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Legacy of Sius Malacos - Printable Version

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Legacy of Sius Malacos - Heartless - 03-21-2016

Feedback Thread
The Legacy of Sius Malacos

[Image: 33jkznt.png]

Both benevolent and brutal, the first Grand Admiral of the Order High Command turned a small secret society into a strong military organization with influence from Kusari to Rheinland. Yet he crushed any dissent and rebellious agents who threatened to destabilize the Order. He demanded absolute loyalty and was respected by the Order while hated and feared by Bounty Hunters and Liberty intelligence. Following the ideal that information is power, Sius Malacos made research and intelligence a priority. Under his watch Order engineers developed a light fighter, a second very heavy fighter, a bomber, a gunboat, a reconnaissance cruiser, and a carrier. The Nomad threat was at its lowest since their emergence in Sirius and the group known as the Core kept at bay.

Then everything changed when Sius Malacos, aboard the flagship of the Order which he personally commanded, vanished. The year was 817 AS. What happened, or how, is not clear. Last reports indicate a drastic change in behaviour which led the Order’s best Nomad researchers to believe him to have been under the influence of an alien force. However this was no ordinary infection that had previously affected humans that caused the Nomad war. Extended leaves made these same researchers believe he was fighting back, perhaps even trying to gain intelligence from the very alien force affecting him. The Nomads knew of this man’s potential and mental strength, forcing them to deploy a new weapon against humanity.

Over the course of time Sius Malacos would vanish and reappear until one day his command ship appeared above Omicron Minor with a sole life sign aboard, that of Sius Malacos. No trace of any crew, no response of any kind. Attempts to make contact failed and the Osiris class battleship began to fly upwards away from planet Toledo until it simply faded into space. That was the last anyone had seen or heard from the former Grand Admiral.

For some time the Order fared well without Sius Malacos. However after one short year, an unprecedented Nomad force attacked Omicron Minor and obliterated the Order home world along with most of the organization’s members. Recalling the events that occurred prior to Sius Malacos’ disappearance the theory arose that it was due to his intimate knowledge of intelligence and security about the Order that allowed the Nomads to bypass external defense systems and strike at the heart of the Order. However after the attack the Nomad threat decreased once more, without explanation.

Some believe that the Nomads had initially planned to strike after gaining influence over Sius Malacos but that he was able to control the very species controlling him. He was able to fend off the alien force and his disappearance was in fact an escape to get as far away from Order space as possible to avoid any harm that might come as a result of his mind eventually giving in. Had he lost the battle in his mind? Was the destruction of Toledo and the battle for Omicron Minor a result of the information Sius Malacos had locked away deep in his mind? Had he prolonged the attack? Did he prevent the complete destruction of the Order?

Is Sius Malacos alive somewhere deep in Nomad space as a prisoner of the Alien forces?

Sentiments towards the Grand Admiral within the surviving forces of the Order ranged from admiration for beliefs that he prevented the complete annihilation of the organization to the accusations that the attack in Omicron Minor was his undoing. There are no answers and there were never any serious attempts made to find the former flaship and perhaps the best, and worst, person to ever have been in the Order. Why the Nomads did not continue their onslaught after the destruction of Toledo was but another question causing friction within the organization. Had Sius Malacos been able to prevent a second wave? Why had he not prevented the first if he had had that capability? Over time the Order began to rebuild in Omicron Mu and memories of Sius Malacos once again faded into the darkness…

… until his daughter emerged from the shadows of her father.

RE: Legacy of Sius Malacos - Heartless - 05-04-2016

The white lights in the maternity ward shined off the white walls and off the white floors. Needless to say the ceiling was white as well. The bed in the middle of the room was also white and the tables holding all sorts of medical equipment were white as well. The doctor and nurses surrounding the bed wore white scrubs and the woman giving birth on the bed was draped in white.

She clutched the handles on the side of the bed as she forced the life out her body. One nurse checked the vitals on the monitor while another injected some more painkillers into her body. The doctor at the bottom end of the table grasped the head of the child and slowly pulled it towards a third nurse who was waiting with a soft, damp, white cloth.

Some red liquid glittered on the bed and on the floor as the woman relaxed and took deep breaths. The nurse holding the newborn brought it to the mother to let her hold her child. The other two nurses left the room while the third discussed with the doctor.

From the white door five figures hooded in black seemingly glided into the room and lined up, side by side. The nurse looked at the doctor, then followed him out the room, leaving the five figures clothed in black alone with the exhausted, then confused, and now frightened woman.

The figures moved and surrounded the bed.

"You touch her and I wi..."

The mother's head turned back. She made chocking sounds though nothing, nor anyone was touching her. The child, silent. One of the hooded figures gently took the newborn out of its mother's hand and looked at it.

