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to: OSI | from: The Zoner Consensus - Printable Version

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to: OSI | from: The Zoner Consensus - HassLHoFF™ - 03-06-2016

[Image: cyJUv4t.png]

Indentification: Dr. Wes Valdon
Location: Omicron-74
Recipient: Omicron Supply Industries
Subject: Construction assistance of the Outer Rim University

Good day or evening,

my name is Dr. Wes Valdon. I am speaking in behalf of a new foundation, customarily called the Outer Rim University host from the Zoner Consensus.
As the name logically suggest, we are a group of citizens, seeking for a collaboration by working and sharing the same enterprise and ideology.
The major introduction to the publicity should be the project of a high-class University hosted within the Omicrons and generally independent from the houses.

The motivation behind this transmission is:
As our major focus lies on education, we lack in having a strong expertise in solar engineering, especially in orbital stationary constructions of the size of housing up to thousand residents.
On this account, I want to start, in the name of the Zoner Consensus, negotiations with Omicron Supply Industries for setting up a contract, containing the major assistance in the construction and the supply of the projected orbital station the Outer Rim University.

I look forward to a beneficial cooperation.

[Image: KjB4P8U.png]

RE: to: OSI | from: The Zoner Consensus - Stoner_Steve - 03-07-2016

[Image: RRvg2De.png]

Dr. Valdon,

My name is Isaac Nemo and I'll be handling the contract negotiation today. Before the board is ready to hear your entire proposal I do have some questions.

1. Where is the facility located.
2. What are your expected station supply costs and items.
3. What is your expected time frame for construction.

Firstly I recommend that some of these answers be communicated to us via direct comms, there has been a rash of elite metagamer hackers on the net recently which might compromise this transmission. Secondly, if your organization isn't aware of the needed materials or suggested pricing OSI- would be happy to provide our own recommend pricing guide. Finally, as you are suggesting a facility that holds 1,000 people I have to assume to mean a base that is core 5. Seeing as we would be unable to simply deploy a base that large we would like to know the time-frame to which you would like to hold to an upgrade schedule, given that some of the design blueprints are handled by our regional overlord A.D.M.I.N. faction.

The last thing to also consider is there are a small handful of items that OSI is unable to get our hands on due to the current political situation in Rhineland, while OSI would be happy to outsource to our own 3rd party suppliers it may be more prudent to have your own organizations members retrieve the items in order to remain on good terms with that house.

RE: to: OSI | from: The Zoner Consensus - HassLHoFF™ - 03-08-2016

[Image: cyJUv4t.png]

Indentification: Dr. Wes Valdon
Location: Omicron-74
Recipient: Omicron Supply Industries
Subject: Construction assistance of the Outer Rim University

Good day or evening Mr. Nemo,

please give me a second to upload the coordinates to your navigational systems.

The nerdy looking man takes a stick from behind and tries to plug it into some device, but seems to have issues doing so.
I am sorry, this device was bought.
Succeeding it, he tries smooth over the awkward moment with some strange gestures.
You should have access to the coordinates now. I guess this location is within your zone of influence.
We require assistance in the supply of the construction commodities necessary for upgrading the station. It would be helpful you could assist us setting up a list of these. Anything about maintaining it would be dealt internally. As the whole project is estimated for a lapse of time of a half-year (6 months), the cost and payments should be negotiated based on this aspect.

Wes stops speaking and looks to something on the left side out of the video frame while making a pondering face.
Aside from the mentioned potential contract. I might have an offer for your company. I would like to invite one of your economy specialists to discuss a potential lectorate at our university. A course about Sirius Economy and Edgeworld Economy is already scheduled. I am certain that OSI could take a lot benefits of it in longer-terms.

Please, feel free to forward this message to the responsible bureau.

[Image: KjB4P8U.png]

RE: to: OSI | from: The Zoner Consensus - Stoner_Steve - 03-11-2016

[Image: RRvg2De.png]

Dr. Valdon,

The final tally for a base upgrade has finally been calculated.

This is the complete cost in terms of commodities to upgrade your base from Level 1 to Level 4.

