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Player Sanctioned: Shade099 - Printable Version

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Player Sanctioned: Shade099 - Tunicle - 04-24-2016

Shade099 has been sanctioned for:

Quote:3. All attacks must be the result of some form of justifiable roleplay.

3.1 An attack is any hostile action that drains shields to less than 50%. Saying "Engaging" is not sufficient and aggressors are not allowed to destroy a ship before allowing sufficient time to respond.


Was your second day of playing so in Bastille until you post below,why breaking the above rules is problematic with the ship and ID you have.

If you post in this sanction and are not directly involved or a leader of the accused person's faction be advised that you are consenting to be subjected to the reprisal of my choice which may involve in game repercussions up to a ban. Blaming members of your immediate family, neighbours, friends, pets, and assorted Orcs, Trolls and any other legendary creatures may result in the use of Admin Right #CTE 750AE

RE: Player Sanctioned: Shade099 - SniperTheWizard - 04-28-2016

Sorry 'bout that.
I didn't really know about RP and things like that at the time, still kinda learnin.

>Freelancer ID and not Pirate ID
>I also gave no time to respond (No Interaction with player)

RE: Player Sanctioned: Shade099 - Tunicle - 04-28-2016