"Yes, you are the future..." then passed it onto the next figure,

"Ja, sie werden uns alle retten..." then the next,

"Si, todas las colonias ahora dependen de ti..."

"Hai, Anata wa idaina chikara o motsu koto ni narimasu..."

"Oui, et sauver toute l'humanité une fois pour toutes."

The last figure held the baby close to it. The mother gained some control and turned her head to look at her child and reached out to it with an arm...

"Na.. nadia..." then her arm fell and her head turned down with gravity.

The five hooded figures turned towards the door as the one holding the little girl placed her in a medical crib waiting by the exit, then activated the health monitor. She was silent, making only juvenile sounds, staring at the white ceiling. The five hooded figures in black glided back out the door, and the white lights reflecting off the white floor and white walls suddenly went dark, turning the white room into a dark abyss.

RE: Legacy of Sius Malacos - Heartless - 07-06-2016

"Watch it Neriu, that's a prototype!"

From the bridge of a Geb class carrier, the Captain pitched his continued frustration into the comm device.

"You're supposed to fly around the asteroids, not into them!"

A prototype Onuris class light strike fighter zoomed past the portside viewport and flew back into the asteroid field.

"A prototype interceptor that isn't even nimble enough to dodge a few rocks!"

Now in her late teens the young girl, Katria Neriu, was assigned to the prototype Geb which had departed Order space on a multi-year mission to gain data on the development of the Order's planned light attack fighter, the Onuris. Katria was selected to be one of the test pilots and then a regular pilot once back in Order space. Their current location, and flight plan, were known only to the two commanding officers of the capital ship as well as a small group back at headquarters.

Given the time spent away from home and the lack of inhabited planets, Katria determined that they had flown at cruise speed away from Sirius for a long, long time. No Liberty ships, no Corsairs, no Bounty Hunters, no Nomads, there was nothing out here.

Drifting and strafing and turning the nimble little fighter through the asteroid field, Katria was one of the pilots which delivered positive results for the Onuris. The crew was told their mission would soon be over and that they would be returning home.

"Command to pilots, we have the data we need, return to base."

"Another day, another set of boring regular data..." groaned another pilot.

"All pilots return to base, priority call level Alpha, we are departing immediately. This is not a drill!"

Katria and the two other pilots flying wing on wing looked at each other through their cockpits. Departing to where? They landed in the carrier and stepped out of the cockpits.

"This is the Captain." the ship-wide speakers hummed. "We have received an emergency call from Toledo, the planet is under attack.


Everyone was tense and no one knew what was going on. The crew paced back and forth and pilots sat around in the hangar waiting to hear what would happen next.

"Brace for jump hole entrance in 10, 9, 8, 7..."

"Jump hole? It took us years to get to where we are now and all of a sudden there's a jump hole?"

"3, 2, 1, jump!"

The space outside the Geb turned bright white as the ship made its way through the jump hole. Only a few short seconds later they emerged on the other side.

One of the pilots stood up. "It's Minor! We're home! Wait..."

Outside their view port were ships they had never seen before. Like a small Osiris class ships, only with many odd looking equipment on it, almost like spikes sticking out of a porcupine. The three ships were emitting an odd energy field that seemed to be stabilizing the makeshift jump hole they had just emerged from. The energy emitting from the three mysterious ships faded and the jump hole dissipated.

"Hey, over here, everyone get over here, now!"

Katria and the other pilots ran over to the other side of the hangar where other crew members were staring out the view port.

Toledo was on fire. In every literal sense of the word the planet was burning. Everyone just stood still. Then the lights dimmed. Sirens began to wail and red lights flashed.

"Battle stations! Pilots man your ships, gunnery crews open fire."

"What in the world is going on?!" The voice of the Captain seemed calm to Katria. Once in her cockpit she put on her helmet when the Captain's voice was heard again.

"Mission: protect ships evacuating survivors. Escort them through the jump hole now updated onto your navmaps, jump with them."

Katria looked at her navmap. A jump hole that had never been there before popped up on the map of Omicron Minor. This all made no sense. How did they get back here so fast, what were those ships, what was this new jump hole, and what happened to Toledo?

The squadrons launched from the launch tubes of the Geb carrier into the fray. among Order ships buzzed Bounty Hunters, few Corsairs, and Nomads. Nomads accompanied by an abnormally large ship that seemed to be dissipating into thin space. The evacuation was a mere convoy of very few ships headed by another ship which also resembled an Osiris. Only this ship was larger with more curvature and apparent weaponry. The ships from the carrier formed up blasting some Nomads out of the way. The battle seemed to be ending as the Nomads began to leave. Not quite flee or retreat as their mission, if it was the destruction of Toledo, was completed.

Once in formation the convoy flew into the field of shards towards where that new jump hole was located and they all jumped.