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Battlestar Galactica - Davey Jones - 08-09-2006

Hello everyone I thought of an interesting idea.
So here it is, with the new additions of the cylon raider and the colonial viper. I thought it would be interesting if in one of the future mod editions that they add a few of the fleet ships from battlestar.

Colonial One
Base Star
New Raider
Viper Mark VII

Here is a link to what the ships look like, bnut what I thought is we could have a whole galactic war going on. It Be Fun! Not to mention some of the scenarios we could come up with for RP events.

Battlestar Galactica - Virus - 08-09-2006

You know that Igiss/other admins didn't make these ships themselves, right?

Someone else made the model and allowed Igiss to add it to the mod. The best way to get something added in is to find a model for it on Lancers Reactor and post it.

Battlestar Galactica - Davey Jones - 08-11-2006

Virus,Aug 9 2006, 11:09 AM Wrote:You know that Igiss/other admins didn't make these ships themselves, right?

Someone else made the model and allowed Igiss to add it to the mod. The best way to get something added in is to find a model for it on Lancers Reactor and post it.

Ok... I was sure that most likely they didn't make all the ships and would have no problem helping to add such ships. I am a 3D modeler and have been dong it for about 6 years and can model the ships though I have no idea how to program them into the game. I also didnt know if anyone was interested in these ships or if they would even be added if the admins and designers wont dont want them in the game then I will not bother to put any effort into it.

Thanks for the help and information it was helpful :)

Battlestar Galactica - Kane - 08-11-2006

I would not mind seeing a dedicated science ship out and about... Tried once with a Kirshiro tagged thing. It was lost, and I made a different use for the slot, but it was fairly interesting while it lasted. It was, however, a luxury liner, so it's appearence was a bit... odd.

Battlestar Galactica - Reaver Company Inc. - 08-11-2006

While we are on the subject of new ships...

Might it be possible to create some kind of production barge? You know, a big clunky looking thing with lots of pipes, smoke-stacks, a few bays, and a healthy helping of devensive turrets? The Asteroid Miner is all right for a Mobile Production Plant / Research & Development ship, but it seems... lacking, to me.

Battlestar Galactica - Dab - 08-11-2006

Maybe something like a banking ship?

It'd have armor like the battleship, shields like a cruiser and energy like a cruiser. but the maneuverability of a frigate. So it'd be like a very heavily defended cruiser, but not as good as a frigate or battleship in a fight. It'd be useful for holding off Frigate type ships long enough to make its escape. It has the armor to hold it off like a battleship would, but the bad maneuverability would make it bad for turning in the fight. Hence flying towards an escape but holding off the other ship long enough to make it that far. It could also be used as an extra set of defense for battleships. It can help lighten the amount of fire the battleships will get shot at it. they can position themselves between the attacker and BS and stop the BS from getting mobbed long enough to take out some more ships and then come in and kill the thing the banking ship is blocking it from. Adding new strategies to fights, and diversity to fleets. It would be used to also transport valuables like weapons, BS weaponry, fighter equipment, without having to worry about getting clobbered. Or as a treasury ship.

Battlestar Galactica - Davey Jones - 08-13-2006

all these ships seem interesting :) I was also thinking of possible new ships for kusari. I realized the lack of available ships in the kusari systems when I recently checked it out for yakuza. and would love to see a larger fleet selection available there.

Also I thought about sometihing Kusari is supposed to be the japanese / asian populated space if this is so then the Japanese are so much more technologically advanced in their lifestyle then most other cultures. So wouldn't they have more technological ships and weapons available.

Kusari intrigues me but when thinking of a clan when starting mine I chose not to base it there for lack of its available equipment, everything would have to of been brought in the system.

Anyways this is my round about way of saying I would like to design some ships for kusari maybe even put some of battlesatrs stuff there.

Battlestar Galactica - Hyperwave22 - 08-13-2006

I like the idea. Seeing a few more new ships out there would be cool, and they would be made from someone I know. I hope your ship models work out!

Hype :D