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Rules Rework: This time by the community - Printable Version

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Rules Rework: This time by the community - aerelm - 04-03-2016

There's no denying that our Community Rules aren't as simple, straightforward and efficient as they ideally could be, and even though there's been a few rewrites and revisions over the recent years, the staff are once again considering giving it another look to see what can be done to improve the ruleset. This time, however, we'd like to ask the community for their input.

What the team is aiming for with this rework is a set of straightforward and efficient rules, which everyone would be able to easily comprehend and follow, be it new players who've just joined and are reading the rules for the first time, or veterans who've been playing long enough to be looking at the rules from a whole different angle (and often find themselves confused by what might've been the actual intention behind each rule and what might be an unintended "loophole").

There are three simple guidelines for posting in this thread, please follow them if you're going to make a post:
  1. You have two options for your submission:
    1. A fresh writeup: If you feel a complete rework is necessary, submit a fresh writeup but make sure to include everything you feel should be part of the server rules.
    2. Suggest adjustments: If you feel the current writeup and structure is good enough but there are certain points in the rules which could use some adjustments, list those points.
  2. One post per person. Make sure to include everything in the same post and try to make it as comprehensive as possible. This thread is only for submissions, so please refrain from commenting on or trying to discuss submissions made by other members.
  3. Thread will be closed on Friday, 15th. You're free to edit your submissions until then, but no new submissions will be accepted afterwards.

The greens are already working on a new writeup as well, which combined with submissions in this thread will hopefully provide a new ruleset which would be easier to understand and follow.

RE: Rules Rework: This time by the community - Antonio - 04-03-2016

*- King Boo - This is my personal opinion. This is NOT how the staff in the entirety feels. You people wanted transparency. Thought i'd contribute as an individual.
Community Rules - 2.4:

Current definition:
2.4 Ponies off the reservation will be removed without warning.

Proposed definition:
Remove the rule.

Now that ponies are gone there's no need for this rule anymore. Hopefully they won't start getting spammed again if it gets removed.
*-Why remove the rule and invite ponies to be pasted all over the forums again? I don't really think this is in dire need to be changed.

Server Rules - 1.2:

Current definition:
1.2 Disconnecting from the server in any situation involving player interaction is not allowed. If you lose server connection, you should get back in game as soon as possible to continue the interaction. If that is not possible, post a note here.

Proposed definition:
1.2 Disconnecting from the server or using filtered words to get yourself kicked from the game in any situation involving player interaction is not allowed. If you lose server connection, you should get back in game as soon as possible to continue the interaction. If that is not possible, post a note here.
*-Isn't this self explanatory as it is? If you disconnect using filtered words, it still is considered as you disconnecting. The rule applies anyways. Though I suppose clarity doesn't hurt anyone.

Server Rules - 3.1

Current definition:
3.1 An attack is any hostile action that drains shields to less than 50%. Saying "Engaging" is not sufficient and aggressors are not allowed to destroy a ship before allowing sufficient time to respond. If a player is attacked he has the right to defend himself regardless of who is attacking. Trading nanobots, shieldbatteries or other ammo and equipment during a fight is also considered taking an active role in the engagement.

Proposed definition:
3.1 An attack is any hostile action that drains shields to less than 50%. Saying "Engaging" is not sufficient and aggressors are not allowed to destroy a ship before allowing a sufficient time to respond. If no response is given in the next 20 seconds the aggressors are allowed to attack the said ship. If a player is attacked he has the right to defend himself regardless of who is attacking. Trading ammo and equipment during a fight or being in less than 1k range of the fight is also considered taking an active role in the engagement.

