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To: the Junker Congress in Liberty - Printable Version

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To: the Junker Congress in Liberty - Petitioner - 04-27-2016

[Image: siena_tbar_1.png]

Transmission from: Siena Rae

Location: Alice's Restaurant

Priority: Money's involved, so make up your own mind.

Howdy, Congressmen. I'm Siena Rae of the Liberty Rogues, and I'm looking to start a business relationship with you gents. To be brief, I need a Bison transport as soon as possible, preferably one that the authorities aren't going to be comin' and lookin' for - obviously, even better if it can't be traced back to you, either. I can pay well in credits, or perhaps favors to be negotiated at a later point.

If you can deliver on this request, I'll be sure to come back to you folks for further exchanges in the future - most likely all that'll be quite soon. I'll be waitin' to hear from you.


RE: To: the Junker Congress in Liberty - WildBill - 04-27-2016

....Powering Transmitter....
....Opening Com Channel....
....Encrypting Transmission....
.:j:. - Junker Congress - .:j:.

[Image: uc?export=view&id=0B2Lt2LOfU6qyVUNNU01QZnMyLTg]

Deputy Arbiter Wild Bill


Got yer message. We is interested. Jus tryin to figure on the best way fer us to git you one. Reckon I could jus buy one, us bein "Law abidin citizens" an whatnot. Course you'd be needin to scrub 'er call sign after we deliver 'er to you. Might be takin a bit fer me to pull it off. Where abouts was you sayin you want this ship delivered to?

Wild Bill, Deputy Arbiter Junker Congress

....Transmission Terminated....

RE: To: the Junker Congress in Liberty - Petitioner - 04-27-2016

Transmission from: Siena Rae

Location: Alice's Restaurant

Priority: Don't leave the pot on.

Anywhere in Liberty or its environs works. I've got a crew prepared, and I can go as far as Pacifica to pick it up, if need be, though currently I'm at Alcatraz. While I understand that a whole large-sized transport isn't necessarily an easy task, the sooner you can get it to me, the more I'll be able to pay.


RE: To: the Junker Congress in Liberty - WildBill - 05-01-2016

....Powering Transmitter....
....Opening Com Channel....
....Encrypting Transmission....
.:j:. - Junker Congress - .:j:.

[Image: uc?export=view&id=0B2Lt2LOfU6qyVUNNU01QZnMyLTg]

Deputy Arbiter Wild Bill


I done got yer ship ready. I'll be sendin you the codes in a more secure message. I'm keen on workin somethin out between us rather than chargin you a bunch of credits.

Wild Bill, Deputy Arbiter Junker Congress

....Transmission Terminated....