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Transmission to Suppliers/Associates of the Maltese Nación. - Printable Version

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Transmission to Suppliers/Associates of the Maltese Nación. - SMI-Great.Fox - 02-27-2016

.....Secondary Transmission Wavelength Detected||
.....Registering Idenification||
.....Identification Confirmed||
.....Sending Visual Transmission||

Bonjour Monsieurs and Madamouiselles of Malta and her associates abound.

I, Jean Frobeige of Malta, come forth with a grand bounty that requests the grande labourers who work for the Nación, who's strong hands and sharp wits are the lifeblood of our society.

Take heart upon such a servant of the caste, and steel yourselves for the list abound I ask to be delivered by your hands, for the wheat reaped from the seeds you gather, will be far purer than golden silk.

Quote:Requested to be delivered to Valetta Shipyard:

UltraAlloy - 3,500 units - DELIVERED/PAYMENT SENT
Gallic Engine Components - 3,900 units - Rambouilette Shipyard- Ile-de-France - 80M EC
Ablative Armor Plating - 1,550 Units - Riom Shipyard - Auvergne 40M EC
Superconductors - 2,000 Units - DELIVERED/PAYMENT SENT
High Temperature Alloy - 1,500 units - DELIVERED/PAYMENT SENT
Promethene - 1,750 Units - Briancon Station/Valence Base- Dauphine - 50M EC
Bio-neural Processors - 900 units - Gien Space Colony - Orleanais - 30M EC
Gallic Ship Hull Panels* - 25,000 - Location of Manufacture Unknown - Authorization to destroy vessels in Gallic space carrying said cargo is APPROVED. - 500M EC

*First Person/Group to deliver 55% of cargo will be given a special gift for their work.

All those who collect these must show visual of their aquirement, or in some cases forced aquisition, and their delivery upon Valetta. Signing up is not required. First come, first paid.

May the souls of the Nación be with you and harden your resolve all those who venture out into the depths of Gallic space.

.....Visual Transmission Complete||

RE: Transmission to Suppliers/Associates of the Maltanese Nación. - SMI-Great.Fox - 03-01-2016

.....Secondary Transmission Wavelength Detected||
.....Re-transmitting for interested parties||

RE: Transmission to Suppliers/Associates of the Maltanese Nación. - SMI-Great.Fox - 03-05-2016

.....Secondary Transmission Wavelength Detected||
.....Re-transmitting for interested parties||

RE: Transmission to Suppliers/Associates of the Maltanese Nación. - Zyliath - 03-05-2016

==Incoming Transmission==
==From: [REDACTED]==
==Location: [REDACTED]==
==Video feed offline==

Greetings, mr.Frobeige.
I'd like to apply for these contracts from the Maltese Nation.
Send the payments to [Bank]SirDoge. I will get them done quickly and swiftly.
Just to let you know, mister, I'm a friend of the Zoners. I can get back and forth from Gallic space without a problem.
Rep with Outcasts (I have allowance to dock on their bases, Valetta included)

==ID signed out==
==Transmission ended==
==Signal lost==

RE: Transmission to Suppliers/Associates of the Maltanese Nación. - Zyliath - 03-05-2016

==Incoming Transmission==
==From: [REDACTED]==
==Location: [REDACTED]==
==Video feed offline==

Greetings, mr.Frobeige.
I completed the Ultralloy cargo haul. Send the payment to [Bank]SirDoge.
Bought and sold
Oh, just call me Jay. I'd like to remain anonymous.
==ID signed out==
==Transmission ended==
==Signal lost==

RE: Transmission to Suppliers/Associates of the Maltanese Nación. - Zyliath - 03-06-2016

==Boosting Signal 200%==

RE: Transmission to Suppliers/Associates of the Maltanese Nación. - SMI-Great.Fox - 03-06-2016

[align=left].....Secondary Transmission Wavelength Detected||
.....Registering Idenification||
.....Identification Confirmed||
.....Sending Visual Transmission||

Bonjour Monsieur "Jay"

I was beginning to worry that there was no one capable of such a feat to risk the lion's den and come out unscathed.

At first I was curious on the validity of your destination visual, but after review I saw that it was right where it was meant to be, next time please do us both a favor and show the full details next time.

Your payment has been sent in full as we speak. And well done.

.....Visual Transmission Complete||

RE: Transmission to Suppliers/Associates of the Maltanese Nación. - Zyliath - 03-06-2016

==Incoming Transmission==
==From: Jay==
==Location: Valetta Shipyard, O-Alpha==
==Video feed offline==

Greetings, mr.Frobeige.
I completed both the Superconductors and High-Temperature Alloy cargo hauls. You already know where to wire the cash, yes?
-> Superconductors bought on Montbrison
-> High-Temperature Alloys bought on Alesia
-> Both commodities brought to Valetta
I made both hauls together to save time.

==ID signed out==
==Transmission ended==
==Signal lost==

RE: Transmission to Suppliers/Associates of the Maltanese Nación. - Zyliath - 03-06-2016

==Boosting Signal 200%==

RE: Transmission to Suppliers/Associates of the Maltanese Nación. - Zyliath - 03-06-2016

==Boosting Signal 300%==