Defining the 20 second time as a minimum before engaging someone, now it's an unwritten rule and can be misleading at times. Removing the nanobots and shield batteries trading part since they can't be traded or jettisoned anymore. I'd also propose introducing the 1k (or maybe even 2k) range rule, since so many times it happened to me that in a large fight with many red contacts on scanners you can sometimes select a target that's not actually in it, but is spectating from 500m. There's no way I could've known if he's participating in the fight or not, creating an unwanted scenario.
*-There are pros and cons to adding a hard limit on how long you must wait before engagement. Sure we can tell from the server how long you took, though a lot of cases which come across the forums are very, very situational. In this very same wording you propsed, say you're joining an ongoing fight. You make an engagement notice. Since they're probably busy shooting and not responding, you'll have to wait 20 seconds. There are so many loopholes which people can use with a set limit. I'm unsure how I feel about it currently. Maybe i'll have second thoughts later. We'll see.
As for a 1k or 2k limit, that doesn't seem very realistic inRP. Forcing people to stay a distance away like that.

Server Rules - 3.3:

Current definition:
3.3 Aggressors are not allowed to issue further demands during the same encounter after the trade vessel has complied, or destroy a trade vessel prior to issuing a demand, in system or local chat. "Halt" on its own is not a demand, however, a trade vessel can be destroyed if they refuse to stop after being asked to in the form of a proper demand.

Proposed definition:
3.3 If a trade vessel has complied to a cargo or credit related demand aggressors are not allowed to issue further demands during the same encounter. Destroying a trade vessel without issuing a demand is not allowed unless specifically stated on the aggressor's ID. "Halt" on its own is not a demand, however, a trade vessel can be destroyed if they refuse to stop after being asked to in the form of a proper demand. Demands need to have a purpose in a roleplay manner, and should not be done to harass the player or intentionally waste his time.

This is one of the more controversial rules. At the moment demands such as "move away from the trade lane", "cut your engines", "disable your shields" are in the same group with cargo and credit demands. My proposal would make them seperate, so that you can tell someone to move from the trade lane, cut his engines and lower his shields and then proceed to cargo or credit piracy. As soon as the latter is fulfilled, no other demands would be allowed. For the extra sentence added - there's a problem with defining how many of the former demands you can do before the interaction becomes ooRP harassing, for example constantly saying the trader to go from one spot to another without a clear purpose except wasting time.
*-I'm up for a wording change regarding this rule. Though this suggestion I feel is a little.. messy. Some of your additions are even more vague than how things are currently. I like some things such as 'Halt not being a demand on it's own' - Though I think the rest of it needs reworked.

Server Rules - 4.2:

Current definition:
4.2 Offical factions are obliged to balance Connecticut time with RP system time. Your primary duty is to play the RP role you elected to play, not to spend all your time in Connecticut.

Proposed definition:
Remove the rule.

Time spent in Connecticut isn't tracked anymore making this rule unnecessary.
*-The rule wasn't specifically to keep people out of conn. As a faction, it's indeed your duty to play the role you've picked up. This rule is completely true even now.

Definition of Metagaming:

Current definition:
Metagaming: When game information outside of what is available in a game is used to give a player an advantage in-game.

Proposed definition:
Metagaming: Using information beyond the limits of what is available to your character. Source.

*-A powergaming/metagaming wording change will be nice. We'll compare this to everyone elses suggestion on the matter and pick the best one.

Definition of Powergaming:

Current definition:
Powergaming: When one character forces actions against another player without giving them the chance to respond, affecting and/or interfering with the other characters roleplay.

Proposed definition:
Powergaming: When one player forces actions against a character of another player without their permission, affecting and/or interfering with the roleplay of that character in an unwanted or harmful way.
*-A powergaming/metagaming wording change will be nice. We'll compare this to everyone elses suggestion on the matter and pick the best one.

Another thing we should do is have a clear definition of terms such as allied ships, friendly ships, neutral ships, escorting, trading and so on. Keep in mind that if the rules get reworked, IDs should be as well, especially the ones that directly impact PvP, such as IDs that have "Can attack X faction anywhere" getting a line saying they can treat transports of that faction as combat targets, which we weren't aware of up until recently.

