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To: Order Overwatch - Printable Version

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To: Order Overwatch - Petitioner - 03-05-2016

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ID: Kay Brights
Location: Freeport 10, Tau-37

You Overwatch, whoever you actually are in particular... I, an aggressively entrepeneurial Leedswoman, through a series of strange and unexpected events, recently found myself stumbling into your territory of Omicron - what was it, Nu? - with a few thousand palettes of munitions in my hold and'n innocent expectation of catching a hefty profit to make up for all the fuel I burnt.
Not so, however. Instead, some of your lads sent me off with a warning about "restricted space" an' whatnot - told me to ask permission before headed back to your place. So, that's what I'm here for - slightly confused, but hoping maybe we can make a profit off each other. What do ya say?

:::Closing Transmission:::

RE: To: Order Overwatch - Omicron - 03-08-2016

[Image: KAQ2z4i.png?1]
Comm ID: The Order Overwatch

Leadership of The Order decided to give you one chance, despite coming over to our territory intentionally nowhere without even a knock at our doors. It is not considered 'polite' in our terms.

To even have chance of being issued permission to enter our worlds, you should inform us more about yourself and your business, as well circumstances that lead you straight to us with cargo hold full of black market goods. We have heard the explanation of "being lost" so many times over it does not make any kind of impression on us, on top of rather scarce request you have filled to us. We will be listening in should you decide to elaborate more why should we come to business table with you.

High Command out.

RE: To: Order Overwatch - Petitioner - 03-09-2016

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ID: Kay Brights
Location: Freeport 10, Tau-37

Well, perhaps I should rephrase. I wasn't exactly lost as I'm sure happens to folks in the Omicrons a lot - see, I was turned away from my original destination by my own better judgment when I heard from a fellow traveler of a bit of a scrap going on up ahead, and decided it'd be better to avoid it entirely. No matter what you're selling, someone's always buying, after all, so I got it into my head (silly me) that the more isolated the buyer and the more dangerous the space, the better the price for some hard-to-come by bombs and bullets, y'know? I will admit that, yeah, it's kind of impolite of me to just waltz right into your space and expect you to be in need of what I've got, or be welcoming of visitors in the first place. Ignorance is no excuse, and I should've asked around at whatever Freeport or other before I made my next jump.
That being saaaid... my business is, to be frank, one of opportunity. One of voluntary, freely-consented-to trades wherein both parties are satisfied - I with my money and others with their urgently-required goods, whatever those may be. I did a little digging since your last message, and, if I'm not mistaken, you folks are on some sort of crusade, the details of which still escape me. I'm sure that, whatever kind of holy war you may be fighting, I can help you keep fighting the good fight. I understand the value of urgency, of discretion, and of reliability.
In short, I'm looking for new ports of call and some worthwhile folks to acquire valued commodities for, and I'm hopin' you're looking for someone to acquire those valued commodities for you.

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