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Rare NPC / Rare Loots - Printable Version

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Rare NPC / Rare Loots - Titan* - 05-01-2016

How about all lawfull and unlawful factions have a rare npc that is strong,only killable with 3 or 4 player and drops rare loot?
Just like in Mmo games it will be like a mini boss npc and it will spawn in core systems or guard systems and very very low spawn rates
a Ranseur Dreadnought with 20x Mortar or 20x BS Primary and have CAU 10 that multiplies armor by x10
Spawns only in Omicron 85 (OC Guard)
Drops very rare commodity item(worths 50m or 100M) or many code weapons (10 codename)
a Sabre with Battleship solaris guns or battleship heavy weapons and CAU 8 x4 armor
Spawns only in omicron 85
Drops very rare commodity item(worths 20M or 40M) or code weapons (5 Codename)

it would be good challenge though
Every faction will have this rare npcs and you have to be very lucky to encounter them maybe set spawn chance to %0.5 for rare fighters %0.1 for rare battleships?

what u guys think?

RE: Rare NPC / Rare Loots - sindroms - 05-01-2016

This has been discussed many times, including special systems which would be almost physically impossible to enter without a fleet.
Sadly, the end of those discussions were that until the NPC spawn count is linked to the server load, that is impossible to implement without making it too easy during evenings.

Also, it seems that with the new additions the server load is higher in general, as now NPCs are disabled at around 40-50 players, rather than 80-100 like we had a few years back.

Also, while we now have easy farming equipment such as cloaks and jumpdrives, that is also not much use.

RE: Rare NPC / Rare Loots - Titan* - 05-01-2016

(05-01-2016, 11:48 AM)sindroms Wrote: This has been discussed many times, including special systems which would be almost physically impossible to enter without a fleet.
Sadly, the end of those discussions were that until the NPC spawn count is linked to the server load, that is impossible to implement without making it too easy during evenings.

Also, it seems that with the new additions the server load is higher in general, as now NPCs are disabled at around 40-50 players, rather than 80-100 like we had a few years back.

Also, while we now have easy farming equipment such as cloaks and jumpdrives, that is also not much use.
good point also easy farming is no fun :c

RE: Rare NPC / Rare Loots - sasapinjic - 05-01-2016

Some of this looks great on paper , but my coding knowledge is insufficient to tell can this be done or not ! Sad

RE: Rare NPC / Rare Loots - Backo - 05-01-2016

I imagine it will lead to really OORP situations and people will complain about it.

RE: Rare NPC / Rare Loots - Titan* - 05-01-2016

(05-01-2016, 01:01 PM)sasapinjic Wrote: Some of this looks great on paper , but my coding knowledge is insufficient to tell can this be done or not ! Sad

it is very possible
(05-01-2016, 01:07 PM)Bloodl1ke Wrote: I imagine it will lead to really OORP situations and people will complain about it.

RE: Rare NPC / Rare Loots - Ramke - 05-01-2016

Rare NPCs (anomalies?) that can only be damaged by guns that can only be mounted on special (research?) ships.

Could provide a variety of vanity loot, to personalize ships, rare commodities or something of the sort. Durandal had this idea, I'd really like to see it.

RE: Rare NPC / Rare Loots - nOmnomnOm - 05-01-2016

What would be an example of a rare loot?
We talking gun skins, bro?

Are my special codenames gonna have in the gun slot a cool looking picture? Tongue

RE: Rare NPC / Rare Loots - Ramke - 05-01-2016

I was always a fan of personalizing and vanity (hence why I play a lot of social games), so a lot of rare loot could be from that.

Examples could be neat looking codenames (or perhaps differently balanced in some way? 700m/s 2.00s with 3.03 damage and such), unique engines with recoloured effects (nomad hybrid engine, blue kusari flames), unlocking customized lights for pimpship, rare roleplay commodities that factions would be interested in (plans, research details, "processed azurite", unlocked kemwer munitions, etc.).

Generally, things that are rare, should be rare and attract (or look attractive).

RE: Rare NPC / Rare Loots - SnakeLancerHaven - 05-01-2016

(05-01-2016, 11:48 AM)sindroms Wrote: This has been discussed many times

Exactly and never been considered so I gave up on this.