RE: Rules Rework: This time by the community - Jack_Henderson - 04-03-2016

Work in progress:

Server Rules:

Quote:NOW: 3.1 An attack is any hostile action that drains shields to less than 50%. Saying "Engaging" is not sufficient and aggressors are not allowed to destroy a ship before allowing sufficient time to respond. If a player is attacked he has the right to defend himself regardless of who is attacking. Trading nanobots, shieldbatteries or other ammo and equipment during a fight is also considered taking an active role in the engagement.

Quote:SUGGESTION: 3.1 Roleplay that fits the encounter is required before any attack. An attack is any hostile action that drains shields to less than 50%. Pseudo-roleplay like "Engaging", "Assisting" or "Jumping in" is not sufficient. Aggressors are not allowed to destroy a ship before allowing sufficient time to respond. If a player is attacked he has the right to defend himself regardless of who is attacking. Trading nanobots, shieldbatteries or other ammo and equipment during a fight is also considered taking an active role in the engagement.

Reasoning: Roleplay is needed, and as it is step 1 before an attack happens, it should be in here, and in front.

I also stressed "rp that fits" because there are these special players who say "Why? Roleplay has been given. I talked to you about your grandma and her delicious cake.". No. That's not what it means. RP must fit the situation. Adoring the sun corona, then shooting is not what we are looking for.

Added the "Assisting" part because it happens often an is universally regarded as bad behaviour and enrages peoples. There is also no reason not to do real roleplay if you have to move to the fight and join it. It's laziness and causes trouble.

You cannot trade bats/bots and ammo between any more. Therefore this line is obsolete.

Quote:NOW: 3.2 A player who was killed during a PvP fight in any form, must not enter the system where the fight took place or re-engage the attacker(s) for 2 hours from the time of their destruction, or until this/these ship(s) leave(s) the game.(There is a 5 minute window after death in which you can leave the system with an empty ship.)

Quote:SUGGESTION: 3.2 A player who was killed during a PvP fight in any form, must not enter the system where the fight took place for 2 hours from the time of their destruction. There is a 5 minute window after death in which you can leave the system with an empty ship, if you were docked in the system in which you were killed.

The victim also cannot engage the ship(s) of the attacker(s) for 2 hours on any of his own ships.

The exception to the 2-hour rule is when the killer(s) log(s) off the ship(s). This means you can return to the system that you were killed in again.

Reasoning: Reorganised into 3 paragraphs that deal with different aspects of the rule. 1st: leaving/trading on, 2nd: re-engagnig, 3rd: exception after killer's logoff

I stressed that re-engaging cannot be done on "ANY OF HIS" ships because the rules actually were not clear about it. It was a newbie trap.

I added that only the attacking ship is protected. That could be theoretically be misinterpreted, when I say: "Hey, I killed you on my Sair before in O3, my killer mates are still on (therefore 2-hour rule still on), so you cannot kill me in T23 on my IMG now bc I was your killer before."

Quote:NOW: 3.3 Aggressors are not allowed to issue further demands during the same encounter after the trade vessel has complied, or destroy a trade vessel prior to issuing a demand, in system or local chat. "Halt" on its own is not a demand, however, a trade vessel can be destroyed if they refuse to stop after being asked to in the form of a proper demand.

Quote:SUGGESTION: 3.3 Trade vessels cannot be destroyed before a demand has been made in local chat. 'Halt' or 'Stop' are no demands, however a trade vessel can be destroyed if they refuse to stop after being asked to in the form of a proper demand. Aggressors are not allowed to issue further demands during the same encounter after the trade vessel has complied.

Reasoning: Reorganised to make it reflect the real process of piracy.

I restricted demands to local because it could create stupid situations. I go into NY, make a /s demand that no one ever would fulfill, and then have the right to attack everybody afterwards. Pretty silly and would create a lot of reports for little use.

I am not happy that it is still technically okay to shoot down the victim to zero bots and 5 % hull before making a demand, because it says "cannot destroy". We all know that there are special groups of players who love to skirt the rules in this way, but I could not come up with a line that would take care of this.

