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Kusari Daienshuu - Kusari Wargames BD/KNF - May 8th - Printable Version

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Kusari Daienshuu - Kusari Wargames BD/KNF - May 8th - WesternPeregrine - 04-29-2016

Kusari Daienshuu - Kusari Wargames
Look, one of these. It's been a while since we done one.

Blood Dragons/GC And Order vs Kusari Naval Forces/KSP Large Capital Skirmish
This is not a storyline related event.

When: Sunday, May 8th, 19:30h server time (Subject to possible changes)
Where: Tohoku System, Sector 4F - BD north line, KNF south line.

Who: Blood Dragon/GC/Order - KNF/KSP vessels

[Image: GzvKWKb.jpg]

What: a simple brawl, using ships from the Gunboat Class up to the Battleship Class. Snubs and Transports are excluded.
Round up on the system starts at 19:00, event starts on 19:30 hours. Don't be late, and don't forget to register beforehand.

No Cloaks are allowed!
No Jumpdrives, or leaving the area for restocking after commencement of the battle.

Group 1 (BD side) [officials get priority]:

1. (Battleship slot - BD) - vacant
2. (Battleship Slot- BD) - BD|Adomiraruzu.Ikari (Ace Razgriz)
3. (Battleship Slot - BD/Order) - Order|CV-Osiris (Jeremy Hunter)
4. (Battleship slot- BD/Order) - vacant
5. (Cruiser Slot - BD) - vacant
6. (Cruiser Slot - BD) - vacant
7. (Cruiser slot - BD/Order) - vacant
8. (Gunboat Slot - GC priority) vacant
9. (Gunboat slot - BD/Order/GC) - OCV-Wyvern (TheSauron)
10. (Gunboat slot - BD/Order/GC) - vacant
11. (Cruiser slot - unlocked on 10v10) - closed

Group 1 (KNF side) [officials and ships registered here for the KNF are given priority]:

1. (Battleship slot - KNF) - Kusari (Karst)
2. (Battleship Slot- KNF) - KDS-Harusume (Ghostazarashi)
3. (Battleship Slot - KNF) - vacant
4. (Battleship slot- KNF) - vacant
5. (Cruiser/Destroyer Slot - KSP/KNI priority) - vacant
6. (Cruiser/Destroyer Slot - KNF/KSP) - vacant
7. (Cruiser/Destroyer slot - KNF/KSP) - vacant
8. (Destroyer/Gunboat Slot - KNF/KSP) vacant
9. (Gunboat slot - KNF/KSP) - vacant
10. (Gunboat slot - KNF/KSP) - vacant
11. (Cruiser slot - unlocked on 10v10) - closed

Write down your side and intended ship for use. If open slots for cruisers/battlecruisers are taken, you can declare your interest for a future cruiser slot of your side.

Locked vessel slots have to achieve the conditions BEFORE the event proper. If more people than the registered show up, we may not be able to switch one of them to another class on the spot.[/color]

RE: Kusari Daienshuu - Kusari Wargames BD/KNF - May 8th - Karst - 04-29-2016


RE: Kusari Daienshuu - Kusari Wargames BD/KNF - May 8th - TheSauron - 04-29-2016

OCV-Wyvern for a GB slot.

RE: Kusari Daienshuu - Kusari Wargames BD/KNF - May 8th - Neonzumi - 04-29-2016

Sign me up as BD|Taiho-no-Mikoto (Battleship), if I put someone else on the BS I'll be on BD|Shirouma (Cruiser).

RE: Kusari Daienshuu - Kusari Wargames BD/KNF - May 8th - Ace Razgriz - 04-29-2016

Sign up BD|Adomiraruzu.Ikari - Togo

RE: Kusari Daienshuu - Kusari Wargames BD/KNF - May 8th - Jeremy Hunter - 04-29-2016

Order|CV-Osiris for the BD/Order battleship slot. I should be able to make it.

RE: Kusari Daienshuu - Kusari Wargames BD/KNF - May 8th - WesternPeregrine - 04-29-2016

All participants added, lovely green splashed on their taken places.

RE: Kusari Daienshuu - Kusari Wargames BD/KNF - May 8th - Darku - 04-29-2016

Shimane - KNF/BS

if I've to the registry in KNF cap ship, then remove me plz

RE: Kusari Daienshuu - Kusari Wargames BD/KNF - May 8th - WesternPeregrine - 04-30-2016

Added. Registration on the KNF list is not mandatory, but they will get priority over non registered indie vessels.

RE: Kusari Daienshuu - Kusari Wargames BD/KNF - May 8th - WesternPeregrine - 05-04-2016


Hey there folks, enjoying your week? Perhaps filled with much confrontation and capital ship light shows in oh say, Omicron Delta?

Perhaps you have recently acquire quite a bit of cash, maybe through the diligent practice of Humanitarian volunteer work in the uncivilized Edge Worlds, or perhaps through piracy of said diligent people?
Perhaps you are looking for some place or thing to invest your new found wealth? How about some capital ships?

Well, there is this good event about to happen THIS SUNDAY (8th of May), in Tohoku, in the picturesque Kusari? How about taking that enjoyment for brutal capital ship combat, and that new found money, and get some shells and plasma shots flying?

Many places to be filled yet. So come on down, to the hottest flashpoint in the North (of House regions per vanilla).