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Shield Idea - kikatsu - 11-11-2008

This idea came to me earlier today.

Basically most pilots have a VHF or bomber these days, all which use a class 10 fighter shield. I dont know how many of you are annoyed by the way it looks, but I know I am. The little white hexagons that pop up when hit you all should have an Idea of what I mean.

Basically what I suggest is that in guard systems where they are sold, sell custom house versions. These would have the exact same stats as the other 3 class ten shields, however they would have the visual effect of whatever house it is from. Example-Kusari fighters could mount the Kusari Gravaton house shield, and instead of little white hexagons popping up you see the yellow static and sparks that the Kusari NPCs have. Rheinland would have that green fuzz and I think Liberty and Bretonia have a whitish-Blue ripple effect, but I dont know off the top of my head.

Summing it up. Guard systems sell class ten shields with the same stats, but with a custom house visual effect.


Shield Idea - jshkornmiller - 11-11-2008

seems mostly for visual effects, and as jinx said in another topic, you'll grow used to them and soon forget all about them. would possibly not even be worth the time to code for it. although, don't get me wrong, it sounds like a pretty good idea.:laugh:

Shield Idea - Ash - 11-11-2008

What he said, sounds like a bit more work than it's worth, but not that it's much work.

Shield Idea - Ark - 11-11-2008

Personally, I get more sick of the shield plates as time goes on.

Shield Idea - teschy - 11-11-2008

Well apparently all 3 shield types (Graviton, Molecular, Positron) will be brought to the same efficiency stats. And each of them have different visual effects... so there you go.

Shield Idea - Magoo! - 11-11-2008

Don't know about you, but whenever I get hit its a yellow ball thing where the shot hits.

Adv. Guardian Gravitron shield or whatever it is.

Shield Idea - Guest - 11-11-2008

I think that in a fight, youd rather be glad that your shield is there, not how it looks.

Shield Idea - El Nino - 11-12-2008

If you want to see diffrent shields used... go to the balance section and vote YES on the shieldbusting pool...

Shield Idea - Derkylos - 11-12-2008

Yea, I got bored of the same effects when your shields get my Zoner went and mounted a molecular shield (untill the radiation in O-11 blew it off), which was great, 'coz i got different effects, but would suck were I ever in combat...

Shield Idea - tansytansey - 11-12-2008

Meh, dunno about you but I'm usually too busy shooting at my opponent or <strike>running away</strike> making a tactical retreat to pay attention to visual effects. Their novelty would wear off quickly, just like the different coloured tractor beams.
But the burning/smoking effect when you're nearly dead is really annoying, gets in your way while you're trying to fly.