Discovery Gaming Community
Ship Deleted - Printable Version

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Ship Deleted - Hawk - 04-21-2016

(Name omitted) has been sanctioned for:

Quote: 2.3 Names of new characters should be set up with role-playing nature of our server in mind. This means that:

- Names should contain no swear words.
- Country of player origin must not be used in character names.
- Faction tags can only be used by the actual members of player factions or groups.
- Names with excessive use of random symbols, capital letters, numbers, symbols, leet speak, emoticons should not be used.
- Names should be in good taste and not reference real-life atrocities

Naming your ship with a profane word for a body part is never a good idea. Putting the letter v at the end doesn't make it OK. The ship has been deleted.

Link to original report (Admin use only)



RE: Ship Deleted - Tunicle - 04-23-2016

Forum account of same name also banned.