we have oxygen, we have consumer goods ... everything people usually need, however where there are people, garbage is getting produced. At the moment, the "closest" to that is Toxic Waste which is ... I think you already got the point. I deffinately don't have Toxic Waste in my bin on a daily basis.

- Luggage : @Croft might kill me for this, but I'll post it anyways. Whenever people fly around, they take their bags with them. That is a common thing, which atm can't even be mimiced by anything in game. It wouldn't have to be anything special. Also, since we have at least 5 different "passenger" commodities ( passenger_li , passenger_ku and so on ) along with Vacationers , Tourists and so on, these already existing commodities could serve as the base iof Luggage , a simple coppy-paste and a bit of renaming + price ammending ( prices could be lower a bit than passengers themselves ) and we'd have luggage_li , luggage_ku and so on, having the exact same routes as the "human" commodities, but the whole RP enviroment would be more realistic.

- Commercional Softwares/Videogames/smthing similar: We had this as an event commodity , but it could have its place as a regular one as well. We have Counterfeit Software, courtessy of Lane Hackers, but what does Ageira produce ? I doubt they are working on Trade Lane/Gate softwares all day. These softwares could vary from office packages to anti-virus, security programs or games , it's a question of infocard writing. Basically, the legal counterpart of Counterfeit Software.

this is the first three that came to my mind, if I get any more sparks, I'll share it with you, also , if you have any similar "every day stuff" , feel free to share your thoughts in a way that it actually backs its reason to exsistance up and who knows ... the Dev team and @Xoria might actually find something interesting in it.

Thanks and let the discussion begin Smile

RE: Random idea - RP based Trading commodities - Venkman - 02-21-2016

I would like to write something more, but I can just agree with you about all those things. +1 from me

RE: Random idea - RP based Trading commodities - Skorak - 02-21-2016

Very great ideas. OSC could take 70% Passengers and 30% Luggage on their trip or something similar. Fun idea.

I had also suggested and IC specific Cargo once which was denied sadly. It was "Secure Data Storage" for 100% safe (until Hackers rob you) data transfer between the IC HQs. Where the Neural Net is not deemed safe enough. Would be a great RP cargo as well.

RE: Random idea - RP based Trading commodities - Oldum - 02-21-2016

(02-21-2016, 03:25 PM)Skorak Wrote: Very great ideas. OSC could take 70% Passengers and 30% Luggage on their trip or something similar. Fun idea.

I had also suggested and IC specific Cargo once which was denied sadly. It was "Secure Data Storage" for 100% safe (until Hackers rob you) data transfer between the IC HQs. Where the Neural Net is not deemed safe enough. Would be a great RP cargo as well.

That could be a faction specific thing, tied to the IC| ID ( when official ) imo, or something that has a bit to do with both Ageira and IC , but as a generic commodity, it not really "generic", more like an RP cargo.

RE: Random idea - RP based Trading commodities - Skorak - 02-21-2016

Well we are official. But I wonder if that would warrant a faction request.

RE: Random idea - RP based Trading commodities - nOmnomnOm - 02-21-2016

I like the idea but i guess what I am wondering is if it is worth the effort. Is this really going to be something that would enhance and would make you want to play or would it just make things look prettier?

RE: Random idea - RP based Trading commodities - Oldum - 02-21-2016

(02-21-2016, 08:11 PM)nOmnomnOm Wrote: I like the idea but i guess what I am wondering is if it is worth the effort. Is this really going to be something that would enhance and would make you want to play or would it just make things look prettier?

And this comes from the one who was all crazy about a space bike, which offers no real benefit but looks awsome no ? Big Grin
By the way, isn't one connected to the other ? If it looks prettier, you have more willing to do it no ?

RE: Random idea - RP based Trading commodities - nOmnomnOm - 02-21-2016

(02-21-2016, 08:23 PM)Oldum Wrote:
(02-21-2016, 08:11 PM)nOmnomnOm Wrote: I like the idea but i guess what I am wondering is if it is worth the effort. Is this really going to be something that would enhance and would make you want to play or would it just make things look prettier?

And this comes from the one who was all crazy about a space bike, which offers no real benefit but looks awsome no ? Big Grin
By the way, isn't one connected to the other ? If it looks prettier, you have more willing to do it no ?

There is a difference between a new ship that offers a different way to play vs a commodity that someone might scan and see you have different cargo.
What would the person flying the cargo do with it that is unique?

So yeah, i do not see what connection there was towards space bikes other than to take a jab.

RE: Random idea - RP based Trading commodities - Thyrzul - 02-21-2016

(02-21-2016, 08:28 PM)nOmnomnOm Wrote: What would the person flying the cargo do with it that is unique?


RE: Random idea - RP based Trading commodities - Oldum - 02-21-2016

(02-21-2016, 10:22 PM)Thyrzul Wrote:
(02-21-2016, 08:28 PM)nOmnomnOm Wrote: What would the person flying the cargo do with it that is unique?


Thank you Smile - Edit: As the title of this whole thing said, "RP based trade commodities".