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**URGENT MESSAGE FOR ALL MEMBERS** - worldstrider - 11-18-2008


For each day after you have been spotted flying a .:j:. tagged ship and have not posted your member information HERE you will be fined 100,000 credits. If you are seen flying a .:j:. tagged cruiser and have not been given rank and approval to do so, I will ask an admin to sanction your ship. This has not been a huge problem but we have gotten so many new members they must register at the link above. I have had one report of a player "promoting themselves" to fly a cruiser. I'd de-tag it before I see it. It is just necessary to keep this in line with faction rules as per the server admins and exceptions or excuses for doing otherwise are not going to be made..
Thank you

Arbiter Vladimir Tinkerbell

**URGENT MESSAGE FOR ALL MEMBERS** - worldstrider - 11-19-2008


For each day after you have been spotted flying a .:j:. tagged ship and have not posted your member information HERE you will be fined 100,000 credits. If you are seen flying a .:j:. tagged cruiser and have not been given rank and approval to do so, I will ask an admin to sanction your ship. This has not been a huge problem but we have gotten so many new members they must register at the link above. I have had one report of a player "promoting themselves" to fly a cruiser. I'd de-tag it before I see it. It is just necessary to keep this in line with faction rules as per the server admins and exceptions or excuses for doing otherwise are not going to be made..
Thank you

Arbiter Vladimir Tinkerbell