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Satellite/Dock Ring for JiangXi? - Printable Version

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Satellite/Dock Ring for JiangXi? - Tabris - 03-28-2016

I have recently been tossing the idea of requesting a Satellite or Docking Ring for JiangXi around my head, the reason for this you ask? To expand on the JiangXi story-arc of recovery and rehabilitation of the planet after the attack by an 'Enemy of the Coalition'. The Coalition in the past hasn't used Docking Rings due to the paranoia of the past leaderships about 'House Influences' and such. However the current Government is a much more open one to diplomacy and reason (example: burying the hatchet with The Order) and can see the advantages offered by the installation of such technologies for the purposes of shipping supplies and people to & from the sick world.

It would be a mostly 'buy point' of items that would be useful in it's recovery and for colonial interest. Some of the items would/may include: Terra-forming Gases, Refugees, HazMat Containers (smuggled in), Gaian Wildlife, Fugitives (RP'd as political criminals seeking asylum) and perhaps Food Rations (to feed the population). Further POSSIBLE commodities could include Docking Ring Parts (upkeep of the ring/construction of it).

I am unsure exactly what it would 'produce' aside from perhaps Ordinance (If accepted in-game by the Devs), suggestions would be appreciated by folks during this brainstorming phase. Right now it's RP'd as 'Specialized Atmospheric Ships' are being used to transport goods to/from the planet which in the long run isn't economically stable and can be considered expensive due to fuel costs.

I would appreciate constructive criticism on this matter and other ideas (no #deletecore as that's beyond my power. Ask a Dev that one. Tongue ).

Thanks for the comments (good and bad, the bad ones I send into a wood-chipper as entertainment.)

RE: Satellite/Dock Ring for JiangXi? - Lythrilux - 03-28-2016

Most important of all is that you at least RP with Ageira for the Ring. That would be best. And imo it'd work nicely for Coalition trying to build sentiment with civilian/corporate entities.

RE: Satellite/Dock Ring for JiangXi? - Tabris - 03-28-2016

Ageria simply doesn't like us. They're suspicious of us attacking them and we were suspicious of them spying/working for the houses. So either the hatchet must be buried or the weaker boxes the Rings are stored in (White Boxes tend to be used for the more important tech like JG/TL Parts from what I am told.)acquired though 'other means'.

RE: Satellite/Dock Ring for JiangXi? - SnakeLancerHaven - 03-28-2016

I actually had this since long, that in my mind. realy realy would be awesome if we could get that especially, we had this Jiang Xi trial RP since long as you may remember and we always had landing points at some point, with that Satelite docking ring (Maybe that like Tomniako in Nagano) it would display it also in Game that there are like places we can land in Jiang Xi also with the things you mentioned. Not to speak that Planet Volgograd also has people on it, but the most population lives on Jiang Xi, hence why it would make sense.

RE: Satellite/Dock Ring for JiangXi? - Tabris - 03-29-2016

It's not really viable at this point Snake, there would be no point landing at any of the Trials of JiangXi point for anyone BUT SCRA so it's kinda exclusive and not conductive to expanded role-play.

Right now it's best for either a Docking Ring like Tangier/Crete/Mata etc etc or simply a satellite like Nuremburg or Leeds because it would allows others to be included in the RP process and is less messy to deal with/less work for Devs.

As for Volgograd (which is our Capital World and actually holds a fair deal more than JiangXi in terms of Population) right now it doesn't really NEED a Ring/Satellite as most of this RP focus is on JiangXi and it's recovery from it's bombed state. The reason I suggested JiangXi was due to the ongoing RP process of the world's recovery and the opportunity this would provide to those seeking to trade more with the Coalition such as the Hessians/Freelancers/LWB etc etc, it's frankly has more 'RP Potential' at this time than Volgograd does simply due to the past history JiangXi has.

RE: Satellite/Dock Ring for JiangXi? - SnakeLancerHaven - 03-29-2016

I wasn't talking about Volgograd getting a Ring/Satellite lol, also Wiki must be old then or I dunno where I read about it.

I was just stating as how much your proposal made sense for Jiang Xi, now with LWB base at our back helping to make Jiang Xi farmable again. But I thought something like Planet Tomniak (in Nagano) would've been nice, so we would know the Planet isn't completely suitable "yet" but there are locations in which life is good and we can land there hence why a satelite inside the Planet would be nice, as inRP it would give coordinates to the Ships where they can land.

RE: Satellite/Dock Ring for JiangXi? - Impyness - 03-29-2016

Docking Ring Parts are exclusively manufactured at the Ageira Technologies facility in the Colorado system and are delivered to individual construction sites as necessary. These components are sealed in scanner-proof, tamper-proof white boxes that can only be opened with complex biometric keys. The boxes are also designed to detonate if opened outside of an authorized facility. Additional security measures are confidential, but Ageira has never failed to recover a missing white box.

RE: Satellite/Dock Ring for JiangXi? - Wesker - 03-29-2016

(03-29-2016, 03:04 AM)Impyness Wrote: Docking Ring Parts are exclusively manufactured at the Ageira Technologies facility in the Colorado system and are delivered to individual construction sites as necessary. These components are sealed in scanner-proof, tamper-proof white boxes that can only be opened with complex biometric keys. The boxes are also designed to detonate if opened outside of an authorized facility. Additional security measures are confidential, but Ageira has never failed to recover a missing white box.

So then how to the corsairs and outcasts have them and Hessians lol.

RE: Satellite/Dock Ring for JiangXi? - Lythrilux - 03-29-2016

(03-28-2016, 11:21 PM)Tabris Wrote: Ageria simply doesn't like us. They're suspicious of us attacking them and we were suspicious of them spying/working for the houses. So either the hatchet must be buried or the weaker boxes the Rings are stored in (White Boxes tend to be used for the more important tech like JG/TL Parts from what I am told.)acquired though 'other means'.

If you wish to build a Docking Ring then, you'll need to bury the hatchet and contact Ageira. Otherwise a Docking Ring is not possible.

If this is absolutely not feasible, then what I would do if I were you would be to suggest getting something like the Red Crosses on Tomioka to represent a landing zone.

(03-29-2016, 03:08 AM)Wesker Wrote:
(03-29-2016, 03:04 AM)Impyness Wrote: Docking Ring Parts are exclusively manufactured at the Ageira Technologies facility in the Colorado system and are delivered to individual construction sites as necessary. These components are sealed in scanner-proof, tamper-proof white boxes that can only be opened with complex biometric keys. The boxes are also designed to detonate if opened outside of an authorized facility. Additional security measures are confidential, but Ageira has never failed to recover a missing white box.

So then how to the corsairs and outcasts have them and Hessians lol.

Literally every docking ring aside from House Docking Rings make zero sense. It would be better to replace them with the Red Crosses Tomioka has.

RE: Satellite/Dock Ring for JiangXi? - Impyness - 03-29-2016

It's never explained how Corsairs or Outcasts go them in vanilla, iirc it's simply stated that they were obtained "at great cost". I'm guessing the generic reason is because neither faction should have actually obtained them, but there was nothing else to actually use as a docking location for their bases at the time.