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A Sirian's Guide to Crayter (ooRP) - Printable Version

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A Sirian's Guide to Crayter (ooRP) - Crayter Republic - 03-17-2016

[Image: UuJsIzJ.png]

The Sirian's Guide to Crayter
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (and all it's intricate wonders)
by John Nox Carter

A welcoming message

Greetings, ladies and gentlemen.
Perhaps you're wondering what this is. Well, allow me to explain: This is an out-of-Role-play [ooRP] guide, meant for players that are unfamiliar with the Crayter Republic, that should clear up what this faction is and what it does. The guide's main goal is to make it easier for people to decide whether they'd like to join this faction or not. Secondly, it's meant to serve as guidelines for our new recruits. Even so, everyone is welcome to read it and get a better view of our faction.
Note that I am mainly referring to the official faction, and not to the NPC faction, even though they are about 99% the same thing.
While I'd personally recommend reading the whole thing - if you feel like it's too much, just go through the sections you think interest you. Either way, please enjoy!

A summary of our Lore

Long story short, the people of Crayter were once the crews of two colony ships, the Orion and the Gemini, that came from Sol to a distant sector, other than Sirius, and called it Crayter. This happened long before the Alliance-Coalition war in Sol. I could go into details about their time in that sector, but it's not as relevant, so anyone who's interested can just read more over here.

What most should know is that in 801 A.S., the Crayterians arrived in the Omegas with their two sleeper ships, handful of fighters and a fairly large population. They tried to find a place in Bretonia and around Sirius but were segregated as outsiders.

They made a deal with Planetform in 804 to work as their security force in exchange for a terraformed planet to live on. Feeling exploited after a change in the leadership of both groups, the Crayterians broke the deal and left for the Taus in 807.

They became incredibly friendly with the IMG, working as their paramilitary and eventually settling in the Tau-44 system in 810. Due to this and their long-standing hatred of slavery, they joined the fight against the Outcasts (which has went on to this day) but also attacked Bretonia for their past treatment. In the Tau War, they initially allied with Kusari, but after some mess with the Hogosha they went to war with them and signed a ceasefire with Bretonia. They were also involved in the Turf Wars alongside the IMG, fighting over Omega-7 against Rheinland.

After Gallia came onto the scene, the Crayterians stood against them rather than submit to their rule, unlike the IMG who felt they could not survive without agreeing to the Gallic terms. In 818, Tau-44 was lost with many transports full of refugees blown up by the invaders, which has caused the IMG to dislike their position but still unable to do anything. The Crayterians retreated to Pecos in Coronado where the IMG had already been mining, but have also started to colonise Yuma as their future home planet.

They have since allied with the Council and Bretonia against Gallia, and TAZ as good neighbours with no kind regard for Gallia. They remain at war with the Republic of Kusari, but like Bretonia have made peace with the Exiles. Despite past problems they are neutral with Rheinland and get on fairly well with Liberty.

Who are the Crayterians?

It's more or less common knowledge that this faction used to be called "Colonial Remannts" or "Colonial Republic". We later renamed the faction to fully merge with our established lore, as well as to gain a bit of extra originality.

But who are we? What does it mean to play this game with the Crayter Republic ID?
Well, we role-play as people who have lost too much to forget about it, but who don't give up. We valiantly hold on to our values and uphold what is just and true to us. In that sense, we are a lawful faction that will almost always choose to do the right thing. But before I explain how that works, I'll have to outline a few details about our various active "departments".

[Image: dhgsfzx.png]

The Crayter Military

The main bulk of the faction revolves around our Military. Most =CR= members will fly as military officers (of various ranks) that represent both the naval forces and the police department of our nation. As such, they will fly within the faction's Zone of Influence [ZoI] and fight our various enemies, while also upholding the laws and the values of our Republic. In that sense, they'll always attempt to protect and to spare innocent lives, be it Crayterians or not.
For example - we are at war with Gallia and we will engage them, but when it comes to Gallic corporations or just random smugglers and pirates, we'll typically present them with the opportunity to surrender first. There are plenty of aspects to this role-play, but the general idea is that senseless violence is senseless.
In terms of modus operandi, the military will mainly employ indirect tactics proposed by the Jeune École and other strategies that will avoid decisive engagements as much as possible, conserving the limited matériel at our disposal.

