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A call to Metasequia Users! Please Help! - Printable Version

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A call to Metasequia Users! Please Help! - cal823 - 11-14-2008

I made a military transport/ troop transport today in metasequia, but when i imported it into milkshape, all these triangular holes formed in it, and the domes on top had parts of them stretch backwards.
Will post screenshots when my computer feels like co-operating with my internet.
Anyone know how to fix this issue?

A call to Metasequia Users! Please Help! - cal823 - 11-14-2008

I know its a bit soon, but now have 2 models with the same prob:)
*Bumpity Bump Bump*

A call to Metasequia Users! Please Help! - El Nino - 11-14-2008

Well I'm a very noob modeler, but triangle holes would mean that you are missing triangles. Verts so to say, and your import export function does not work then properly...

A call to Metasequia Users! Please Help! - Bjorn - 11-14-2008

Actually, if i am not mistaken, point is that milkshape is usinf triangles instead of both triangles and squares like metaseq does. And secon part is that metaseq sometimes has double verts on some spots, so even if surface does look merged it is not, its simply seamlessly touching.

A call to Metasequia Users! Please Help! - cal823 - 11-14-2008

I think i should be able to fix it, if i can figure out how to select the correct vertices in ms and click "create face"
but i am having alot of trouble figuring out how exactly.....
sometimes i click on a vertice and lots of vertices go red, and in some views/ windows i cannot even click on the vertices.

A call to Metasequia Users! Please Help! - cal823 - 11-14-2008

have figured out how to fix some of the holes (only the ones with vertices on all 3 sides, most of the holes have corners without vertices)
This is really frustrating :s im sure plenty of people have made metasequia models that dont have holes in milkshape :s how did you guys get around this problem?

A call to Metasequia Users! Please Help! - Bjorn - 11-14-2008

I tend to start with primitive shape, and then i usually connect new parts manually with create. My work in it resambles drawing in 3d.

A call to Metasequia Users! Please Help! - cal823 - 11-14-2008

I tend to start with a rectangular shape, and use a mixture of extruding and placing primitives, as well as using create to join bits up.

A call to Metasequia Users! Please Help! - Bjorn - 11-14-2008

Adding several primitives is your problem then, you need to connect them manual with "Create"

A call to Metasequia Users! Please Help! - cal823 - 11-15-2008

I do not think it is to do with the primitives being unconected, as the holes are not between the primitives. The hole thing is covered in triangular holes, with each rectangular or square face being split into 2 triangles, one of those triangles being what is left of the face, and the other being a hole.
If this cannot be resolved, i will be unable to continue modelling for freelancer, as i find gmax too annoying to use.