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Adding Pirate IFF'd Satellites to the Darkside of (Capital) Planets - Printable Version

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Adding Pirate IFF'd Satellites to the Darkside of (Capital) Planets - Lythrilux - 03-22-2016

I don't think this idea is anything new, and it's something people have suggested before to allow unlawfuls to take access of high value smuggling buypoints (i.e the Manhattan Satellite could just direct the player to the base entry for Manhattan).

Something though that I also think would be a really good inscentive for adding these which hasn't been talked about is how these satellites are the solution to smuggler FR5s. If (i.e) a Freelancer smuggler was FR5'd in the current mod version that'd pretty much be it for them and they'd never smuggle again. But if there were neutral satellites for the Freelancer to dock on, even once they are FR5'd, it'll still give them a reason to smuggle.

It'd be restricted to Freighters and Transports. The satellite would have Pirate IFF to stop lawfuls docking.

RE: Adding Freelancer IFF'd Satellites to the Darkside of (Capital) Planets - Impyness - 03-22-2016


Although in my opinion they should only allow freighter docking, much like the leeds satellite. That way it's also much more dangerous to offload cargo this way, since you would need to have a freighter physically ferry the cargo from a larger ship to make it worthwhile.

RE: Adding Freelancer IFF'd Satellites to the Darkside of (Capital) Planets - 7AlphaOne1 - 03-22-2016

I approve

RE: Adding Freelancer IFF'd Satellites to the Darkside of (Capital) Planets - Stefz - 03-22-2016

Couldn't agree more. I see no point in smuggling, since if you get caught, you're pretty much done. Sure, you can always try and talk your way out of a bad situation, but every lawful will demand you to drop your entire cargo, with an additional fine on top of that. You either get caught and proceed to dock anyways, at which point your character's smuggling career in that region is over, or you lose all your cargo, wasting a trip, essentially.

Also what Impy said. It would encourage people to fly in groups and cooperate.

RE: Adding Freelancer IFF'd Satellites to the Darkside of (Capital) Planets - gafwmn - 03-22-2016

(03-22-2016, 03:53 PM)Lythrilux Wrote: I don't think this idea is anything new, and it's something people have suggested before to allow unlawfuls to take access of high value smuggling buypoints (i.e the Manhattan Satellite could just direct the player to the base entry for Manhattan).

Something though that I also think would be a really good inscentive for adding these which hasn't been talked about is how these satellites are the solution to smuggler FR5s. If (i.e) a Freelancer smuggler was FR5'd in the current mod version that'd pretty much be it for them and they'd never smuggle again. But if there were neutral satellites for the Freelancer to dock on, even once they are FR5'd, it'll still give them a reason to smuggle..

So we could once again hear the smugglers battlecry in system chat " And another load of Cardi delivered " ?...........just no.

RE: Adding Freelancer IFF'd Satellites to the Darkside of (Capital) Planets - Lythrilux - 03-22-2016

(03-22-2016, 04:06 PM)gafwmn Wrote: So we could once again hear the smugglers battlecry in system chat " And another load of Cardi delivered " ?...........just no.

Would you rather have no smugglers at all? Shame on the lawfuls for not stopping them before they reach the sell point in that regard.

RE: Adding Freelancer IFF'd Satellites to the Darkside of (Capital) Planets - SnakThree - 03-22-2016

What FR5 are you talking about? It is almost not used whatsoever.

We also don't need people raiding out of "darkside" of the planets due to Freelancer IFF. Neither running to dock there.

RE: Adding Freelancer IFF'd Satellites to the Darkside of (Capital) Planets - Lythrilux - 03-22-2016

(03-22-2016, 04:15 PM)Snak3 Wrote: We also don't need people raiding out of "darkside" of the planets due to Freelancer IFF. Neither running to dock there.

Simply restrict it to transports then in that case.

RE: Adding Freelancer IFF'd Satellites to the Darkside of (Capital) Planets - nOmnomnOm - 03-22-2016

(03-22-2016, 04:15 PM)Snak3 Wrote: What FR5 are you talking about? It is almost not used whatsoever.

it's not used though because people know it will happen so they are careful.

RE: Adding Freelancer IFF'd Satellites to the Darkside of (Capital) Planets - Sabru - 03-22-2016

I'm all for it if it's restricted to freighters and transports.