Faction Rights:

1. FR1

Now: Faction Right 1. Official player factions are free to restrict or not restrict access to their guard systems and tax, fine, or destroy any non-allied ships which enters the system, however, properly repped independent players of the same ID may enter Guard/Owned systems, and cannot be taxed. Access to systems that surround owned system must not be restricted unless there's a war with another faction. In case of IDs with multiple official factions, this right can only be enforced if it has the support of every official faction of the ID.

Proposed: Delete it.
Reasoning: The concept of the (more or less) oorp guard system is ending or has already been faded out. FR1 is clearly coming from a different era of Disco.

2. FR4:

Now: Faction Right 4. Official player factions who have planned an event can restrict participation of others in that event as they see fit.

Official player factions who have planned an event by a post in the event thread can restrict participation of others in that event as they see fit. They also have the right to temporarily change the rules for the time of the event (e.g. pvp death rules), which also must be defined in the event thread.

Reasoning: A post on forums is needed, so that people cannot just say: "Ye, this is event. GTFO now.", when they do not want their server interation to be "interrupted". In theory, on the old rule set, I could label a mining operation an Fr4-protected event and tell everybody to get lost.
Also it has become rather frequent that events change parts of the rules. I think FR4 should contain this right as well.

3. FR7

Now: Faction Right 7. Official player factions have the right for the purpose of training to utilize a maximum of four (4) ships that are not normally allowed by their ID (These would normally be their adverseries' ships). This is subject to the following constraints:
- This can only apply to factions with guard systems.
- Names of the ships must be clearly different to emphasize their role as training ships.
- They cannot be used for any purpose except training and must not leave their guard system.
- Restricted to Fighters, Bombers, Freighters, Transports and Gunboats.
While not strictly necessary, the faction could host an event of some sort, with the capture or defection of the pilot and his ship being the central theme.

Proposed: Delete it.
Reasoning: This is clearly from a different era where factions were training in their guard system because Conn was a long way to fly. Today, this sort of training is done in Conn, and the enemy ships are not the ID, but are just "real". Furthermore tech nerf deals with incompatibility (and makes most of these training ships impossible anyway), and IF someone really wants to have ingame enemy training ships, it can be SRPed easily, basing on the existence of this old rule. However keeping it does not seem useful to me, as I do not know a single faction that has used this rule in the last... 3? 4? years.

RE: Rules Rework: This time by the community - Durandal - 04-03-2016

Suggested changes will be in blue. Comments as to why these changes are suggested will be in white.

Community Rules Wrote:Not allowed on Discovery forums or server:

1.1 Use of abusive, vulgar, obscene, political, or racist materials
1.2 Trolling* or harassing other members of the community
1.3 Advertising, especially commercial advertising, except advertising your own gaming websites or servers
1.4 Adult content or links to it; This also includes any anime that is in any way graphic or pornographic
1.4 Libel, defamatory, threatening materials and any law-violating materials
1.5 Use of copyrighted material without the owner's permission
1.6 Metagaming** and/or powergaming*** to gain a roleplay benefit for factions, groups or individuals

Adjusting asterisks to denote order properly. 1.4 gets nuked as it already falls under 1.1

Guidelines on Discovery forums:

2.1 All posts must be in readable English
2.2 Embedded images must not exceed 700px in width
2.3 Signatures must not be larger than 700*250 pixels or 1 megabyte
2.4 Ponies off the reservation will be removed without warning
2.5 Seizure-inducing pictures may be removed without warning.

* Trolling: The act of attempting to bait or goad someone in to a hostile response, usually with the intent of making the trolled person look bad to the rest of the community at large.

** Metagaming: When game information outside of what is available in a game is used to give a player an advantage in-game.
*** Powergaming: When one character forces actions against another player without giving them the chance to respond, affecting and/or interfering with the other characters roleplay.

Nearly no one is actually sanctioned for trolling and some people here don't even understand what it means. I believe clarification can only do good in this case.

