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Player Sanctioned: Slave-Express - Printable Version

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Player Sanctioned: Slave-Express - Jansen - 04-25-2016

Slave-Express has been sanctioned for:

Quote:1.3 Every player must have one ID equipped on their ship. Player should follow the restrictions and allowances listed in their ID and their roleplay and conduct must match the actions of their characters. In cases where these restrictions and allowances conflict with the server rules, the ID overrides the rules.

2.1 System and local chats are to be kept in roleplay and in English at all times. Any OOC (Out of character) chat should be marked with " // " and only used when absolutely necessary. OOC communication in group or private chat between players will cease if one player requests it. Admins are free to communicate with any player at any time.

2.2 Threatening other players with reports and sanctions or attempting to pose as an Admin is not allowed.


Dont OOC, dont threaten other people with reports, if you do its usually expensive.
Its also a really bad idea to dock at a LSF base if the LSF is chasing you. They are sneaky people and hate when people dock at their bases when they chase them, so you will never be able to dock at their bases again, they also have made everyone aware of you being a bad guy, so Liberty might not like you a lot.

You also have lost some money and equipment. But dont worry I have moved your ship to Barrier gate, so that the LSF base wont blow you up too badly.

If you post in this sanction and are not directly involved or a leader of the accused person's faction be advised that you are consenting to be subjected to the reprisal of my choice which may involve in game repercussions up to a ban. Blaming members of your immediate family, neighbours, friends, pets, and assorted Orcs, Trolls and any other legendary creatures may result in the use of Admin Right #CTE 750AE

RE: Player Sanctioned: Slave-Express - sasapinjic - 04-26-2016

First of all , i dint treat him with report , i just tell him i have taken screen shots , that is not report treat , that is notification i have evidence in CASE something like this is needed , I think there is big difference .
Second , he is one breaking rules , not me . He first log out in space near Sigma 59-Ellesmere jump hole , in Ellesmere side , and when i have entered Ellesmere , he log-in back in space just 2K away from me , 9 seconds after he log-on , he trow 1 attack message and open fire to me . I was under fire , i dint have time to search 50 player list to find him for PM , or i will be dead . I trow in one message to tell him he made a mistake and i am wiling to talk . but he ignored and just keep firing , then i trow in second message , that i have evidence for EVERYTHING he may do , thats just notification that he better be aware he is sure what he is doing . After i have landed , THEN i have time to slowly find him on player list , and i have done that , because i wanted to settle this without need to make more work for administrators/moderators , be he continue to act like a spoiled baby and asked not to PM him , which i accepted . I dint intend to file report to him until now , because i am lazy and it is to much work , but now i am forced to defend my self , and i post evidence .
Hole thing happened because he log-in in space and immediately open fire on me , other wise i will have no need to send him OORP messages , i will not need to remind him that behave him self , and i certainly will not need to dock on base .
Third , after he was continue firing on me , i had no choice but to land on nearest base or face destruction . Only then when he sow i will flee from he , he decide to communicate by saying dont dock , but he was still firing on me , even then , what i am suppose to do , roll over and play dead ? Once again , i am sorry for OORP message , but in that situation , i had no other choice , i would loose 25 M in cargo if i do it "by the book" and search him in player list for PM .
Fourth , related to rep change , i create this character with that name because i fell there is shortage of smugglers in liberty , and i want to play smuggler who is chased by law , and i also want law players to know who i am from distance ,so they can chase me . If i want to be silent trader i can easily named my ship something like "Alaska cop" and nobody will bother me , let alone chase me , but i don't want that ! I go trough Ellesmere because i know there is a good chance for me to be intercepted , i don't mind law players chasing and killing me for trespassing in guard system , but do it without cheating !
I had some very interesting encounters with couple of law players , had cough coupe of times to ( once forced to pay fine and hand over slaves , other time forced to drop all Cardamine and RP escorted to nearest Prison station ) , always cooperating when cough and give decent RP and telling all sort of fairy tails to cops to get away with minimum punishment . I once even when i see i cant escape from NAVY that chase me for scan objective , i drooped all black marked amno , change course and stooped after 8k , then he arrive , scan me , and since nothing found , he confused start RP about i using pirate train. He know it i was up to no good , but because i acted like real smuggler and i get rid of evidence , he had no case against me xd . I smuggle slaves or black market ammo from Pittsburgh or Detroit munitions to Outcast and Cardamine Back to Manhattan , so if i cant land on these , there's no point in this character to exist anymore and it will be deleted . Point is , i play Smuggler , i follow rules , and i expect ones that chase me to follow them to .

Evidence :
As it seen from screen-shots , he login space as soon he sow me entering Ellesmere , and attack right after that , thats called meta gaming , if im correct . He attack so fast after log-in i even dint have time to correctly spell my message and he already drained half of my shields , that is no different from attacking as soon you leave base , since you cant defend your self . If my evidence is accepted , and i am clear , i ask that this player be punished , not only for wasting my time , but yours as well .
Best regards
Now that i see who he is , i expect more than one saved "you die" message from player that is on this forum for so long .

RE: Player Sanctioned: Slave-Express - Jayce - 04-26-2016

And you sat in 59 for close to 45 minutes. The second you saw me switch characters, you jumped in. What I did was less than kosher, but you have to fight fire with fire. Ellesmere is supposed to be the most secure system in Liberty.

And yes, you ARE supposed to roll over and play dead when an LSF shoots you in their HOME SYSTEM.

Regardless, this isn't a discussion thread

RE: Player Sanctioned: Slave-Express - sasapinjic - 04-26-2016

(04-26-2016, 11:54 AM)Jayce Wrote: And you sat in 59 for close to 45 minutes. The second you saw me switch characters, you jumped in. What I did was less than kosher, but you have to fight fire with fire. Ellesmere is supposed to be the most secure system in Liberty.

And yes, you ARE supposed to roll over and play dead when an LSF shoots you in their HOME SYSTEM.

Regardless, this isn't a discussion thread
What i have done in sigma 59 is not your concern , but i will tell you anyway , since i don't hide anything . I use this smuggler rute since it is long cruise rute , perfect for forum check while ships fly it self in background , sometimes i forget for game and i stay long in system . Even now while i type this , i let my sasapinjic3 train slowly cruise trough California on 110 K long journey .
As for discussion thing , i presenting my evidence to admins , you are one who tries to discus now . When i wanted to discus that in game , you refused and rather want to bother admins with this . Now be quiet and let them do decision on who is right !

RE: Player Sanctioned: Slave-Express - sasapinjic - 04-29-2016

Bump to @Jansen !

RE: Player Sanctioned: Slave-Express - sasapinjic - 05-04-2016


RE: Player Sanctioned: Slave-Express - sasapinjic - 05-06-2016


RE: Player Sanctioned: Slave-Express - sasapinjic - 05-09-2016


RE: Player Sanctioned: Slave-Express - Tunicle - 05-09-2016

No need to bump as frequently, the thread has been noticed and the player already approached. Discussion subsequent to that meeting is taking place, regards.

RE: Player Sanctioned: Slave-Express - sasapinjic - 05-10-2016

(05-09-2016, 05:35 PM)Tunicle Wrote: No need to bump as frequently, the thread has been noticed and the player already approached. Discussion subsequent to that meeting is taking place, regards.
Well , i only bumped it since since no administrator replay to my answer , not here or in PM after 15 days now , but since you did now , i will patiently wait ! Smile