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To: The Core || CC: Auxesia - Printable Version

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To: The Core || CC: Auxesia - Omi - 05-02-2016

Mobile Transmitter Array, Omicron Space
02. May 823

[Image: lmNwzsl.png]

Sender: Komachi Kurosawa
Recipient(s): The Core, Battlegroup Antisocial Antidisestablishmentarianism Auxesia
Encryption: HEFTY

Hey, Nodtviet, Hawken, or whoever ends up answering this thing,

I'm gonna keep this short, since you've probably got an inbox fuller than mine after a wild Saturday night on Cali. You have no idea what you just started, IMHO. I mean, on one hand, Zoners with guns never scared anyone - but on the other hand, there are a lot of them and they're all really loud. Either way, you've kinda stood on my toes here, too.

Since you and your boys (and girls) put a heavy mortar (or two) through my hotel room on Freeport 11, I'm gonna have to ask for compensation. In fact, I have Zoners asking me for eyewitness accounts related to you and yours trying to tear their home a new ventilation duct, and I'd be lying if I said I weren't tempted to give 'em a full and accurate accounts of what happened. Capiche?

Seriously, though, I had to crash in what passed for a guest suite on some Thresher, especially since you wouldn't let me pop down on Yaren after you renovated my room with a ten foot diameter hull breach and some burn marks. Jess is quite a girl for putting me up and all, but I paid good money for that hotel suite and, like, all my stuff went up in flames. Do you know how hard it is to get Robert's Robust Coffee Liqueur out here? That was my last bottle, man - and I have to go find some Cardi peddler right next to 'Sair space so I don't, y'know, die a slow and agonising death.

Basically, you either give me some incentive not to get (more) mad about this or I take matters into my own two hands - and you should know what these two hands are capable of. If you want, I have a list of 'references' as long as my arm. You already have the Zoners and Golanski (praise!) trying to stir up a whirlwind of shooty-type folks against you, and the last thing you need is someone who actually knows where to find the business end of a SNAC telling them how to do things properly.

Because unless you got a better idea about what I should do about my temporary home-away-from-home being turned into so much melted slag (seriously, I wasn't even halfway through my vay-cay) and all the inevitable shooting, blasting and general chaos that's gonna result, I think I already know which side's gone and burnt my toast right up.

Otherwise, I'm all ears!


Data Stream Terminated

RE: To: The Core || CC: Auxesia - Aether - 05-03-2016

[Image: Qw59cgY.png]

Subject: Your predicament

Komachi Kurosawa,

I grow tired of seeing transmissions accusing us of aggression upon the Freeport, as you yourself were present and aware that once the Order vessels were routed, we had disengaged. We do not condone the actions the Core have taken upon the Zoners, and as I speak to you now, our Logistics vessels under escort are aiding in relief efforts. I cannot compensate you for the loss of property on board the Freeport, as that falls under the Core's jurisdiction to respond.


I am not one to leave a civilian left to the mercy of the elements within a now active warzone. An apartment on Planet Gran Canaria has been prepared for you should you need a place to stay. I apologize for the inconvenience this may cause for your... "vay-cay", but we are not responsible for these actions.

Should you have any questions, you know how to contact me directly.

Safe skies,



RE: To: The Core || CC: Auxesia - Omi - 05-03-2016

Fried-Port 11, Omicron Delta
03. May 823

[Image: lmNwzsl.png]

Sender: Komachi Kurosawa
Recipient(s): Battlegroup Arachnophobia Auxesia
Encryption: HEFTY


Hey, pal. I'm not really too aware of exactly what went down. I think I was so traumatised by the sheer horror unfolding before my eyes that my recollection of who precisely shot at what is a little bit unclear. Do you know what seeing things like terror bombardments can do to a girl's psyche? I'm not even getting my deposit back, and I paid good money for those crates of Midori, Cretan Pete's, and Tunguska that went up in so much antimatter-related smoke. Whatever you guys say you did is, y'know, just anecdotal or whatever. Besides, it's not really me you have to convince, y'know? Also, I know for a fact those Council of Freeport boyos with deep pockets are paying very, very well for those DROP things, so you're not scoring any brownie points with me on account of hauling them along. I know I managed to line my pockets nicely by just tagging along with the rest of the Sisterhood and a Marauder.

Either way, thanks for the flat. I like the pictures I see, but I guess I don't know how it'll be until I get there. Gran Canaria hasn't quite frozen up yet, right? I heard something about that on the news, and if it's transformed into some kind of ice-age ski resort I'm not gonna be happy. Are the Zoners there still cool with you guys? Somehow, I didn't expect that. Anyway, I'll probably spend a few days just crashing with whoever I can up in Delta for the time being, at least until most of the opportunity for profit and friendly, humanitarian aid blows over. I just bought a second hand Roc and Sabre from some guy in hangar bay six, and I don't consider a holiday complete unless I get to ram a SNAC through something's front or back end.

By the way, you are just what I told Hawken Raven she needed - a competent PR person. You should really keep her away from the microphone so she doesn't piss even more people off trying to sort this whole mess out. Just a tip. A free apartment goes a long way towards fixing bruised bridges, capiche? I might even stop needling you guys for being a less cool, more uptight and kinda ruder version of the Order.

You ever need the best hired gun/commentator/general handywoman in the sector, you know where to call. Just be sure to come loaded with dosh - or maybe an apartment somewhere totally upmarket like Curacao.


Data Stream Terminated

RE: To: The Core || CC: Auxesia - The Core - 05-05-2016


ID: "Epsilon"
Location: ???

Ms. Kurosawa,

What sort of skills might you be able to provide us with? A competent pilot in this battle would be highly useful. What might your contract specifically entail?



RE: To: The Core || CC: Auxesia - Omi - 05-05-2016

WV Danger Zone, Omicron Delta
04. May 823

[Image: lmNwzsl.png]

Sender: Komachi Kurosawa
Recipient(s): 'Epsilon', The Core
Priority: MIDDLING
Encryption: HEFTY
Subject: RE: SKILLS

Uh, hello?

Do you even know who you're talking to? Dude, I am the best Roc pilot this side of the galactic core. Forget everyone else who thinks they can hit stuff with a SNAC - you need the real deal.

Besides, I might've already helped Jess out a bit - and pretty directly, the Core itself. So, y'know - ball's in your court, amigo. Pay me for shooting stuff. It's not exactly hard, is it?


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