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To: Les Damnes - Printable Version

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To: Les Damnes - Ramke - 03-06-2016

[img float=right][/img]
Sending encrypted transmission...

Strength: Petty

Recipient: Christine Armand, or anyone influential

Sender: Ambre Beausoleil

Location: Planet Orleans


Bonjour! Let's hope this message reaches the right ears.

I'm Ambre Beausoleil. Now, this might be really odd at first glance, but the situation's even more odd by itself.

Right, so. Let me explain. I'm a member of the Unione Corse. Or was, in this case. I was tasked with doing something quite serious - something that would allow the Maquis to ambush a convoy carrying blueprints and prototypes of various tech. It technically was simple - uploading a certain program into their ship systems and leaving, but the convoy departed early, and I was stuck in the ship. Either someone gave bad info, snitched, or I fumbled something - I got myself caught by the ship's patrolling crew. The program worked, though, and the Maquis' ships were hitting the hull of the transport in a few hours. During the chaos, I managed to find a way to get through the locked doors and escape using the ship's emergency escape pods.

Apparently, they forwarded my name after learning it to the royal police, despite my attempts at trying to talk them over and convincing them that I'm a random stowaway. Seems they really weren't buying it. Now, I can't really show myself using my own ID or use anything without the police finding out what I'm doing. and they apparently threatened Unione that if they'd see me in the ranks, well. It was enough for the Unione to tell me to sod off and never be seen again.

Now, after that boring context, what I'd like to ask of you...

I'm in a pickle, I'll admit. I have no-one else to ask, but the our friends with the Brigands that weren't too scared of forming relations with us. Basically, I need to disappear! Not in a bad way, just move somewhere else. Gallia is something that seems like a death trap to stay in, with my name being criminalized and hunted by the Crown...

I don't have much to offer, but I will give anything that I still own if you would help me in this... small dilemma. I might still be able to retrieve what funds I had if I'm quick enough, or is there anything else I can offer for helping me get to somewhere safer?

I'm not really comfortable with waiting around much, would love to hear a reply if you've received this message.

End Message, Leaving Return Details...

RE: To: Les Damnes - Catbert - 03-07-2016

*The viewscreen flickers to life, revealing a blonde young man, who is apparently standing on the bridge of l'Ane-class transport.*

Bonjour, Mademoiselle Beausoleil,

I'm one of les Damnés, the name is Paul Fraisse. I happened to stumble across your message first. Oui, I see that you've got youself into some trouble here. Now, normally I could offer to just run to one of the places run by the Brigands or the Council, Boulogne being the first idea. But, seeing how you might have a bounty on your head by now, I think even some Brigands wouldn't resist easy money.

Now, since the Council and the Brigand territory is out of the question, that leaves us with very few options to choose from. But there is a place where no Royalist, Corsican, or even Brigand will be looking for you. And as it happens, I'm going that way soon enough. I won't say much more over this channel... I can however say that you'd better bring a rebreather, as well as some food and water for the journey.

If you can get off world yourself, that'd be perfect. All you need to do is get through the docking ring and run for the nearest asteroid field. Then go to Boulogne base in Picardy system. Use the jump holes, keep a low profile. Once on Boulogne, find l'Indomptable, a transport that's moored with the station. That's your ticket out of Gallia.

Oh, and as for the reward... We'll take anything you can gather. In the worst case we can always agree that you repay your debt to us later somehow. As long as you manage to get to Boulogne before l'Indomptable leaves, your escape will come relatively cheap.

So, Boulogne base, l'Indomptable, as soon as possible. If you can't do that, give me a call, we'll figure something out.

*The viewscreen goes back, as the man ends the message at this point.*

RE: To: Les Damnes - Ramke - 03-07-2016

[img float=right][/img]
Sending encrypted transmission...

Strength: Petty

Recipient: Paul Fraisse

Sender: Ambre Beausoleil

Location: Planet Orleans


Dieu merci! It's very relieving to hear that someone willing received my message, Monsieur Fraisse.

I'm glad that my request was well-timed! Luck seems to be on my side rather than the Crown's today.

Monsieur, I have to admit, I know little about anything that's outside of Gallia, so I am completely trusting you in this 'slight' misadventure... I will start preparing and getting supplies that will last for a while. I managed to actually scrape up what savings I had as well from the neural net, surprisingly - I will hand them over to you after we've met.

I hope you will find it sufficient.. and I'll be indebted in the end regardless, since you are essentially saving my life!

You can my ship landing on Boulogne in a brief while, provided everything goes as planned.

Merci again!

Message End