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Roche "Rockstatic" Chevalier - Printable Version

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Roche "Rockstatic" Chevalier - Rockstatic - 11-17-2008

Roche "Rockstatic" Chevalier

Age: 21
Gender: Male
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 178 lbs
Hair: Brown (dyed black), medium length and disheveled/scruffy
Eyes: Brown
Identifying Marks: A sword tattoo with the word Courageux down the blade on the right Arm. A shield tattoo with a Fleur de Lis on the left arm with a banner reading "Templiers"
- A traditionalist, Roche upholds the values and morals from a long blood line of the French Knights Templar. Although raised by the church, Roche no longer believes in the church, yet still respects his history.
- Generally upbeat and the one to crack a joke at the worst of times.
- Fearless and willing to put his own life in danger for others.
- Roche is known to be disorganized, and gets lost easily.
- Has an addiction to painkillers


*message truncated at the request of user*


After leaving his home planet, Roche got mixed up in a smuggling operation in order to pay off debts his brother acquired while gambling. His cargo was targeted by pirates who his brother had owed money too, Roche tried his hardest to lose them, but his heavy freighter could not outrun their fast fighters.

The Pirates captured the cargo ship, detained Roche, and then dropped him off in the New York system with nothing but what he was wearing. They told him that his brother will be killed, and they will track down the rest of his family and kill them too...

Roche fell into a depression, lost and confused, he turned to painkillers to ease his pain and suffering. He secluded himself away in the New York system, working under the table jobs, and private contracts in order to buy a new ship.

2 years have passed since the pirates left Roche in the New York system. Determined to find the ones responsible for leaving him this way, he sets out for adventure, just like the old days he's read about so many times...