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Allow Nomad Capitals for the indie Nomad ID (and some other changes) - Printable Version

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Allow Nomad Capitals for the indie Nomad ID (and some other changes) - Lythrilux - 03-07-2016


But seriously, can we? Let's face it. The Nomad indie ID is a failed experiment right now. No matter what we have tried doing ID wise, there's short bursts of activity before it flops off the face of the earth. And why is that? It's a lot like what the Xeno ID suffers from actually. Every other ID in it's region is just considerably better pvp-wise.

It's not enjoyable to be out-gunned, and the Nomad ID is especially outgunned. Currently Nomads have access to something like 5 ships and nothing else. Only one of them is any decent, but not for a good reason (the Rabisu is broken). Furthermore the Nomad ID is already very daunting to use because of the Nomad RP itself.

I feel that not only the indie Nomad ID, but the Edge Worlds and all the other factions within it would benefit immensely if indie Nomads were given the ability to use the Irra and the Marduk. Heck, even K'Hara will benefit. They're often outmatched numbers and ship wise. Actually having indies to support them would be a major help.

The Edge Worlds have undeniably always been more PvP-orientated than other regions of Sirius. Specificaly, Capital Ships have mainly been the ship of choice. You understand why now, an ID limited to a few poor snubcraft and a slightly defunctional Gunboat, might have activity problems and be demotivated from logging on. Expanding the ID will definitely help boost the indie Nomad count.

Here's a concept ID:
Quote:Pilot carrying this unlawful ID is a Nomad, who :

- Can engage any ship in the Omicrons and Omegas except for Nomad and Wild ships.
- Can treat transports as combat targets.
- Cannot leave the Omicrons, Omegas and Tohoku.
- Cannot ally with anyone except Nomads and Wild.
- Cannot demand credits or cargo.
- Cannot dock anywhere except on Nomad and Wild bases.
- Cannot bring Cruisers or Battleships into any system containing a Jump Gate with the exception of Tohoku and the Omicrons.

Allowed ships: Nomad Fighters Nomad Bomber, Nomad Gunboat, Nomad Cruiser, Nomad Battleship

Transport friendly version:
Quote:Pilot carrying this unlawful ID is a Nomad, who :

- Can engage any ship in the Omicrons and Omegas except for Nomad and Wild ships.
- Can treat transports as combat targets when flying Nomad Fighters, Nomad Bomber or Nomad Gunboat.
- Cannot treat transports as combat targets when flying the Nomad Cruiser or Nomad Battleship.
- Cannot leave the Omicrons, Omegas and Tohoku.
- Cannot ally with anyone except Nomads and Wild.
- Cannot demand credits or cargo.
- Cannot dock anywhere except on Nomad and Wild bases.
- Cannot bring Cruisers or Battleships into any system containing a Jump Gate with the exception of Tohoku and the Omicrons.

Allowed ships: Nomad Fighters Nomad Bomber, Nomad Gunboat, Nomad Cruiser, Nomad Battleship

Fun outside the Edge Worlds version:
Quote:Pilot carrying this unlawful ID is a Nomad, who :

- Can engage any ship in the Omicrons and Omegas except for Nomad and Wild ships.
- Can treat transports as combat targets.
- Cannot leave the Omicrons, Omegas and Tohoku, except when grouped with and accompanying K'Hara| ships.
- Can ally with Nomads outside it's ZoI.
- Cannot ally with anyone except Nomads and Wild.
- Cannot demand credits or cargo.
- Cannot dock anywhere except on Nomad and Wild bases.
- Cannot bring Cruisers or Battleships into any system containing a Jump Gate with the exception of Tohoku and the Omicrons.

Allowed ships: Nomad Fighters Nomad Bomber, Nomad Gunboat, Nomad Cruiser, Nomad Battleship

As you can see it'd work a lot like the old Core ID and the current indie Order ID. And that hasn't been detrimental, so I doubt making the change here would be detrimental either.

So yeah, give the indie Nomad ID the ability to use caps please. Honestly, what's the worst that can happen? Huggie even made a thread expressing how Nomad speech is going to be looked at and made simplier, and personally I'm not bothered if a Nomad doesn't use a million asterisks and brackets every sentence before they shoot me.

Everything else that has been tried so far hasn't worked. We gave Nomads insta-engaging ability - didn't work. We gave Nomads Omega ZoI - didn't work. They even have a base IN Omicron Delta - that hasn't worked either. If we really want to see a change, we need to up the ante. And that starts with giving indie Nomads access to capital ships.

At the least, could we trial this for a month?

RE: Allow Nomad Capitals for the indie Nomad ID (and some other changes) - Connor - 03-07-2016

Yeah ahahahahaha no

RE: Allow Nomad Capitals for the indie Nomad ID (and some other changes) - Lythrilux - 03-07-2016

(03-07-2016, 10:01 PM)Snoopy Wrote: Yeah ahahahahahah no

Care to elaborate?

RE: Allow Nomad Capitals for the indie Nomad ID (and some other changes) - SnakeLancerHaven - 03-07-2016

I'd say Irra but uhm. Ehm. maybe... dunno, yes? No? Yes? Maybe the to be updated Nammu that's already a half cruiser will be enough, I think and stuff. But for sure nothing bigger than Cruiser.

