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Lost Charecter - Printable Version

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Lost Charecter - Joraoul - 11-19-2008

Hi im having a problem where im using the same multiplayer ID but my charecter is no longer there!!

I have spent HEAPS of time on it and its gone, i havent played in a long time as my graphics card was stuffed and now when i try to log on again its gone.

Some one help me PLEASE!

Lost Charecter - Daerune - 11-19-2008

I think if you haven't played in the past 40 Day's it gets err Wiped

Lost Charecter - Joraoul - 11-19-2008


Is there a way to get it back????

Lost Charecter - 13CentKiller - 11-19-2008

' Wrote:WHAT?!?!?! ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?!?!? NNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is there a way to get it back????
The character is internet history if you haven't played in a while. You won't be seeing it again unfortunately.

We get alot of people with the same problem, simply put "It is gone.":(

Lost Charecter - Joraoul - 11-19-2008