The Crayter Movers

This is the trading side of our faction. The Movers have a long-lasting record of being one of the most versatile "trading companies", since we're able to pretty much fly anywhere without great problems. More than that, the movers are hard-working traders by day and devious smugglers by night, on one end supporting the Republic's economy through trade in Sirius and on the other end by supplying our allies against Gallia, even behind enemy lines. More than that, the Movers are the ones who, just as their main ship - the Atlas - implies, hold the nation on their shoulders.
And, just like the Military... the Movers also value life. They will take action not only in humanitarian endeavours... but even in sudden situations, like flying in the heat of battle to save slaves rescued from Outcast or pirate transports.

The C.I.S.

Well - anything about the Crayter Intelligence Service is CLASSIFIED.

So then, again, comes the question: Who are we?
Well, we are a faction that offers almost any possibility for RP, from civilian to corporate, to military, to almost everything. Our only limit, if you wish to call it as such, is that we choose to act in a 'lawful good' manner and to never give up.


For those interested, a full diplomatic chart can be found on the faction's main information page. For now, I'll outline the more important relations the Republic has, as well as how these relations work. Also - for those who would prefer a summary of this section, feel free to open the spoiler below.

Allies and Friends

The Kingdom of Bretonia & The Republic of Liberty
  • United by a common enemy, as well as an interest in preserving the way of life each of us has built for themselves in Sirius, we have allied with both Bretonia and Liberty in order to fight the Gallic threat. Through the past years, as well as considering the Treaty of Curacao, various trade agreements have been established and joint operations fulfilled.
The Gallic Council
  • Considering the Council are enemies of the Royal regime in Gallia, they have become great allies in the war. Our military forces will usually coordinate with theirs whenever it is possible.
The Independent Miners Guild
  • They've been our closest of allies for quite some time, and that relationship remains strong, as we help each other in both economical and combat-related endeavours. They've been helping us rise to stability back in Coronado, and we've always fought side-by-side with them against the Outcast threat, not to mention we have extensively exchanged various technologies.
    However, since Gallia has taken a hold over the Tau systems, we must keep this alliance secret from the Gauls, so we most likely will refrain from openly working with the IMG or docking on their bases while the Gauls or their allies are present.
The Temporary Autonomous Zoners
  • Since we've settled in Coronado, our neighbours holding Baffin have proven steadfast allies in terms of economic growth. Nowadays, however, they have made their resent for the Gauls quite obvious. We can be certain they will be willing to help mounting a defense against the Gallic armada, should it find its way into Baffin or Coronado.
The Unione Corse
  • The Corse's influence in Gallia did not go unnoticed, nor did their reputation. As such, since 820 A.S. the Republic has been successfully pursuing cooperation with the Corse. They are valuable hidden allies, whom we call upon for special operations behind enemy lines. Of course, we must be careful not to expose their help to the Gallic Royal Navy.
The Order
  • As our main allies in the fight against Nomads, a threat fully acknowledged by the Crayter Republic, the Order have been in touch with us quite often. We've so far undergone many joint operations against the alien threat and continue to work together.
    Obviously though, we keep our relationship with the Order hidden from all houses, especially Liberty and Bretonia, as well as from the Core, who are enemies of the Order.