Server Rules Wrote:-- Administrators are obliged:

To develop and safeguard the health of the Discovery Freelancer community, official server, and forums.
To be fair and treat all players equally, regardless of their factions, beliefs, or backgrounds.
To not infringe upon individual or faction roleplay unless rules are being broken.
Not to allow their own roleplay to interfere with server administration in any way.

Not to ignore any cases of server rules violations that are reported.

These changes are to clarify the understanding of these rules, and the addition of the middle one is to respect roleplay carried out across the server regardless of how silly or unrealistic it may seem. As long as no rules are being violated it is not within the admin team's jurisdiction to interfere.

Server administrators will impose sanctions on players for violating server rules and for any actions that harm server gameplay.

1.1 Use of coarse language outside of roleplay is prohibited unless agreed to in private or group chat. Threats, insults, and moderate use of harsh language is permitted in roleplay based upon circumstance.
1.2 Posting abusive, hateful, racist, or otherwise bigoted content in chat, public or private is prohibited under any circumstances.

1.3 Disconnecting from the server in any situation involving player interaction is not allowed. If you lose server connection, you should get back in game as soon as possible to continue the interaction. If that is not possible, post a note here.
1.4 Every player must have one ID equipped on their ship. Player should follow the restrictions and allowances listed in their ID and their roleplay and conduct must match the actions of their characters. In cases where these restrictions and allowances conflict with the server rules, the ID overrides the rules.

There is still so much debate over the language thing even though everyone does it unless they're five years old or, frankly, prudes. Nobody buys the "swearing is a crutch for the inarticulate" excuse. It's somewhat akin to preaching chastity before marriage even though the vast majority are going to have sex anyway. Let people swear in roleplay in a controlled manner rather than slapping them for something that isn't really wrong and just makes them want to act out more.

Discovery Freelancer 24/7 RP is a roleplaying server. Roleplaying is required while playing here.

2.1 System and local chats are to be kept in roleplay and in English at all times. Any OOC (Out of character) chat should be marked with " // " and only used when absolutely necessary. OOC communication in group or private chat between players will cease if one player requests it. Admins are free to communicate with any player at any time.
2.2 Threatening other players with reports and sanctions or attempting to pose as an Admin is not allowed.
2.3 Character names must follow the guidelines set here.

All attacks must be the result of some form of justifiable roleplay.

3.1 An attack is any hostile action that drains shields to less than 50%. While an engagement notice such as "Engaging!" is not required, at least several lines of suggestive hostile roleplay prior to the attack are, and aggressors are not allowed to destroy a ship before allowing 20 seconds to respond. If a player is attacked he has the right to defend himself regardless of who is attacking. Trading any equipment during a fight is also considered taking an active role in the engagement.
3.2 A player who was killed during a PvP fight in any form, must not enter the system where the fight took place with the same character or re-engage the attacker(s) for 2 hours from the time of their destruction unless permitted to by their attackers, or until this/these ship(s) leave(s) the game.(There is a 5 minute window after death in which you can leave the system with an empty ship.)
3.3 Aggressors are not allowed to issue further demands during the same encounter after the trade vessel has complied, or destroy a trade vessel prior to issuing a demand, in system or local chat. The pirated vessel may only be destroyed if they fail to comply with a monetary, cargo, or roleplay demand OR refuse to respond or cut their engines within 60 seconds.
3.4 Landing to repair and/or restock your ship during a fight counts as PvP death. Freighters and transports in this case may return to the system for the sole purpose of trading.
3.5 Roleplay is required before attacking or destroying a player owned base. The roleplay regarding this must be properly documented on forums, with the link(s) posted in this thread and should match the roleplay and conduct of the characters involved based on the faction they belong to.

This is quite the long list. The edits to 3.1 clarify previously unwritten rules which the admin team has always taken into consideration when processing sanctions.

The reason regarding the ability to return to the system on a different character but NOT engage in combat in rule 3.2 is to stop newer/worse players to be discouraged from playing Discovery, and should promote a more active and healthier roleplay environment.

