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Light Missile Turret for Battleships and some other ideas - Printable Version

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Light Missile Turret for Battleships and some other ideas - Titan* - 04-16-2016

so i was thinking about new weapon for battleships to make them better against smaller ships

Light Missile Turret ( Anti-Bomber, Anti-Fighter, Anti-Subsystem )
Light Missile Ammo capacity should be like 12 or 20 and ammo cost should be like 5.000 SC each
Refire rate should be high, it will be like swarm missiles
It should damage only Hull instead of shield. So if a snub have full shield, missiles will be ineffective
Missile turn speed should be high - Missile speed should be like 200 or 225
Range of the missiles should be 1,250M or 1,500M
It should be mountable on BS Primary Slots or Heavy Slot only
Having more than 1 Missile Turret will eat your ammo very fast
Light Missile Turret should be also effective vs Subsystems so unshielded ships will lose Thrusters and other equipments.

BS Pulses mountable only to Heavy Slots

Battleship Pulse Turrets should be mountable only to Heavy Slot, it would be great with third idea

BS Shields that equal to Base Armor;

Bismarck Base armor is 1.400.000
so Bismarck will have 1.400.000 Shield Capacity
Also Pulse turrets will gain importance with this idea, This idea would be great with second idea

These ideas are good or bad? Discuss.

RE: Light Missile Turret for Battleships and some other ideas - Sand_Spider - 04-16-2016

I'm not sure if we need battleships with almost triple the shield capacity than we have now... The current battleship shields are 500k, and that's already hard enough to crack if you're not in a battleship yourself.

Hull-only missiles on a battleship aren't a bad idea, but giving them swarm missile firing rate, with a nearly impossible to dodge turn rate? That seems imbalanced to me - I don't think battleships ought to be able to insta-kill fighters with no skill involved. It's one thing to battle razor a fighter, since you have to aim well enough to pull it off. What kind of damage would such a missile even have?

RE: Light Missile Turret for Battleships and some other ideas - Thunderer - 04-16-2016

The anti-snub missile idea sounds good, but if it has so few ammo, it would have to do a lot of damage per hit, and that combined with its high hit probability, it would have a potential of causing tears. I think that the ammo capacity should be improved and damage per hit reduced, perhaps doing some 6-10K.

I am against the shield idea and due to that, to the pulse proposal as well. Do not balance things for the vets, but for the usual players. In that context, heavy battleships are alright as they are.

RE: Light Missile Turret for Battleships and some other ideas - Lythrilux - 04-16-2016

Make it so that they're effective against sub-systems too.

RE: Light Missile Turret for Battleships and some other ideas - Titan* - 04-16-2016

(04-16-2016, 02:58 PM)Sand_Spider Wrote: Hull-only missiles on a battleship aren't a bad idea, but giving them swarm missile firing rate, with a nearly impossible to dodge turn rate? That seems imbalanced to me - I don't think battleships ought to be able to insta-kill fighters with no skill involved. It's one thing to battle razor a fighter, since you have to aim well enough to pull it off. What kind of damage would such a missile even have?

im not sure you can insta kill a fighter or bomber with hull-only missiles it will do 0 damage to shields so
not really swarm like fire rate but yeah 2 missiles per seconds, people will try to stay away from a battleship if it has missile turret on it.
You can't dodge but you have CM
also its short range
(04-16-2016, 03:02 PM)Thunderer Wrote: I am against the shield idea and due to that, to the pulse proposal as well. Do not balance things for the vets, but for the usual players. In that context, heavy battleships are alright as they are.
yea right

RE: Light Missile Turret for Battleships and some other ideas - Omi - 04-16-2016

No, these ideas are terrible.

Battleships are not meant to operate without support; you are meant to have trouble dealing with snubcraft - which, by the way, have just as much trouble dealing with your gargantuan shield capacity, regen, and hull integrity.

Bring support craft to deal with fighters and bombers.

RE: Light Missile Turret for Battleships and some other ideas - Titan* - 04-16-2016

(04-16-2016, 03:34 PM)Omicega Wrote: No, these ideas are terrible.

Battleships are not meant to operate without support; you are meant to have trouble dealing with snubcraft - which, by the way, have just as much trouble dealing with your gargantuan shield capacity, regen, and hull integrity.

Bring support craft to deal with fighters and bombers.

Even "support craft" can't defend a battleship from some bombers, Thats happening all the time. Battleship needs better defence guns, secondary turrets are terrible
Also this missile will work like anti-subsystem weapon or can be used against snubs of course you can't destroy entire snub squadron with 12 ammo lol please read the whole thread I wrote

RE: Light Missile Turret for Battleships and some other ideas - Yber - 04-16-2016

can we get a deathstar kind of weakspot where 1 shot from a fighter instakills a battleship along with all that?

if so sure

terrible suggestion as usual

RE: Light Missile Turret for Battleships and some other ideas - Titan* - 04-16-2016

(04-16-2016, 03:58 PM)Yber Wrote: can we get a deathstar kind of weakspot where 1 shot from a fighter instakills a battleship along with all that?

if so sure

terrible suggestion as usual

of course it is terrible for you
Snub vets not gona like this idea cos this weapon will scare the fighters away but
dont worry iber, shielded targets will not take any damage from missiles
do i have to tell this to everyone?

RE: Light Missile Turret for Battleships and some other ideas - Shiki - 04-16-2016

Watchusay? Last thread of yours was about to nerf snac damage to 50% and make bombers to shoot some torps from 1k or something. Basically the largest thing that is supposed to be efficient against snub is the gunboat, since double razors and double missiles are a thing it's also cruisers. Don't tell me that battleships are suffering because of snubs, because you know that you fairly need at 2-3 bombers and tone of time to kill one battleship.