Enemies and Hostiles

The Kingdom of Gallia & The Republic of Kusari
  • The Gallic Royal Navy started a genocidal war against us, refusing to accept assurances of neutrality. For that and many other reasons that have accumulated over the course of hostilities - we will continue to fight until our end or theirs.
The Maltese Nation and their allies
  • An old enemy and a menace for nearly as long as our operation in the Taus. As we focused on Gallia - the frequency and intensity of hostilities between us diminished greatly, which allowed the signing of a bilaterally-respected ceasefire. Neither side is however quite ready yet to improve relations beyond that.
Nomads & Wild
  • We view the Alien Civilization, its hybrids and human sympathizers as a clear and present danger to the human species. No quarter given or expected.
Pirates, Criminals, Unlawfuls & the likes
  • We are an internally-lawful faction - We protect our holdings and businesses as well as those who help along.

Notable Neutralities

The Sirius Coalition
  • Unlike the four main houses whom, since the Alliance-Coalition war, despise the Coalition, we choose to view this small nation with an open mind. As such, we have had both pleasant and unpleasant encounters with them, but we mainly choose to stand neutral with one-another.
The Hellfire Legion
  • While we have had previous dealings with them of mutual benefit, we've never completely seen eye to eye with the Legion. Because of that, we merely leave them be and avoid looking too friendly towards them when Liberty officials are present.

Our diplomacy, as you can see, is not that straight-forward, but neither is it too complicated. There are factions that fit the description of a classic ally or enemy, but also some with which we have more intriguing relationships that may or may not be hard to operate with.

Zone of Influence

The Republic's zone of influence is rather clear and simple.
We can, rule-wise, operate freely within Coronado, Cortez, Magellan, Inverness, Drake, the Taus and Bretonia.

Still, based on our role-play, we consider to be our owned space: the systems of Coronado and Tau 44.
Our military will mainly operate in Coronado and the neighbouring systems, all the Tau systems and the war-front in Bretonia. It's also notable that within Coronado and Tau 44, as well as a small radius around the Coronado Jump Hole from Cortez - our military will fully impose all Crayter Laws.
The Crayter Movers, on the other hand, are not so limited to the above mentioned area of operations. They will generally trade wherever they can, be it in Sirius or in Gallia - thus making their work quite exciting as well.

Aside from this, I should mention a few important locations for the Republic:

Owned (dockable) Locations

Coronado - Planet Yuma [will actually be dockable after the patch]

The current homeplanet of the Crayter Republic - this lush, green world now holds the majority of the Republic's population. Even though it's still in the process of being colonised, especially on the mainlands, the Crayterians have settled here more than well. Today, this planet is the craddle of a reborn nation; it is proof of our hard work and decades of turmoil and sacrifice. While the words "for those we left behind" stay scarred in the minds of the generation that now inhabits the planet, the first generation born on this planet may never have to hear them.

Coronado - Sabah Shipyard

Found in the orbit of planet Yuma, this is represents the main anchorage and repair station for the Republic's fleet. More than that, as headquarters for the Crayter Defense Industries, it is also the production facility for all our ships, be it small or large crafts. It currently also houses a great deal of our military personnel that are not yet Crayter citizens.
[P.S. - it's also where the Ambrosia can be found.]

Coronado - Pecos

One of planet Salina's moons, Pecos is an iceworld initially used by the IMG for mining operations and later on by the Republic as a temporary colony (which was named New Hope). Nowadays it is mostly used as a staging point for military patrols and joint operations between the IMG and the Crayter Movers. Even so, this small stellar body is part of what the Crayterians call home.

Tau 44 - Carrier Hades

Hidden deep within an asteroid field, away from prying eyes, the Hades is a military headquarters, a hub for all communications within the Tau region and, as well, a secret ops. vessel. It's main purpose is to keep a close eye on our former home and act as a safe-house for our military squadrons that fly far from Coronado.
It's location is only known to the Crayter Military and generally relayed to others only in dire circumstances.

Some final words

Well - I do hope this guide was helpful or enlightening, or both. Should you wish to leave any feedback, be it pleasant or not, feel free to do so - but on the faction's specific feedback thread, and not on this thread, please.
Moreover, we in CR| look forward to flying with you, if we'll cross paths! Have fun!

[Image: mrpMNgl.png]