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Future of my characters in the community. - Printable Version

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Future of my characters in the community. - SMI-Great.Fox - 04-12-2016

I've been thinking on the past two days, some bits of anger, a bit of disapointment, and even a touch of depression on the recent ruling on using anything related to anthromorphs (furries) in disco. While I have made great strides from the time I joined in 2009 and the sanctions I had on me while 'growing up' in the community, I worked very hard to make a small part of a contribution as best I could to help better the community. Be it from helping some players, remodeling the Rheinland container transport with Jinx, to helping the advancement of several factions like the Core, Outcasts, and TAZ, for examples. Truthfully I still want to be part of the community as a whole and continue to make stories with others, and I've come to thought on a few ideas in which, I hope we can all delegate respectfully together.


Idea 1.

- Dismiss the ruling on the No Furries announcement.

Starting from the far right, while I would honestly love this to happen, I know that in truth it may never happen. There are those who may use such an opening to actually troll members of the community just to have the ruling placed back. So it just wouldn't help out the situation as a whole and we'd be back to square one.

Idea 2.

- Grandfathering my characters in due to total lack of 'trolling' members of the community and time from their creation to now with their impact in the community as a whole on a positive note.

This we could work with due to as stated due to several factors. Age of said characters within the community. Respect earned so on so forth. This I would also like to see but then people would probably argue that the admins and myself are breaking the rules alone. Counter argument is that several members have done worse and are still let back into the community, repeatedly even.

Idea 3.

- Grandfathering characters with EXCEPTIONS.

The first thought some would come to mind would be "What exceptions as it would still break the ruling cause they still exist." I'll simply say by the following: I would be willing, to use alternative human characters as a sort of secretary system in cases where people I would RP with feel uncomfortable or immersion breaking cause of my main characters. Like say for a current example for Vulpe Felanis. My Gallic outcast. Currently his Gallic confidant Jean du Frobeige, who is human, is speaking in his stead with the Crimson Cross. Belive it or not, neither Scourge and I have any issues with this agreement. This can easily be done with other characters I have in place. Not only would I be able to keep my own characters, I would be willing to keep the immersion and feelings of those who request it stay in place. You can place this as a sorta win-win-lose something something something outcome. Rules would be still in place, and things would continue to move smoothly for the community. This could honestly be the better choice. I would even go as far as to look into assistance from members of the community to change on how my characters arrived in Sirius and no longer use the Alaska incident LSF project whatever. I'd seriously be willing to go that far.

Idea 4.

- Total humanization of characters to conform with the ruling.

I am... well short to say heavily against this idea for a multitude of reasons. Ranging from personal cost to use the character imagery out of copyright to the heavy lot of stance and behaviour changes for those characters. It would be easier to create whole character a new than to do a lot of retconning to an already existing character. The amount of time it would take to do so would turn it into a serious 'No fun allowed' fest. I tried making full human characters and on both of them they just grew to kill them off out of sheer boredom and lack of personal drive to advance them as a whole. In short this would last maybe two or three months before I would simply just retire from Disco. I honestly don't want that to be how I ended my time in Discovery and Im sure a good lot of people wouldn't like that as well.


I want to be part of this community still, it's too much fun and to me there is no other place like it in which I can tell a story connected to a game that offers so much creativity. I don't want to step on peoples toes, break rules for a sick personal enjoyment or be a special snowflake. The amount of work and effort put into Discovery for me is not worth throwing away. Ask any of the other roleplayers here in the community the same question and you'd more than likely get a similar answer. Are anthro's canon in Disco? No. But I want to be part of this universe of creation that we've all joined in to create. Please. I ask just for a chance.

Thank you for your time and please be reasonable in your replies.
That's all I ask.
Thank you.

RE: Future of my characters in the community. - Arioch - 04-12-2016

Moving this to Player Requests. We've already had multiple threads on this, and each time people get upset, trolling ensues, and it doesn't help. The Admins will discuss and PM you and see what we can work out. Thanks.