RE: Allow Nomad Capitals for the indie Nomad ID (and some other changes) - Lythrilux - 03-07-2016

(03-07-2016, 10:02 PM)Snake Wrote: I'd say Irra but uhm. Ehm. maybe... dunno, yes? No? Yes? Maybe the to be updated Nammu that's already a half cruiser will be enough, I think and stuff. But for sure nothing bigger than Cruiser.

What would be the harm in allowing battleships as well though?

RE: Allow Nomad Capitals for the indie Nomad ID (and some other changes) - Connor - 03-07-2016

Would you like a terrorist ID going around in Marduks decloaking and killing everything, including transports, all the time. A lot of people have the "I don't care" attitude when on Indi's so you'll end up seeing RP encounters being ruined by these new Nomad Caps.

If people really want to do RPs with these ships then they'll work for K'Hara and get it that way.

RE: Allow Nomad Capitals for the indie Nomad ID (and some other changes) - SnakeLancerHaven - 03-07-2016

Well I'm pretty sure you don't want to see Marduk spams all over Omicron, I could live with Irra spam but hell we already have enough of Marduk spam from K'hara :V <- jk

EDIT: screw you Lyth for removing your REPLY!!!

RE: Allow Nomad Capitals for the indie Nomad ID (and some other changes) - Epo - 03-07-2016

+1 here.

Even if it's connected with nerfing the indie Marduk or restricting its ZOI to o-99, iota and zeta only. Indie duks are the boost needed by nomicrons. Nerf them, but make avaible. If you think it will ruin interactions, just restrict them up to Zeta and no further. Really, it wouldn't hurt that bad. most of nomicron activity happens either in delta or somewhere in gamma's neighbourhood. Duks flying in zeta wouldn't hurt.

(03-07-2016, 10:05 PM)Snake Wrote: hell we already have enough of Marduk spam from K'hara :V <- jk

Literally I hardly ever see K'Hara logging. Even if they do, ususally are outnumbered either by shipclass or numbers themself. Also if current ones would hurt in indie's hands, just make the indie one weaker, less guns, lower hull, less bots whatever... But make it be.

RE: Allow Nomad Capitals for the indie Nomad ID (and some other changes) - Lythrilux - 03-07-2016

(03-07-2016, 10:04 PM)Snoopy Wrote: Would you like a terrorist ID going around in Marduks decloaking and killing everything, including transports. A lot of people have the "I don't care" attitude when on Indi's so you'll end up seeing RP encounters being ruined by these new Nomad Caps.

Good, it means the Core and Order IDs will be able to play their role and not only have Nomads to shoot, but people to defend. And perhaps this could also be combo'd with some nice high risk high reward trade routes. In regards to cloakng, the indie Nomad cloaks were nerfed so they're not as potent as their K'Hara variants. Capitals are an ineffective means of destroying transports anyway. If they want to do that they'll grab either the Nammu or the Bomber (which they already have access to)

And if we're going to simply restrict caps based on the notion that "A lot of people have the 'I don't care' attitude when on Indi's" why are we bothering to allow any faction's indies to fly Capital ships? I've said it myself - Core, Order, Zoners, Corsairs, Outcasts etc. already have access to caps and I don't see any of these fears you hold actually occuring.

(03-07-2016, 10:05 PM)Snake Wrote: Well I'm pretty sure you don't want to see Marduk spams all over Omicron, I could live with Irra spam but hell we already have enough of Marduk spam from K'hara :V <- jk

EDIT: screw you Lyth for removing your REPLY!!!

Yeah sorry about the reply, I didn't read what you said properly.

We already have Core, Order, Corsair, OC and Zoner caps spammed around the Omicrons. What difference does it make to include Nomads in the mix? K'Hara doesn't have the manpower that the aforemention faction's playerbases do. They need consistent indies in the Omicrons. They're not big enough to serve the role of fielding capitals on a daily basis like other factions do. They have to juggle creating activity not only in the Edge Worlds but in all the other houses too. Why just not give indies the domestic job of creating activity at home? And those indies need inscentives to create said activity.

RE: Allow Nomad Capitals for the indie Nomad ID (and some other changes) - Connor - 03-07-2016

Quote:Capitals are an ineffective means of destroying transports anyway. If they want to do that they'll grab either the Nammu or the Bomber (which they already have access to)

Erm, no. If the transport is sat at the FP, decloak, RP engage. If the transport is in the middle of nowhere then someone can CD it, decloak, RP engage.

Quote:And if we're going to simply restrict caps based on the notion that "A lot of people have the 'I don't care' attitude when on Indi's" why are we bothering to allow any faction's indies to fly Capital ships? I've said it myself - Core, Order, Zoners, Corsairs, Outcasts etc. already have access to caps and I don't see any of these fears you hold actually occuring.

And as I said, a terrorist ID that can engage ANYTHING they feel they desire to attack and people will take advantage of that and abuse it. All those factions you've listed have restrictions on who they can shoot. Like, transports for instance. It maybe fun for your group but think of other groups instead of Core.

If this was to ever somehow happen then I would make these changes:

Cannot Fly Battleships, only cruisers.
Cannot engage Transports with a cruiser.
Cannot leave the Omicrons with a cruiser.