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To: the Crimson Cross || SUBJ: The Taus. - Printable Version

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To: the Crimson Cross || SUBJ: The Taus. - Euca - 03-21-2016

TO: the Crimson Cross Leadership.
FROM: Darcey Jameson.
SUBJ: The Taus.

To the Crimson Cross Leaders,

You may be surprised to see that a Bretonian corporation is reaching out to your organisation. This shock is natural, allow me to explain.

You see, over here at BMM, we've been long robbed of our resource rich Tau sector. The outbreak of the Kusari War and its eventual lead into the Gallic variety has left us annulled of our power and influence. A declawed tiger, if you will. In order to restore our prestige and status as a strong corporation, I've decided to change that. We want to take back the Taus, you see, and we want to do with the enemy of our enemies. Our friends, the Outcasts.

Admittedly, the idea is a recent one. A small, independent firm came to BMM for surveying ships to investigate the Taus. We tried to bargain with the business to feed us the information that they'd find from the sector, yet a month later and no response indicates to me that they've bit the dust on the highway. Because of this, we've needed to think outside the box somewhat, and see what other players could assist us in the region.

Naturally, our Outcast friends came to mind.

We've been working on preparing a scheme of sorts, to reassess the situation in the war torn region, but we need not only your expertise in the area, but also your cunning in attack and strategy. With your cooperation, we could see BMM rise again as a player in the international arena.

Now, you may pose the question, what profit does this have for my organisation? Cooperation with BMM can give many benefits. Primarily, we're the most outfitted shipbuilding corporation in the sector. Anything that your shipyards can't handle, ours surely can. We also have a monopoly over mining in Bretonia, and could see that some of these resources be shifted towards a close war ally. If gold doesn't tickle your fancy, consider our political strength. Our position within the government could see Outcast influence increase somewhat within the Kingdom. Imagine, if the legal amount of cardamine to be carried in a ship suddenly increased to 200 units one day, or if a royal edict was released, condemning rehabilitation centers and restricting the flow of Stabiline. We can achieve this, but only if we cooperate.

I am eager to hear your response to our potential cooperation.

With kind regards,
Darcey Jameson.

RE: To: the Crimson Cross || SUBJ: The Taus. - Sciamach - 03-24-2016

[Image: oIwb8rE.png]




To: Darcey Jameson.
From: Inquisitor Erikasaria Espinosa of the 2nd Tarxien Order
Subject: RE: The Taus
Encryption: [Absolute]

Believe me when I say: It's not the strangest thing I've heard in the past couple of days. Certainly the most surprising though: last time any one of my number reached out to BMM, we received little more than a proverbial middle finger and shown the door. I was expecting that when the tables had turned and we had the opportunity to return the favor, I'd feel significantly more satisfied over the ordeal. As it stands, I'm more intrigued than vengeful.

Your proposal for a more united front in the Taus is one we're by no means against, but it is certainly one with details that will need to be considered carefully. The Tau region is one that has lost almost all semblances of stability over the years; Maltese forces openly combat Gallia's armada, the Exile fleet makes it's wheezing inept attempts to pose a threat to any of the major players (all the while failing, might I add), and Gallic criminals attempt to make themselves relevant in an area where the Orange and Red dominate. Oh and to add insult to warzone: your good old friends in the IMG have sullenly bent themselves over a crate in preparation for Gallia's continued expansion, all the while attempting to rationalize that they didn't have a choice but to basically surrender immediately. It'd almost be comical if it weren't so pathetic.

In short: if your board members truly believe this a region worth investing effort, ships, people, money, and time into; then Malta is willing to extend what help we can your way.

As for our restitution: lets call it gratis until such a time as we have need of you and your resources for our own. As enticing as your offer concerning Stabiline is, let's make sure our own people can accomplish even the most basic forms of cooperation before promises are made.

[Image: rs1UZTi.png]

RE: To: the Crimson Cross || SUBJ: The Taus. - Euca - 03-27-2016

TO: the Crimson Cross Leadership.
FROM: Darcey Jameson.
SUBJ: The Taus.

To the Crimson Cross Leaders,

Previous BMM administrations have fallen short in meeting needs, that is true. And for that I offer my apologies. Similar to the Taus, our corporate ladder has been unsteady, and seen many fall from it's top rung.

We understand that the Tau region has been an epicenter for drama and chaos in recent years, yet we cannot advert our gaze. There is simply too much to consider before we write it off as a useless region. The details, per se, will be provided, but first we require prospecting of a system or two to gauge our interest and plot our moves. As such, an analysis of the fields and factions of Tau-23 and Tau-31 would suffice to fulfill our needs.

Your cooperation is appreciated and your hesitation in committing to a promise is understood wholly. Regardless, if the asked prospection of the respective systems could be completed, we'd be much obliged and willing to offer rewards a plenty, even if that means 'misplacing' a gunboat or two.

With kind regards,
Darcey Jameson.

RE: To: the Crimson Cross || SUBJ: The Taus. - Sciamach - 03-28-2016

[Image: oIwb8rE.png]




To: Darcey Jameson.
From: Inquisitor Erikasaria Espinosa of the 2nd Tarxien Order
Subject: RE: The Taus
Encryption: [Absolute]

Make no mistake, I'm not lying when I say that some of our engineers/pilots/command may be salivating over the prospect of that last line of yours. As it stands however: lets not get ahead of ourselves.

The details of your survey mission will need to be forwarded to my personal NN account so that I can arrange for the proper ships and personnel to be standing by when the time comes. At present, the most I can offer for protection is /maybe/ a Tridente Heavy Escort up front. This is fluid however, as full commitment of more forces can be arranged in the event of a major emergency but rest assured; I will do everything in my power to ensure your people's safety and all your vessel's structural integrity.

I look forward to our further cooperation; it's promising to be very very enlightening.

[Image: rs1UZTi.png]