120,000 Hull Segments - Freeport 4
300,000 Industrial Hardware - Narita Outpost
120,000 Robotic Hardware - Aland Shipyard
120,000 Reinforced Alloy - Freeport 11 and/or Freeport 9
120,000 High Performance Alloy - Scarborough Station
120,000 Optronic Arrays - Planet Honshu
120,000 Heat Sinks - Planet New London
60,000 Plasfoam Conduits - Freeport 5
60,000 Nanomembrane Filters - Gold Bay Depot
3 Core Upgrade Blueprints - A.D.M.I.N. Control

As you can see OSI is more than able to get our hands on the majority of materials needed. What I need from you is an estimation on how much the Zoner Consensus is willing to spend on such a project, as it would be easier for our payment department to simply have the pilots paid by your station vs us handling payment distribution.

Isaac Nemo
Omicron Supply Industries

RE: to: OSI | from: The Zoner Consensus - HassLHoFF™ - 03-12-2016

[Image: cyJUv4t.png]

Indentification: Dr. Wes Valdon
Location: Omicron-74
Recipient: Omicron Supply Industries
Subject: Construction assistance of the Outer Rim University

Good day or evening Mr. Nemo,

I appreciate that it was possible to set up a logistic plan of the commodities required for upgrading the Outer Rim University. We will try to evaluate a beneficial payment for each delivery based on the local prizes of each commodity.

Internally we are currently discussing a matter of further cooperation. Certainly I will convince my partners within the Zoner Consensus as I always do. I don't have a doubt to this. I will contact you about this when the discussion wil be finished and we have a consens about this topic.

[Image: KjB4P8U.png]

RE: to: OSI | from: The Zoner Consensus - HassLHoFF™ - 03-18-2016

[Image: cyJUv4t.png]

Indentification: Dr. Wes Valdon
Location: Omicron-74
Recipient: Omicron Supply Industries
Subject: Construction assistance of the Outer Rim University

Good day or evening Mr. Nemo,

in regards of the Outer Rim University, the Zoner Consensus internally discussed the matter of improving the construction of the University.
Even though the caretaker Mr. Andrew M. Hull has a vessel equipped for supplies, we need to keep the focus on our business of education. Therefore, the Zoner Consensus likes to request a permanent corporation in order of the construction and maintenance of the University. Usual payments will be continued.

You are probably questioning yourself, why the Zoner Consensus uses to establish and drives education and even humanitarian aid that strong. We follow sort of an ideology of a resocialization for Zoners by a drastic educational improvement, passing the prison of antique believes and morals that usually stuck within mankind thousands of years. We have decided for us that social and human evolution must continue.

[Image: KjB4P8U.png]

RE: to: OSI | from: The Zoner Consensus - Stoner_Steve - 03-21-2016

[Image: RRvg2De.png]

Dr. Valdon,

OSI would be happy to assist the Consensus in the building and maintenance of your facility. However before we proceed the directors will need to know the stations prices for all of the commodities, and additionally how many of each item on a weekly basis so our controller can schedule the appropriate convoys.

Isaac Nemo
Omicron Supply Industries

RE: to: OSI | from: The Zoner Consensus - HassLHoFF™ - 03-22-2016

[Image: cyJUv4t.png]

Indentification: Dr. Wes Valdon
Location: Omicron-74
Recipient: Omicron Supply Industries
Subject: Construction assistance of the Outer Rim University

Good day or evening Mr. Nemo,

the Outer Rim University will reach the stage for starting procession of the first construction upgrade soon. We have defined a very beneficial price system for OSI. As we are in need to quickly bypass the vulnerable stage of the shield deactivation within the upgrade process, the payment will be increased 25% for each commodity in case OSI will complete delivery of the accessible upgrade commodities within 48h. Unfortunately the Outer Rim University does have an issue in processing multiple commodities simultaniously, because we have just a handful engineers on board. This means we are forced to process each commodity by time. Of course, the period between each commodity won't be listed.

Required Commodity Wrote:100.000 units of Industrial Hardware - 6384 Credits per Unit

We will inform you, when the Outer Rim University will reach the phase for the upgrade, that you will be able to send your vessels accordingly and we will be able to minimize the time-frame of the shield deactivation.

[Image: KjB4P8U.png]