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To: Abfallentsorgung Waste Disposal - [ALG] - Printable Version

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To: Abfallentsorgung Waste Disposal - [ALG] - Yak - 03-28-2016

Encrypted Transmission Commencing

☩ Sender: Kapitan Wolfgang Busch

☩ Location: Planet New Berlin, New Berlin

☩ Recipient: Abfallentsorgung Waste Disposal

☩ Subject: Hazardous Materials: Ship Modification

Guten Tag.

I'm Kapitan Busch, pilot and co-founder of Volksfracht. We're a small company, mostly dealing in the food and consumables trade throughout the Sirius sector.

Anyway, on to business. I'm contacting your organisation because of your particular skills. Like I said, we mostly deal in the transport of food, drink and similar consumable commodities, but I wouldn't want us to miss out on any tasty business deals just because we're unprepared.

Obviously we can't afford to go around delivering contaminated consumables to our customers, so any contracts we manage to get for transport of hazardous materials will need a specially equipped ship. Our problem here is that we don't have the funding to purchase any of the larger vessels usually used fur moving toxic or radioactive cargo, so we'll need to fix up somethin' a bit smaller.

The ship model I had in mind is the CT-53 "Heron" Civilian Train, but you boys are the experts here so if you think there's a better option I'm all ears!

If it's something you can help with I'd need a rough idea of the cost so we can work out a budget for the project.

Danke fur your time.

Wolfgang over and out.

Transmission Completed


RE: To: Abfallentsorgung Waste Disposal - [ALG] - Biggles - 04-05-2016

[Image: 24a5jcN.png]

Sehr geehrter Herr Kapitan Busch,

While we usually recommend the use of our excellent HazMat Canisters for the transport of hazardous or toxic materials onboard regular, unmodified vessels, it seems that you want a ship dedicated to the transportation of these substances. In a nutshell, the conversion process will involve the encapsulation of the inner hull with our proprietary lead-iridum alloy, the application of extra radiation shielding between the cargo and crew compartments and the addition of advanced safety and monitoring systems required for the safe and proper transportation of hazardous materials.

In my professional opinion a 568-ARKG-B6 "Behemoth" class transport would be most suited to your needs. It has similar specifications to the Heron, having the same cargo space and slightly improved armour and firepower. Most importantly, it is the only ship which we use to haul toxic waste in bulk as part of our cleanup operations with the exception of the mighty Golem, which as I'm sure you know is almost completely off-limits to outside organisations. As a result our engineers are familiar with working with the Behemoth and so the conversion fee will be significantly lower. In fact, should you choose the Behemoth it is available for immediate purchase, fully kitted out for hazardous material transport, from Dortmund Station for 21,100,595 credits (see attachment below). However if you would still rather use the Heron, a ship (supplied by you) can be converted for 14,500,000 credits, resulting in a total cost of 35,600,595 credits at the current market rate for a ship of that class.

I trust you will find this information helpful and await your reply.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Erich Stohl

[Image: Ao9JZ8R.png]

RE: To: Abfallentsorgung Waste Disposal - [ALG] - Yak - 04-07-2016

Encrypted Transmission Commencing

☩ Sender: Kapitan Wolfgang Busch

☩ Location: Planet New Berlin, New Berlin

☩ Recipient: Abfallentsorgung Waste Disposal

☩ Subject: Hazardous Materials: Ship Modification

Hallo Herr Stohl.

I've had a bit of a think about your proposal, and I've decided that the CT-53 "Heron" is what we'll take. Main reason bein' that I don't reckon people look too hard at exactly what ship is deliverin' their goods, and I don't want people seein' a Volksfracht Behemoth leave with some carcinogenic cargo, then see another one land with their dinner later on. If you get my meaning, I'd like any ships we use for dangerous cargo to look different enough that our customers don't think we're just goin' to be hauling sewage, then chuckin' a load of food in there straight after.

So, even though we're talkin' a lot of extra credits here, I'd rather pay out than risk our reputation over such a small thing. I'll be leaving soon to purchase the ship, and I'll let you know when it's been delivered to Dortmund.

Until then, if you get a chance to let me know where to send the payment for the upgrade I'll get that transferred in advance of the work. And can you let me know what the extra cost would be for your people installing new Rheinland VP-T2 MOX Intermix Chamber Mk II reactors bitte?

Auf Weidersehen fur now Herr Stohl.

Wolfgang over and out.

Transmission Completed


RE: To: Abfallentsorgung Waste Disposal - [ALG] - Yak - 04-17-2016

Encrypted Transmission Commencing

☩ Sender: Kapitan Wolfgang Busch

☩ Location: Dortmund Station, New Berlin

☩ Recipient: Abfallentsorgung Waste Disposal

☩ Subject: Hazardous Materials: Ship Modification

Guten Tag Herr Stohl.

I've made a trip up to Kusari to purchase a "Heron" transport, ready for your people to fix up. Delivery to Dortmund has been made, and the ship is awaiting the attention of your people.

[Image: 2_zpszwgu2jus.png]

I had a quick word with your ship equipment specialist, Gunnar Noth, and he's told me his team can get to work as soon as they get the order from the bosses, I guess that would be you. Doesn't sound like the engine upgrade will be much of a problem either, "easy job" according to Herr Noth.

[Image: 3_zpsextvmaoz.png]

Fur now, I'll leave the ship in your capable hands, and I'll wait for your message that it is gut to go, and the account I should transfer the payments to. Danke fur your help in this matter Herr Stohl, can't wait to see the ship when she's ready!

Wolfgang over and out.

Transmission Completed


RE: To: Abfallentsorgung Waste Disposal - [ALG] - Biggles - 04-21-2016

[Image: YPT8HO2.png]

Sehr geehrter Herr Kapitan Busch,

The replacement of the Heron's 'stock' engines with VP-series models and the accompanying conversion of the fuel system to MOX is indeed a fairly common and relatively simple procedure as Herr Noth suggests, and should pose no difficulties whatsoever. The purchase and fitting of two, brand new VP-T2 powerplants and the associated modification to the fuel system will cost you 3,500,000 credits. Along with the previously discussed fee of outfitting the vessel for transport of hazardous cargo of 14,500,000 credits this results in a total of 18,000,000 credits, to be forwarded to [ALG]-Bank. Work will commence immediately upon arrival of the credits, and should take no more than fourteen working days.

It was a pleasure doing business with you Herr Busch, and I wish you the best of luck with your enterprise.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Erich Stohl
[Image: Ao9JZ8R.png]

RE: To: Abfallentsorgung Waste Disposal - [ALG] - Yak - 04-24-2016

Encrypted Transmission Commencing

☩ Sender: Kapitan Wolfgang Busch

☩ Location: Heisenberg Research Station, Koeln

☩ Recipient: Abfallentsorgung Waste Disposal

☩ Subject: Hazardous Materials: Ship Modification

Guten Abend Stohl.

I have made the transfer of $18 million to the ALG bank account, so you should be able to start workin' on the ship now. I'll look forward to seeing it when the modifications are completed in a couple of weeks, and in the meantime let me know if there are any materials you need delivered in order to speed things up a bit.

View Payment Reciept

While I'm at it, now is probably a good time to let you know that Volksfracht trading is currently being suspended for an indefinite period of time, however you will be able to contact me directly, and company assets will be available for contracts on a case-by-case basis. So if there is anything I can help you out with in the future just drop me a line over the neural net.

Anyway, let me know when the work's done!

Wolfgang over and out.

Transmission Completed
