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To: Battlegroup Auxesia - Printable Version

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To: Battlegroup Auxesia - Lythrilux - 03-04-2016

= Incoming Transmission =

Hello. You may remember me from a brief encounter we had at Barrier Gate Station in Coronado. It's Nathan Brookes.

To tell you a bit more about myself, I'm a Core pilot stationed primarily in the Taus. Quite far away from home territory isn't it? I've got my orders. Old ones at least.

I've been through hell and back fighting for The Core and against The Order, the Nomads and every other piece of scum in the Edge Worlds. I even took part in the Battle of Minor, although not as anything major. I made it out alive at least.

Shortly after that I moved from the Omicrons to the Taus - for obvious reasons as you can imagine. In my absence from the Edge Worlds I had been informed that The Core broke off from the Bounty Hunters Guild. About time, those House Hunters are just as filfthy as the people we shoot. I'll miss using them as meat shields and canon fodder though. Oh well.

So, a Core splinter group hm? You must've had your reasons for breaking off, and I'll assume it had something to do with the leadership? Or perhaps the direction in things are running? Post-split I've been coming to terms with how things are run. All this "Paladin's of humanity!" stuff is a bit of bollocks, to be honest. Forcefully pushing propaganda in peoples faces, have we become as overly-energetic as the Coalition? Have you seen the Core News broadcasts? It's good to be informed, yet I almost feel like we're trying too hard. What happened to the older times when things were run... like a business.

If you haven't figured it out yet, yes I have a gripe with the upper echelons of The Core. Specifically I can pin my gripes onto the Guildmaster.

I've contacted you to ask for your assistance. Your group has a skillset and understanding that I'd find useful.

I want to kill Erik Nodtviet and the rest of his High Command, and I want you to help me.

= Closing Transmission =

RE: To: Battlegroup Auxesia - Lythrilux - 03-07-2016

= Resending Transmission =

RE: To: Battlegroup Auxesia - Kauket - 03-10-2016

[Image: 3WWcT45.png]


» COMM-ID: ”Keeper” Sapphire Raven
» LOCATION: WV- ???, Independant Worlds
» SUBJECT: The Core


Good evening.

I'll be answering in place of the Battlegroup - and - uh, well, you should direct any queries to me - alone, as... incidents tend to happen, and situations change. Which is also the reasoning for this delayed response, apologies for that.

Anyway, yes, we all have our reasons to follow our own path and ambitions, but I'm more interested in yours.

What would I even gain by using my energy on revenge? What IS the point? Is it even worth fighting for?

The Core's internal structure is ingeniously made in such a way, that it's society will be extremely difficult to subjugate. You may not have known but I was once temporarily the Guildmaster, but mostly known as a Guildkeeper for a long time in the Core. Even if you remove the leaders - you won't 'purify' their ways simply like that. They're loyal, devoted, and most likely brainwashed.

But it necessarily isn't just the Guildmaster's fault, it's just been this way for a long time, and it's more likely that he was a 'child' that was brought up by the Core's society - the 'parents' of it - working his way up, before our time. If that makes any sense to you.

The Core did indeed afterall suffer quite a massive destabilization after the Minor incident, so who knows what went on with certain people before that.

Though, I can see reasoning for way of this society though. It ensures power and strength is kept, while keeping a bond between the people. It's hard finding people who are willing to sacrifice themselves for the sake of Humanity and for future efforts, instead of self-greed and corruption.

I cannot say that I disapprove of it - or approve of it. But I left for different reasons, most of it being mainly for the brainchild's... future's ambition.

S. Raven


RE: To: Battlegroup Auxesia - Lythrilux - 03-11-2016

= Incoming Transmission =

Revenge? No, I wouldn't call it that. I simply wish to align things back onto their truth path, so to speak. Revenge is petty. Revenge is tedious.

I understand how The Core works, although it's not as... sophisticated as that. Many join with their motivations intact, the conditioning process is simply to ensure your survival. Money is the main motivator. If I gave a huge toss about the protection of humanity I'd join the Order. A man has to eat, among other motivations he may hold. Humans are simple folk. Protecting humanity certainly comes with the job, but The Core pays it's people well. Certainly though, prisoners of war are re-educated into pawns. It's the only purpose they're fit to serve after failing in combat after all. Perhaps Nodtviet has taken things to the next level, but I'd still pin that on income rise being directly proportional to positive progress in their war campaign. Regardless, I will see for myself.

Take those words as you wish, you may think I am also 'brainwashed' - but then again, if that was the case, I wouldn't be asking for your help, would I?

Anyway, getting back on topic, indeed it does ensure strength. Only the strong survive in the Edge Worlds. It's no place for milk drinkers. A strong, devoted and steadfast military is a force to be reckoned with.

It sounds like you left The Core because it got too disillusioned with the future, rather than keeping it's eyes on the present. An even better reason why re-correcting it's course would be a good idea. My offer is simple: help me bring about change. You had deserted The Core and the possibility of you ever returning would be nil at this point. If you assist me in inserting my influence into The Core, and perhaps a hostile takeover of the paramilitary itself, I will ensure you can re-integrate without issue.

To do this however we will need to gather followers. We will create an insurgency. That is, if you are interested.

= Closing Transmission =