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MRI -Today- - Mithranian Research Institute - 04-10-2016

Heus! You are reading Mithranian Research Institute Today or MRIT... The place where you can find the latest about MRI...

:::::ENTRY=Bestowment of Misfortune:::::

After the Destruction of their Main Installation in Omega-9 system they had to move back to Omega-49 system back to their labs on Planet Gran Canaria. While this is a set back to their work it is something they will overcome and won’t let it to get into their way.

Mithranian Research Institute suffered a devastating blow when Installation Revelation perished by the hands of Nomads. Because upon constructing it into Omicron Δ, under the watchful eye of The Core, they moved majority of their assets and funds to their Installation which were lost unfortunately thus crippling them for a unknown period of time. Currently their Director is Missing in Action as he was present in the station when it got hit... However there isn’t any evidence if he got away or perished with the Installation.. There are rumors however that his ship was last seen in Omicron-74 system near the Sparta Station, while The Institute is skeptical about it as it raises questions like „Why hasn’t he contacted anyone? Why is he waiting to reveal is whereabouts? Why hasn’t he docked with any station or requested a shuttle transfer to any known planets? „ those questions still remain unanswered for.... Currently The Institute is controlled by a emergency council with Second-in-Command being the chairman while the whereabouts of The Director or his demise are confirmed...
While the misfortune follows The Institute and the presumable demise of their Director they still refuse to just give up, instead it adds fuel to their curiosity.