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Players Sanctioned: Caelius.Moya[TBH], Gabriella.Casta[101st] and Reiko.Horaki|E - Printable Version

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Players Sanctioned: Caelius.Moya[TBH], Gabriella.Casta[101st] and Reiko.Horaki|E - Tunicle - 02-25-2016

Caelius.Moya[TBH], Gabriella.Casta[101st] and Reiko.Horaki|E have been sanctioned for:

Quote:1.3 Every player must have one ID equipped on their ship. Player should follow the restrictions and allowances listed in their ID and their roleplay and conduct must match the actions of their characters. In cases where these restrictions and allowances conflict with the server rules, the ID overrides the rules.

You ID is pretty clear and your chat shows you certain grouping are problematic.


Standard punishment, weapons removed.

//Edit: Sorry Leiseka but I've to add it: Why I'm the only one of the [101st] in that group that gets smacked?
Oversight, there was a long list of names at the beginning of the violation including another [101st]. The poster expanded each ship after that list with multiple points, evidence and context. Sadly the other grouped [101st] was not expanded upon and subsequently missed when staff investigated each point, currently debating whether to retro-sanction.

If you post in this sanction and are not directly involved or a leader of the accused person's faction be advised that you are consenting to be subjected to the reprisal of my choice which may involve in game repercussions up to a ban. Blaming members of your immediate family, neighbours, friends, pets, and assorted Orcs, Trolls and any other legendary creatures may result in the use of Admin Right #CTE 750AE

RE: Players Sanctioned: Caelius.Moya[TBH], Gabriella.Casta[101st] and Reiko.Horaki|E - Divine - 02-25-2016

So we've been challenged to a test of skill and wittiness inRP by the [TBH] for a hunt against the Gas Miners in the Sigmas.
There was, if you read the group-chat by our side a bit closer, an argument on our side internally if to group-up or not and I, as leading the party for [101st], decided we'd group until we found targets. It's been an ooc-measure for better coordination.
I'd have disbanded the group once we actually met someone, but I logged off before that happened.
Claiming we'd have stayed grouped once an encounter/engagement would've come to happen is speculation.

I'm sorry for trying to be a nice guy and actually involved more people as just two guys over PMs to experience the group-feeling at least until a possible encounter started.
Won't happen again.

//Edit: Sorry Leiseka but I've to add it: Why I'm the only one of the [101st] in that group that gets smacked?

RE: Players Sanctioned: Caelius.Moya[TBH], Gabriella.Casta[101st] and Reiko.Horaki|E - E X O D I T E - 02-25-2016

Reiko_Horaki|E here.
I did not see the [101st], and shot at a couple of their Sabres despite being grouped with them, which I did not even notice until I actually encountered them. (and they blew me up)
I also asked the [TBH] (which Hogosha are allied to) for a group invite, not the [101st].
tl;dr WHOOPS!
Also, my first sanction ever. Whoo!
EDIT: Hey, why don't I have a Sanction Notice in my hold?

RE: Players Sanctioned: Caelius.Moya[TBH], Gabriella.Casta[101st] and Reiko.Horaki|E - Skyelius - 02-25-2016


I have RP'ed a Corsair pirate for almost 10 years, and though two pirate factions may be "hostile" in attitude, unlawfuls can ally or temporarily work together with other unlawfuls.

This is taken from The Outcast ID:
-Can attack any ships within their Zone of Influence, except transports.
-Can demand cargo and credits from any ship within their Zone of Influence, and attack them if they don't comply.
-Can treat ships carrying Artifacts or Stabiline as combat targets.
-Cannot ally with any lawfuls except for Bretonian lawfuls against other unlawfuls or Gallic Royal Navy only.

This is taken from The Brotherhood ID:
-Can attack any ships within their Zone of Influence, except transports.
-Can demand cargo and credits from any ship within their Zone of Influence, and attack them if they don't comply.
-Can treat ships carrying Blood Diamonds and Cardamine as combat targets.
-Cannot ally with any lawfuls except for Kusari lawfuls against other unlawfuls only.

Server Rule 1.3:
1.3 Every player must have one ID equipped on their ship. Player should follow the restrictions and allowances listed in their ID and their roleplay and conduct must match the actions of their characters. In cases where these restrictions and allowances conflict with the server rules, the ID overrides the rules.

There is no restriction on Corsairs and Outcasts working together "only because of reputation". There are several dozen types of common RolePlay interactions that make perfect sense, are common practice, and have been understood as such by every honest, quality RP'er in our community.

It is very uncomfortable for me to appeal sanctions, and I have not ever done it before (check my record). This is my humble request for a revision.


RE: Players Sanctioned: Caelius.Moya[TBH], Gabriella.Casta[101st] and Reiko.Horaki|E - Divine - 02-26-2016

I'm to add that I did state in group:
[30.01.2016 23:31:39] Gabriella.Casta[101st]: that will get us hurt so bad rule-wise
...which was, btw, before we grouped up and I'm honest I just stated that for one guy in the group who I knew would understand the underlined statement in that sentence, that the staff won't understand what we're doing here. No offense.

Later I stated in PMs to the [TBH] after we lost him from scanners and overall contact, whilst already in S13:
[30.01.2016 23:37:16] Gabriella.Casta[101st]: //can't grp bc rules -.-
//Edit: See paragraph above. No offense.

After more searching without success... I invited the [TBH] to better coordinate our search with the rest of the team. There's in no way an indication we'd have stayed grouped once an engagement would've been found. And from what I witnessed ingame, there was no such engagement before I logged off.
This was merely an ooc-organizational thing to actually make the encounter we searched for happen.
[30.01.2016 23:43:57] /fi [tbh]

Also what Sky said.

RE: Players Sanctioned: Caelius.Moya[TBH], Gabriella.Casta[101st] and Reiko.Horaki|E - Hathor - 02-27-2016

I would like to receive the same punishment as the others as I have been part of that group too.

A sanction for a roleplay we had with the corsair is really worth it, as it was the best roleplay encounter for the past months on Discovery for me. Actually it might be the best encounter I ever had with a corsair. If you would read the whole background of the said situation and the roleplay that happened before the grouping you might understand it.
But in our defense, we didn't attack anyone while being in the group, nor we did meet someone either, so nobody was really hurt with that, only faction development happened. If you wouldn't make the gas clouds so awesome that you cant communicate in local chat while not being within 4k range then it might not even happen either.

So it appears that you only took action for a sanction request made by someone who looked though the player list and took a screen, while not meeting the said group so the intention of it was unknown to him.

Sadly you supported someone who's goal was to harass other people on Discovery.

RE: Players Sanctioned: Caelius.Moya[TBH], Gabriella.Casta[101st] and Reiko.Horaki|E - Divine - 03-13-2016

Bump. Bc I can.

RE: Players Sanctioned: Caelius.Moya[TBH], Gabriella.Casta[101st] and Reiko.Horaki|E - Hawk - 03-13-2016

Bc I can.