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Player Sanctioned: WEWDOG - Printable Version

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Player Sanctioned: WEWDOG - Garrett Jax - 04-11-2016

WEWDOG has been sanctioned for:

Quote: 2.3 Names of new characters should be set up with role-playing nature of our server in mind. This means that:

- Names should contain no swear words.
- Country of player origin must not be used in character names.
- Faction tags can only be used by the actual members of player factions or groups.
- Names with excessive use of random symbols, capital letters, numbers, symbols, leet speak, emoticons should not be used.
- Names should be in good taste and not reference real-life atrocities

If you wish to create a character well-suited for role-playing on our server, you are recommended to follow these simple guidelines:

* Names should be pronounceable;
* No using numbers or symbols to replace letters;
* No use of emoticons/smileys in character names;
* No completely numeric names;
* No overuse of capital letters. (Use proper grammar, stop with the upper case letter every second character);
* Do not use gamer/leet terms in character names;
* Symbol use within a name should be kept to as minimum as possible (faction tags are usually enough).

Consequences: The only reason I didn't simply delete your ship, is because you look like a new player and you likely would never have known you had been sanctioned for your OORP and profane ship name. Follow the naming guidelines above when creating your next ships. Loss of guns, credits and ship equipment. Visit to Bastille.

If you post in this sanction and are not directly involved or a leader of the accused person's faction be advised that you are consenting to be subjected to the reprisal of my choice which may involve in game repercussions up to a ban. Blaming members of your immediate family, neighbours, friends, pets, and assorted Orcs, Trolls and any other legendary creatures may result in the use of Admin Right #CTE 750AE

RE: Player Sanctioned: WEWDOG - Wewdog - 04-14-2016

Just to be clear, was it just the excess of capital letters?

RE: Player Sanctioned: WEWDOG - Garrett Jax - 04-14-2016

Google the name and get back to me.

RE: Player Sanctioned: WEWDOG - Wewdog - 04-14-2016

first thing (not the point) how do you even know about that kind of thing.. Secondly.. I've been using the name for a very long time and this is the first I've heard about anyone complaining. When i made up the name it came from a Nickname "Wew" which is a Welsh word, and one of my favorite animals "Dog". I see nothing wrong with my name in how I use it. It is just an unfortunate coincidence that some sickos on the web have a different meaning for it.