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To: Interspace Commerce - Printable Version

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To: Interspace Commerce - Gas Miners Guild - 04-11-2016

[Image: RRIeQCU.png]

To our friends in Interspace,

It is a pleasure to once again be in contact with your company.

I would like to offer a second supply contract involving Iejima Station, located 10k ahead of the Honshu gate in Sigma-19. A major construction effort is ongoing, and we would again like to enlist the impressive abilities of IC.

As part of the station's upgrades, a large amount of industrial hardware is required: 80,000 units, to be precise. This hardware can be sourced on Narita Outpost, New Tokyo, for 200 credits per unit. Iejima's commodity dealer will also offer 200 credits per unit, but The Guild is happy raise this by an additional 1,250 credits per unit via direct transfer over the neural net, provided proof of the transaction is uploaded to this channel. This would result in a contract worth a total of 100,000,000 credits profit, paid at 1,450 credits per unit.

Please inform me, whenever you may spare the time, if you have any interest in this contract, and if it is satisfactory.


Keiji Namura

RE: To: Interspace Commerce - Venkman - 04-12-2016

[Image: RJkOnj3.png]

Good day Mr. Namura,

You'll have to excuse my delay, the Interspace Commerce has been pretty busy lately, but we always have time for our Northern friends.

Eighty thousand units of Industrial Hardware is certainly not a small amount. Also the distance between New Tokyo and Sigma-19 system is not close neither. It will take us some time, but I think that it won't be a problem since we are used to work. I am ready to sign this contract Mr. Namura after the Gas Miners Guild sends one-hundred million S. C. to IC|Goldman.Sachs. After the amount of one-hundred million S.C. is booked, the Interspace Commerce will start shipping the needed materials to your base in Sigma-19.

Inform me of your decision Mr. Namura.

[Image: D7PfD5M.png]

RE: To: Interspace Commerce - Gas Miners Guild - 04-12-2016

[Image: RRIeQCU.png]

Ms. Wight,

I am glad to hear from you, and find your response time to be completely satisfactory.

The promised credits have been transferred, and Iejima is ready to accommodate our partner's ships and cargo with great gratitude.


Keiji Namura

RE: To: Interspace Commerce - Skorak - 04-12-2016

[Image: mdtb03.png]

"For whatever reason someone rerouted these deliveries to my personal mail account. I guess they belong here."

[Image: LZkqMjjt.png][Image: oqp2pNYt.png][Image: OVQEz16t.png][Image: BROdBlEt.png]

[Image: tbend.png]

RE: To: Interspace Commerce - Venkman - 04-12-2016

[Image: RJkOnj3.png]

Mr. Namura,

I have to admit that this job wasn't an easy one. The Interspace Commerce made sure that every piece of Industrial Hardware was safely delivered to Iejima Station. As you can see in Mr. Dean's message there's a total of 19,600 units of Industrial Hardware. My other college and I brought 9,890 + 50,510 units of Industrial Hardware which when we calculate gives us a total of 80,000 Industrial Hardware just as you asked, Mr. Namura.

It was pleasure doing business with you and your Guild, Mr. Namura. If you need anything else that Interspace can help you with, you know where to find us.

Ana Wight

[Image: D7PfD5M.png]

RE: To: Interspace Commerce - Gas Miners Guild - 09-18-2016

[Image: RRIeQCU.png]

Ms. Wight,

The Guild is once again in need of your assistance.

GMG has recently received a message from the Corsairs, signalling their intent to attack a vital installation, Iejima Station. The base's defences need to be shored up in response to this threat.

Iejima is in need of a large amount of hull segments, sourced from Planet Kyushu, and reinfoced alloy, sourced from Planet New Tokyo, immediately. The base will pay on delivery. Please find attached a copy of the message sent by the Corsairs.

Any transports you can spare would be of great value to The Guild, and our friendship. Thank you for your time.


Keiji Namura

RE: To: Interspace Commerce - Venkman - 09-19-2016

[Image: 3kF3jAp.png]

Mr. Namura,

those are some bad news, but worry not the Interspace Commerce is there to assist you. We are dispatching all available transports, the materials that you need will be delivered as the matter of fact our transports are already doing such.

Our company will also send Sigma and Delta wing to assist you. Everything will be for free Mr. Namura, we think about our friends and we care about them. I promise you, Corsairs will fall.

Ana Wight

[Image: D7PfD5M.png]

RE: To: Interspace Commerce - Gas Miners Guild - 09-19-2016

[Image: RRIeQCU.png]

Ms. Wight,

The Guild's faith in our friends in Interspace is as strong as ever. Sigma and Delta wings will be an important contribution to the defence of Iejima Station, and may find a reserved docking space on board the station's lower decks.

We are in your debt.


Keiji Namura

RE: To: Interspace Commerce - Gas Miners Guild - 10-20-2016

[Image: RRIeQCU.png]

Ms. Wight,

The Guild continues to prosper, and given Interspace's proven capabilities at quickly and effectively transporting large amounts of cargo, would like to hire you once again.

Iejima Station is again in need of hull segments, 40,000 units, which can be acquired on Planet Kyushu for 500 credits per unit. The base's commodity dealer will also pay 500 credits per unit of hull segments delivered, but if you were to engage in this contract, The Guild will raise this by an additional 2,500 credits per unit via direct transfer over the neural net, provided proof of the transaction is uploaded to this channel. In thanks for Interspace's assistance in averting disaster in the face of Corsair aggression, a 500 credit bonus per unit will also be paid, resulting in a contract worth a total of 120,000,000 credits profit, paid at 3,500 credits per unit.

Please inform me as to whether you find this satisfactory.


Keiji Namura

RE: To: Interspace Commerce - Venkman - 10-20-2016

[Image: 3kF3jAp.png]

Mr. Namura,

our company will help you again in delivering desired materials over to your base in Sigma-19. As for the suggested price and bonus for our previous assist, I say that it makes me very happy to hear that you appreciate our assist therefore I accept your offer Mr. Namura. I will dispatch a few transports to deliver those Hull Segments as quickly as possible.


Ana Wight

[Image: D7PfD5M.png]