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{AFC}- || THE HELLHOUNDS - [1] | INFO - Printable Version

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{AFC}- || THE HELLHOUNDS - [1] | INFO - The Archangels Fighter Club - 03-12-2016

[Image: eF5oV2X.jpg]


A secretive group known as The Hellhounds operate inside of the Archangels club's one percent. Only the most skilled and trusted are gained access to this elite as their tasks involve an equal amount of skill. Their goal is clear: Take Care of Business.


[img float=right][/img]
Taking care of business includes:

1) Protect AFC members and AFC assets (Including Exotic Entertainers) and hunt those that become a threat.
2) Disrupt the Orange Dream.
3) Protect Archangel Allies.
4) Actively Hunt bountied targets by the AFC.
5) Hunt bountied targets by others assigned to the Archangels.

The Hellhounds may choose to either commit silent or public acts of assault and/or murder for The Club depending on the need.
A Hellhound must be aware of the repercussions and consequences of such actions and may even bear the consequences themselves.

Live by The Club - Die for The Club


In the depths of the Archangels Fighter Club are a small group keeping themselves in secrecy even from the rest of the Archangels. Only the President is aware of the inner workings of the Hellhounds but even then they operate without the need of consultation with the President; unless they are called upon to Take Care of Business. Their fanaticism and willingness for the club's efforts hold them together as The Club's backbone and blood-drenched dagger. Where the Hellhounds appear, be sure they are on a blood-lust prowl.

From the beginnings of the club's dive into the depths of the underworld, the one-percenters were present in doing the dirty work for the club. What started out as drug runs turned into disputes and brawls over territory by rival drug rings, which in turn turned into a silent vengeful spew of blood. The Archangels made enemies with many including the notorious Outcasts that are the head of the Cardamine operations in Sirius. With the ever-present alarm and need to strike back, the Hellhounds were created as the Archangel 'guard' wing from only the hardest one-percenters.

Only few and chosen elite club members are given the opportunity to enter into the secretive wing of the Hellhounds. Initiation is kept clean and simple: message usually by a note dropped unexpectedly in front of the member and given the option to join. If the club member accepted, he would then be inked by the Hellhound members with a hound tattoo on somewhere hidden on their body. After that, the initiation would end and the newest member would be taken into the secret operations of the wing. As not much is known about the Hellhounds, a reveled hound tattoo of a member might send shivers down one's spine. Any attempts as well to fake membership would be 'cut off'.

Many rumors among the club are to do with how blood-thirsty and unforgiving a Hellhound member would be. As it comes with being secretive, rumors about them are one of the Hellhounds physiological weapons. Their reputation had begun with their T.C.B. operations where there might be acts of murder, assault, or other forms of violence targeted to enemies and rivals of the club. Such attacks that were done in a bloody guerilla manor had spread fear and intimidation. Not all attacks however were done silently. When the Hellhounds would want to give out a public message on behalf of the club, they were not hesitant to accomplish the deed. Consequences such as serving jail time are just a part of the job for Hellhound members and they often refer to this as ' serving community service'.

A Hellhound's main objective is to protect and ensure stability and spread of the Archangel's smuggling and entertainer rings. With any disruption to the rings, a Hellhound may be set loose to deal with the problem. They would often resort to intimidation and/or violence to send a message across that The Club isn't fooling around. Other objectives would be to protect the club from rival threats as well as strike back with skilled force; especially towards the underground's rival competition of cardamine and slaves. While the main priority is towards the Archangels, allies are also a vital key in Archangel assets and Hellhounds could be sent out as well for additional protection.

To maintain a good foothold in protecting Archangel business rings, the Hellhounds take up secretive residence on Blackport and Newport station. There is no existing room or permanent hangout for a Hellhound HQ as they are nomadic in nature and prefer to, when necessary, discuss things to be as secretively as possible. As a result, the Hellhounds would to rumored to be occupying said installation and keeping an eye out for suspicious activity. When the needed arises, the inked members would be notified via comms to take action. Naturally as well, Hellhounds could be also found escorting important Archangel assets such as club owned party vessels; especially ones carrying exotic entertainers.

Sh1ps + Equ1pment

Raven's Talon

Mini Razor
Train Cruise Disruptor
Sentinel CM Dropper
Armor Upgrade Mk III
Engine ___

[img float=right][/img]

Train Cruise Disruptor
Sentinel CM Dropper
Armor Upgrade Mk III
Engine ___

RE: {AFC}- || THE HELLHOUNDS - [1] | INFO - WIP - The Archangels Fighter Club - 05-08-2016
