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To: Liberty Rogues | From: The Slaver's Union - Printable Version

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To: Liberty Rogues | From: The Slaver's Union - Slaver's Union - 03-20-2016

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[Image: 7zFBZMG.jpg]

To the Liberty Rogues,

Greetings, members of the Liberty Rogues. I'm a founder of the new Slaver's Union and a member of our honorary ruling body, the Presidium. It has come to our attention that some of you are still active in Liberty Space. As of yet, we have failed in our attempts to contact other factions. We are growing at an exponential rate, and because of this, we are seeking out alliances with factions who would be interested in expanding with us. We've already created our own Depot and claimed the small portion of space surrounding it.

Consider this an opportunity to come in on the ground floor. In exchange for offering us protection while making runs into and out of Liberty space, we could contract your pilots for a nominal fee. If we agreed to a more long term alliance, we would also be capable of supplying the Rogues with the cargo that they need or desire, from munitions, to Cardamine, or workers. We may also, in the future, wish to make a deal for the use of some of your capital ships in the defense of our private Depot.

This is an opportunity to bring back the Liberty Rogues in force and reclaim the space that was once yours. The ball is in your court, so to speak. The Union awaits your response...

- George Woods

The Slaver’s Union Presidium.

====End Transmission====

RE: To: Liberty Rogues | From: The Slaver's Union - Texas Red - 03-21-2016

[Image: FbYYmlR_zpsa11e6f72.png]


Name's Red, from Fortaleza. Sometimes, I make things dead. S'all there is to it.

Now, I ain't sure if y'all understand how things work 'round here, but as a former enforcer for the Warlords, we ain't keen on anyone comin' in unannounced and stakin' their claim on our turf. Not only do we have rules against constructin' a facility without our permission, but y'all have the audacity to come to us, seekin' to hire the Rogues, as your personal bodyguards. That, sir, is an insult. We ain't common hoods you call to act as yer' guard dogs.

Now, it don't matter to me what you offer at this point. We might not have a Warlord anymore, but the State Colours of Fortaleza have no need fer' swindlers and their offerin'. So, before I send out a possy to round y'all up and sell ya' to them Maltese as field workers, you best try this approach again, and provide me with a location of yer' facility, and I might just come out there myself to inspect it.

Happy trails.

-|Signal lost|-

RE: To: Liberty Rogues | From: The Slaver's Union - Slaver's Union - 03-21-2016

=====Reestablishing Connection====
====Beginning Transmission====
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====Data Packets Secure====

[Image: 7zFBZMG.jpg]

To the Liberty Rogues,

Perhaps you misunderstood our proposal, as you are clearly underestimating the people you are talking too. Considering your lack of control over Liberty systems these days, I would have assumed that an alliance with a growing faction who seeks you out to aid and resupply you with your own workforce, munitions, and Cardamine would have appealed to you. Perhaps we were mistaken?

We are not trying to hire the Rogues as personal bodyguards, or disrespect them in any way. On the contrary, we sought them out as we wish to see them come back in full force. What you didn’t understand is that we ask for your escorts while we supply your bases with the goods and services you need, AND pay credits to the ships, as the first step to a long and fruitful alliance. Alliances are not forged instantly, and small steps have to be taken initially.

As for our base and the small patch of territory that we have etched out for ourselves; though we understand that you may have influence over Liberty space, we aren't fond of any form of threat. Demanding our base location is a security breach. You will not be given any locations or even a system where our base is located until we have already passed the initial steps to a future alliance between the Liberty Rogues and the Slaver’s Union, as mentioned earlier.

Do not attempt to threaten a faction that you have no previous dealings with, and do not attempt to destroy the alliance that we seek to create with the Liberty Rogues, without first hearing our terms in a respectful manner, one criminal organization to another. Finally, do not ever threaten to sell a Captain of the Slaver’s Union, with ties to the Outcasts, as a slave TO the Outcasts, unless you wish to feel your blood flash boil in the vacuum of space…


- George Woods
The Slaver’s Union Presidium.

====End Transmission====

RE: To: Liberty Rogues | From: The Slaver's Union - Texas Red - 03-21-2016

[Image: FbYYmlR_zpsa11e6f72.png]


You ain't got the slightest idea who yer' talkin' to, so I'd rethink your tone... Actually, it don't matter at this point. Way I figure it, we're past the point o' talkin', so unless you intend on beggin' for yer' lives, remember who you've crossed. I'll be personally seein' to it that you ain't welcome in Liberty, unless y'all change this here approach, and provide me with a modicum of respect.

You just dug yourself a hole, be ready to bury your friends in it.

-|Signal lost|-

RE: To: Liberty Rogues | From: The Slaver's Union - Helium Devil - 03-21-2016

[Image: igsaoOU.png]
Comm ID: Deckard Whitehouse
Ship ID: Helium Devil
Comm origin: Appalachian Asteroid Field, Pennsylvania

Ya know, usually I don't answer ta these but with tha rainbow boys gettin' involved here I dun wanna be left out ya know? I'm hailin' from Niverton in Penny so I guess ya lot stop by from time ta time. This is my turf. Ya look like ya wanna behave tho'. Clever boys. Like this we can work. Dun mind the rainbow boys but ya should really not piss 'em off. They pack a punch if ya threaten 'em too much.

Escortin' ain't really mah business but I guess we can figure some distraction and other deals out yeah? Ya know if my pockets are filled by a good deal I don't need ta resolve ta forcin' ya to fill 'em. Thats how things are runnin' here. That is what ya need to get. Our turf. Our rules. Ya want ta work with us? Prove that ya be worth it and why we shouldn' just take your money. An' ya better stop threatin' us or we'll find out where ya little hideout is. And then ya wish, ya didn't insult them rainbow boys.

End of comm

RE: To: Liberty Rogues | From: The Slaver's Union - Slaver's Union - 03-22-2016

====Opening Transmission====
====Data Secure====

[Image: N8WEGKp.jpg]

Gentlemen we mean no disrespect and would love to fill your pockets. This seem's to have gotten off on the wrong foot. Lets start over, the reason we are reaching out to you is for potential business. As stated prior we are looking to open trade with you bringing in high value cargo to your liking. For the bases concern if you feel walked over this was never our intent and would gladly compensate for the little bit of space we use. Our only goal is to strengthen each others party in mutual agreement, not to mention the large amount of cash this will bring in for both parties. If you have pilots to spare for protection from the law we would pay them handsomely for the services. I can see you feel down played and don't like to be pushed around or disrespected. This can be said both ways and we would like this respect in return. Until then safe travels.

Slaver's Union Presidium

====End Transmission====