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Ship setup Armament question - joojoo1975 - 11-17-2008


I currently have Transport turret lvl 4's on my Armored transport, i went lookin for some lvl 10 guns that would go nicely with the transport guns. the only ones i belive that would match the turret gunspeed would be the weapons from the Marsflier. But i understand it was replaced with "harvesters SHF" I seem not to be able to find info on who flies this ship or where they would fly it. I mainly just want the stemguns so i can have something to put in my dual lvl 10 slots(considerin that it looks like the stemguns are the only thing that's fast enough gunspeed wise for the turrets.

Any ideas?

PS: if you know a better combination or a really good turret/gun combo for the Armored transport, pls let me know. I was using the liberty machine laser gun/turret combo(lvl 9 gun lvl 5 turret) before i saw that there were lvl 4 transport turrets

thanx for any help you can give

(Draqk Oakenskull)

Ship setup Armament question - Klaw117 - 11-17-2008

I don't think any guns will match the turrets. If you really want them, just put them in a different weapons group than the turrets. You know how to do that right? If not, me or someone here can tell you.

Ship setup Armament question - Drake - 11-17-2008

The Armored Transport is small enough and agile enough that you might want to use class 4-5 fighter turrets rather than transport turrets. Shorter range and less damage, but the much greater rate-of-fire leads to a higher DPS. Put on some Deb. turrets and some other with matching/close-to-matching projectile speeds (not sure what faction you are, so I can't suggest an exact type, except maybe Zoner Furys). Get three class 9 guns with matching RoF, or codenames if you want to keep them in a separate group.

Ship setup Armament question - Virus - 11-17-2008

2 Colada Del Cids and Salamanca Turrets. XD

Smuggle Artifacts and actually be able to kill Gunboats... o.O

Ship setup Armament question - Thexare - 11-17-2008

If you're sticking with Transport Turrets, I'd personally go with codenames (and keep in mind this is just about the only time I'd use them) for extra firepower against other transports and gunboats.

Alternately, you could swap some turrets for debilitators, but in this case I don't know if the boost to shield DPS is worth the lost hull damage.

In my transport experience, the Transport Turrets are extremely good against fighters thanks to their projectile speed, but I've never fought against a Gunboat - I don't think it'd end well if I did.

If there were more fighter turrets that matched the class 9 guns, I'd be with Drake suggesting a switch to those, but very few are on that level, and without knowing what faction this is for I can't say it'd be a good idea.

Ship setup Armament question - farmerman - 11-17-2008

I don't have any transport turrets on my Armored Transport because I think they look rather ugly on it. I'm currently using various Rheinland unlawful guns and turrets, but I guess it would depend on your character's background. A lot of faction turrets could be effective.

On the other hand, to combine with the transport turrets, what about a pair of missles on the guns? I've heard of people having success that way, especially when some of the turrets are shieldbusters, though those level 4 turrets can deal serious pain.

Ship setup Armament question - Orin - 11-17-2008

Level 4 Transport turrets drain your energy extremely fast on the AT. If you threw codes or something on the front, it would be gone even faster.

If you're actually flying trade runs and want something strong enough to make pirates think twice, but easier to use, use level 3 transport turrets. They may have a lower damage ratio, but you can fire them pretty much as much as you want. Then you could even throw a few codes on and still have managable energy.

The stem guns make no sense in RP, so I'd really have to advise against that.

Ship setup Armament question - carlabrams - 11-17-2008

Depending on how you want to fly your AT, of course, but ...

A full load out of improved debs along with 2 missiles for the front guns really makes the fighters go ouch.

Ship setup Armament question - Lux - 11-17-2008

Just a tip: Don't use the Marsflyer equipment unless you're using a Marsflyer. People get touchy about stuff like that here. As for a gun suggestion... well, I understand you want to defend yourself, but level 4 Transport Turrets on an Armored Transport... seems kind of overkill, don't it? Try going with something weaker but more energy efficient, like Orin said. After all, if a pirate stops you, most of the time you won't manage to get through his/her shields and hull, even if you have kickass guns. As for NPCs, well usually I just avoid them when I'm trading; they take up time, which counts especially with perishable goods. Just my 2 cents.

Ship setup Armament question - Guest - 11-17-2008

From what i saw today in NY, a transport, all turrets are GMG skyblast class 5 turrets and two Canonball missiles...ouch