The 3.3 engagement rule rewrite covers some previously very annoying issues, notably silent traders running away without time for people to issue a proper demand. 60 seconds is more than enough time for a ship to halt.

The 3.4 edit is simply due to the bad behaviour we've observed since this rule was changed, and with the 3.2 edit will be less of a big deal with the way combat death would be handled.

Connecticut is not a roleplay system and does not exist within roleplay. It's for the purpose of PvP practice and training. Treat other players there with respect and avoid any sort of conflict while in that system.

4.1 All attacks in Connecticut must be preceded by an agreement to such by all parties that will be involved in the combat.
4.2 Offical factions are obliged to balance Connecticut time with RP system time. Your primary duty is to play the RP role you elected to play, not to spend all your time in Connecticut.

Characters of level 29 and below or ships using a Recruit ID may not be attacked unless they:

Attack first by draining the shield down to 50% or firing a cruise disruptor.
Are at the scene of a battle and refuse to leave when told to leave.
Take an active part in a roleplay interaction.
Possess a codename (Class 9) weapon.
Attack a player base.

Following actions are considered cheating on server:

Using non-Discovery mods, as well as using modifications that improve stats of items and ships.
Changing account information and using any kinds of software that changes normal gameplay.
Using any equipment not included for sale/looting in Discovery mod.
Using equipment that exceeds ship specs.
Cloning, e.g. creating new characters to collect starting money.
Single player having more than one instance of Discovery open to fly their own characters.
Suicide Trading.
Disabling vSync to gain a framerate of 160 or higher.
Abusing Game Exploits

Bastille is where we place sanctioned or problem ships when we are expecting some reply from the owner. Ships in this system will be deleted after 28 days if no suitable reply to the sanction appears.

My two cents, hope they're taken into consideration.

Edit: Typo.

RE: Rules Rework: This time by the community - Connor - 04-04-2016

Quote:*-Why remove the rule and invite ponies to be pasted all over the forums again? I don't really think this is in dire need to be changed.

This is pretty petty and a dumb rule though. It's just another rule that treats the Disco community like Children. Can we get some sort of discussion thread posted somewhere? Or am I missing it? I do have a submission though.

Old Rule Wrote:3.1 An attack is any hostile action that drains shields to less than 50%. Saying "Engaging" is not sufficient and aggressors are not allowed to destroy a ship before allowing sufficient time to respond. If a player is attacked he has the right to defend himself regardless of who is attacking. Trading nanobots, shieldbatteries or other ammo and equipment during a fight is also considered taking an active role in the engagement.

Proposed Rule Wrote:3.1 An attack is any hostile action that drains shields to less than 50%. Saying "Engaging" is not sufficient and aggressors are not allowed to destroy a ship before allowing sufficient time to respond. Before an engagement the Aggressors must decloak before any engagement notice is given whilst giving them a suitable range to maneuver and attempt to dodge fire.* If a player is attacked he has the right to defend himself regardless of who is attacking. Trading nanobots, shieldbatteries or other ammo and equipment during a fight is also considered taking an active role in the engagement.

We've all been on the end of a decloaker before and most of us have decloaked on someone else. It's not nice, especially when you're in the middle of some good RP and then the next thing you know you've been instead or you're under some serious fire whilst ether typing a message or not even knowing about it. I'm not sure why this was only added to the Nomad ID since ALL IDs with Battleships can do the exact same thing. This is not just related to only Nomads having this by the way (Just thought I'd point it out) but I've wanted this to happen for a long time along with many other people.

RE: Rules Rework: This time by the community - HuggieSunrise - 04-04-2016

Huggies rewrite.

Community Rules

Behaviour Not allowed on Discovery forums or server:

1.1 Use of abusive, vulgar, obscene, political, or racist materials
1.2 Trolling or harassing other members of the community
1.3 Commercial for profit advertising.
1.4 Pornographic, highly sexualised or "adult" content linked or posted.
1.5 Adverse legal material especially material targeting community members.
1.6 Stolen intellectual material, protected or otherwise used without consent of their original creators.
1.7 Unethical, unequal, or rule breaking roleplay of any kind.*A

Guidelines on Discovery posting and accounts on forums:

2.1 All posts must be understandable in the English language.
2.2 Embedded images must not exceed 700px in width
2.3 Signatures must not be larger than 700*250 pixels or 1 megabyte
2.4 Moderators have final call on signatures size format and content.

Metagaming: When game information outside of what is available in a game is used to give a player an advantage in-game.

Powergaming: When one character forces actions against another player without giving them the chance to respond, affecting and/or interfering with the other characters roleplay.

Roleplaying threads that harm, alter, or change against their will characters involved in said thread without permission.

Consent: Use of other members Rp thread materials without permission. Within reason (if a community member is unreachable or said material is completely critical to a factions roleplay)

Server Rules

-- Administrators are Granted powers to enforce and are bound by these provisions.

2.1 To develop and safeguard the health of the Discovery Freelancer community, official server, and forums.
2.2 To be fair and treat all players equally, independent of their level and faction alignment.
2.3 Not to mix server role playing with server administration in any way.
2.4 Not to ignore any cases of server rules violations that are reported.
2.5 Server administrators will impose sanctions on players for violating server rules and for any actions that harm server gameplay.
2.6 Will follow all rules as posted in community rules.
2.7 May create roleplay events spontaneously in exception of 2.3
2.8 Tell the mob of butthurt to sit down and shut up.
2.9 Grow a pair.
3.0 /rant

Admin Procedure

-Be elected by 100% consensus of the active admin team.
-Elect to have defined leaves of absence approved by the admin team*
-Be ejected if found in violation of community rules or admin procedures.

Server Client Procedures.

1.1 Follow community rules.
1.2 Selectively disconnecting from the server in any situation involving player interaction is not allowed. Accidental loss of connections must be declared upon reconnection if this is not possible pm or post a thread to parties involved on the forums.
1.3 ID's are required on all ships.
1.3a Understand, and abide by the ID's abilities and restrictions. Deviation from ID powers and restrictions break the community rules.
1.3b ID powers and restrictions Usurp Community Rules unless you're a Khara.

Discovery Freelancer 24/7 RP is a roleplaying server. Roleplaying is required.

2.1 System and local chats are to be kept in roleplay and in English at all times.
2.1a Out of Character chat should be done by pm or if it must be in system or local chat apparent and defines as out of character chat, especially if relating to a disconnect or a sudden need to leave roleplay due to Real Life issues.
2.2 You are permitted to advise unaware or assuming noncompliant players to review server rules.
2.2.a Telling a player they are breaking rules, violating roleplay, threatening sanctions or reports is itself a rule violation.

Follow sanctioning procedure for all reportable behaviour.

Killing stuff.

3.1 Draining Shields of any vessel past 50% is an Attack.
a. Role Playing before an assault must allow for a response before opening fire, if the other party responds adversely you may attack.
b. All players may defend themselves from attacks.
c. Assisting or being in the way of an ongoing fight makes you attackable. Participation in a fight such as relaying information to third parties or observing hostilities is not safe and you may be attacked.
d. Cloak disrupting is a hostile act and makes you instantly attackable by affected vessels.
e. Roleplaying while cloaked does NOT constitute valid for engagements. Only Decloaked vessels can satisfy the Rp requirement for engagements.

(3.2 -down unchanged)

Player Owned Bases

are banned.

I guess feel free to take what works. i just felt the phrasing of some of the rules odd. and..made simpler.

RE: Rules Rework: This time by the community - Arioch - 06-08-2016

To add some transparency - We've bumped this to priority one/alpha/main/whatever name inserted here.

Ideally (Since I can't speak for the others and how long it takes to reach an agreement), we'll have new rules to implement within the week. Stay tuned for more info.